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VegetarianSquishy's avatar

Birthday: 07/27


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Hey there.

My name's Hannah, but call me Squish.

I'm a 18-year-old college student, artist and musician.
I have a deviantArt account, for those who would like to see me work,
and I play bass.

I adore Art Nouveau and Art Deco, as well as impressionist paintings.

I listen to a lot of blues, punk rock, plus some ska-influenced music, a little folksy stuff, and some stuff I just don't know how to describe.
At the moment, I particularly like the Misfits, Rancid, Flogging Molly, Face to Face, the Ramones, the Killers, and Juanes, among many others.

I'm also really into historical fashion. Anything between 1750 and 1960.
Also steampunk. smile


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Reaver the Reaper Report | 05/27/2011 7:16 pm
Reaver the Reaper
u eat plants
nancelot Report | 04/08/2011 5:49 pm
Thanks for buying! Have a great day!! =]
Eggs Scrambled Report | 02/28/2011 7:17 pm
Eggs Scrambled
You know, that's pretty much the same with me. I never really enjoyed eating meat. I never really stopped realize that this meat was alive once, was an animal, and had a life to live. Then I began relating that animal to a human and realizing that they really aren't that much different.
I stopped eating meat when I held a chicken and named it.

That's true, becoming vegan would greatly limit your food choices and you probably couldn't eat a meal with your family unless they were vegan too.
Eggs Scrambled Report | 02/27/2011 4:30 pm
Eggs Scrambled
Whoa! That's a long time. What made you become a vegetarian?
For me it's going really great smile I'm not missing out on anything heart I'm thinking of becoming a vegan considering I'm already sort of lactose intolerant (Sort of because I can't stand straight milk or too much milk chocolate but I can stand it when it's baked into something) also because I find milk and cheese disgusting. But, unfortunately, soy does cost more and I'm living with my mother and she can't afford it. So I think I'll become one once I move out.
Eggs Scrambled Report | 02/23/2011 6:03 am
Eggs Scrambled
That is awesome! I'm a vegetarian too smile
Of course, I haven't been for that long but still.
How long have you been one?
Eggs Scrambled Report | 02/22/2011 6:44 pm
Eggs Scrambled
Are you still a vegetarian?
Bambootarian Report | 12/27/2010 11:15 am
Thanks For Buying~!<3
Sifen Yamishi Report | 12/17/2010 7:54 pm
Sifen Yamishi
Oh my gosh!Thank you!-sniffles-
killingmoonlight Report | 04/02/2010 8:16 pm
thank you ^_^
Yuki_x_Vampire Report | 01/02/2010 3:37 pm
thank you for buying smile


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