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Juushiro Hiruko

Juushiro Hiruko's avatar

Last Login: 09/19/2011 3:51 pm

Gender: Male

Location: Switzerland (so far away i know :'( )

Birthday: 12/24


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First i would like to say im not typical. Dont judge me, because you're already wrong. If you dont like me, guess what, who really cares? Cause the fact is i dont.
wahmbulance FACT: wahmbulance Im really kind BOY! My name Lucian.

I love fairytales, myths and legends, especially about vampires. style is inspirated by Japanese animes, and it reflects my personality. Many people in my town don't appreciate me for my look.. When people ask what's my style I usually answer it's my own style. I wanna be myself, I wanna be free, I think everyone was born free, if you feel like to do something, do it, 'cause this is probably your only life.. never be a slave, never follow someone with your head down, never stay with your hands tied, never fool yourself, never be put under. You are the wolf, not the lamb, u just have to choose. Just follow your dreams.. As I was a child I thought this world is like paradise.. But the reality is quite different. So why should I follow the others? to become rich and "happy"? F*ck them. Their life is only a lie. I'll follow my own way and I'll be happy, I know that deep in my heart. F*ck this society.. I'm trying to hide the rebel in me, but there are some rules which I will always break. I'm no ordinary boy, and I'll never be. This is my life, I don't care if you don't like me, if you Love me or if you Hate me.. It's your obsession. But It's all the same to me. There are only a few people who are really important for me.. And I give them my whole heart. All my love, and believe me, that's a lot..I'm a really sensitive boy. This life can be so beautiful, full of surprises and wonders, magic...and Sometimes it hurts, sometimes I cry, sometimes I fall down, like every common mortal person does.. My mom always said.. crying is not a bad thing, it's just important to rise up again after being stumbled. Well.. what else... I play guitar since I was 10 years old.. I'm a photomodel. I don't do it for money, I just like it. I'm addicted to music, photography, art and poetry. I hate, Idiots ,Lies, Violence, stress, Annoying people, Fakes and Loosing keys x) Thank you for reading smile

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