Don't Seriously Read This...
안녕하세요~! ^^
I'm Angel Nuria. You can call me Nuria, Angel, or if you want to be sneaky,
Angel Nuria. As for my real name, I only share that with close friends.
I'm so average it hurts. So I don't really know why you're here and reading this. But I'm going to continue, anyway.
I'm in High School and aspire to become famous in the near future. This will happen. I'm sure. Oh yes. I will have a motorcycle that will have my name emblazoned on it in diamonds, blinding everyone as I zip past, and every time I turn it will scream "That's hot!". I will have a pink tractor that I will drive around (just to annoy people. Those things go max 30 miles per hour.) with purple upholstered seats. And it has to have those fuzzy dice! Although, I'll probably never get my lisense. I would run over too many pedestrians or little forest critters. But that's part of the fun.
As for my music tastes... I don't really understand them and neither does anyone around me. I like pop... but then I'll really like a rock band or something... It's just... difficult. I'm not sure what I'm getting at here. Never be so sure I will like or dislike a song, I guess.
On my spare time I read, I draw, I don't do my homework. Yes. I know I''m a nerd. But that's okay. Music is my life, so gtfo if you have something to say about that. I like soccer, basketball, badminton, archery, and kayaking. Annnnd... I also like playing the piano.
Oh... and I will kick your *** at video games.
and the genre doesn't matter! awesome, eh?. I've never understood why guys seem so suprised when girls play.
- Music
- Kpop
- People who are famous and can actually sing
- Itskingsleyb*tch
- luanlegacy
- Cats
- Boy x boy
- The smell of gasoline
- Pineapples. They make excellent murder weapons.
- SNSD ( sorry, y'all )
- B*tches
- Science
- Weak females
- People who can't spell/ use proper grammar to save their life
- Delusional shippers
I appreciate music half as much as I should, but three times more than you do.
So, leave me a comment. I love random people.
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We haven't spoken in a while. crying
die from a heart attack.. This almost killed me for a second when ive seen my baby taemin
half naked with the hair extensions and an orgasmic face expression and eating grapes while he sits
on the chair with his legs open... MY GOD WHY SME!! COULD YOU AT LEAST BUY SOME CLOTHS
I guess that SME use all of their money on EXO that they couldnt afford cloths for SHINee, so
they have to sell their bodies to get the money back, i cant wait to see their Porn Video Music
Video for Sherlock...
I cant get in trouble with my mom, cause she kinda likes Taemin a little
Im lookinng at child pornography.. (even though hes five months older than me)
crying crying crying crying crying