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My eclectic and half-assed mash up of tunes.

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deadheadbanger's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 06/25/1991

Occupation: Doorstop / Paperweight


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Well, hey there. I'm Cheryl, but my friends can call me Cherry. I love literature, art, and music. I've been a bookworm since I was 4 years old, and a rocker before birth. (My mother went to a ZZ Top concert while pregnant with me!) My taste in fashion is, let's just say, eclectic. The best way to describe my style would be something like "Emo Bohemian." I consider myself to be a hippie, as I look and act like I just came out of Woodstock. My preference in books is far too varied and immense to describe here, but I do love the classics. I love all art, especially that of Salvador Dali, Yoko Ono, Frida Kahlo, M.C Escher, and Georgia O'Keefe. My music leans mostly toward Classic Rock and Metal, but I really dig anything with talent and effort going into it. I also love psychology, which I've been studying since middle school.

I love all animals, especially deep sea creatures and insects. You know that kid in Elementary school who terrorized all the girls with cockroaches and spiders and centipedes? Yeah, that was me. smile I am Catholic, as I was born and raised in a very traditional Hispanic Culture. I am not fanatic, however... I accept all religions, and the lack thereof. I am born under the Zodiac sign of Cancer, which is of course symbolized by the crab (or lobster in some cases). And those crustaceans are little more than deep sea insects... I do believe I already covered that ground. But it also means that I'm very emotional, moody, and arrogant. On the other hand, I'm very spiritual, sensitive, and loyal. The good outweighs the bad... For the most part.

Just keep the chloroform and straightjacket within easy reach, and we'll get along just fine.

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Inkstains of Mediocrity

Fabuliscious rants and raves, straight from my annoyed and insane psyche, to your computer moniter. :)


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Faster Pussycat_Kill Kill Report | 08/30/2010 12:30 am
Faster Pussycat_Kill Kill
My boyfriend would just adore you. He's a huge fan of early heavy metal. Every now and then (what seems like once a week) he paints his face like Alice Cooper and sings every Alice Cooper song he can remember. smile
Veryl Abendroth Report | 05/09/2010 3:14 pm
Veryl Abendroth
Friiiiieeennnd. User Image
Veryl Abendroth Report | 05/08/2010 12:27 am
Veryl Abendroth
Good lord, you have good taste in music.

Be my fraaaan.
Veryl Abendroth Report | 05/08/2010 12:21 am
Veryl Abendroth
It's all k. ;]
Veryl Abendroth Report | 05/08/2010 12:01 am
Veryl Abendroth
Well hellooooo there, speakin' my language of music. ;D

Uh, they give you an option for it, i believe, and you post the code in the Media section of your profile.
JesseRaeRae Report | 04/15/2010 3:58 pm
Cool thanks
Sparklechuu Report | 01/16/2010 11:17 am
lololol! I just realized I have about ten of that flower your avi is holding in my backyard. rofl
shadow liger Report | 01/11/2010 7:03 pm
shadow liger
thax sweetheart



Got to keep my mind from the circling sky
Tongue tied and twisted
Just an earthbound misfit, I.



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