Welcorm to Jasmiiin´s profile
Last Login: 10/26/2013 6:30 am
Registered: 11/21/2005
Gender: Female
Welcorm to Jasmiiin´s profile
Hallo! i´m Wilseren
I love gaia and i loveing my friends!!
That was my line!
due not tuchs my frinds!
Is it wrong to say that I am dead?
What are you looking at? - humen?
I love Sushi!!!!
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-hehe.. and as Alucard would have said it, the clothes are yust: "Nice" wink
..og så lige på dansk for en ordens skyld: tusind tak for ALTING!!! -og endnu mere tak for cd'en! razz
Hehe.. Pi.. Du er bare den bedste.. wink
Mvh din hengivne Double S