Viewing SweetTaffe13's profile | Profiles v2 | Gaia Online


My Aquarium

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waffles N syrup

i lurv piggies

SweetTaffe13's avatar

Birthday: 04/12

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icecream_gal722 Report | 10/04/2009 10:40 am
Thank you for buying! biggrin
The Dynamic Rose Report | 09/15/2009 2:01 pm
The Dynamic Rose
The Dynamic Rose Report | 09/14/2009 3:20 pm
The Dynamic Rose
What up?
xKutel3oy Report | 08/31/2009 3:32 pm
Yay! ~ :3
xKutel3oy Report | 08/30/2009 6:12 pm
Hey Tiffany Why did you leave?
The Dynamic Rose Report | 08/17/2009 8:50 pm
The Dynamic Rose
woke up iin a hospiital bed. Scared because ii couldn't move, ii asked the doctor "What's goiing on?" He saiid "You don't remember? iit all happened at school." He told me "Your friiend had a problem wiith some people at school and was almost shot - you jumped iin front of them and took the bullet yourself. Lucky you diidn't diie. You're goiing to be ok, though, so don't worry." Now I thiink to myself 'ii'm happy ii took that bullet for you, because iit would've hurt even more to see you lyiing iin thiis hospiital bed." Send thiis to 5 guys and 3 giirls you would take a bullet for!^.^
KHeLeiDoSCoPe Report | 08/15/2009 11:11 am
Mhm, no problem. ;3
KHeLeiDoSCoPe Report | 08/15/2009 11:08 am
Haha, I just like to help.
Not fair to have people confused when they don't need to be. ;D
Plus, I'm willing to teach if you're willing to learn. ^^
KHeLeiDoSCoPe Report | 08/15/2009 11:01 am
Haha, no problem.
You can also edit your profile to put an About Me and such.
That's all under this:
More specifically, to get to your About Me section:
Oh, and you have to be careful when choosing a layout.
If you want a layout that's "Classic/Old School" you need to change your profile to that format.
Currently your profile is in "Current" format. (I can tell.)
You'd change it by going here:
Look for "Choose Profile" and click to either Current or Classic. Whichever the layout is.
If you choose a Classic layout (or Current), you'll have to put it in the Profile Theme:
Make sure to change the "Theme" to "Custom" if it isn't already on it. (If it's a Classic profile.)

However, if you choose a Current profile, you won't have to worry as much. xD
KHeLeiDoSCoPe Report | 08/15/2009 10:51 am
Well, that really all depends.
You could try creating an avi on (Click on "Dream Avatar" )
Then, you can start questing for the items to make your avatar look the way your "dream avatar" looks.
(Occasionally, people will give donations. If they're nice. ;3)
You can also find layouts on that site as well for your profile.

i lubbers dinosours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ima lil crazy and loud (only when i want to be). but yeah well ima go and play more gaia cuase i dont realy like writing...soooo...yeah...GOODBYE!!!!!!