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A b o u t

Greetings, I am An American Nightmare, but most people call me Dee. My age is unknown, unless you ask and are my friend. My sex is female, although I act like a guy. My sexual preference is Omnisexual, which means I will love anyone, despite their gender, race, age, or profanity in some cases. I am also quite taken with a guy that I want to spend the rest of my earthly life with. My religious beliefs are Agnostic, which is not really too much of a form of Atheism. It's the belief of a higher power, but we do not follow the religious practices. For example, I have more Christian beliefs, but I do not follow the practices that I'm supposed to, such as read the Bible. I am the quiet type, yet I can be as fun as a barrel of monkeys, so to speak.

My personality is as follows: I am more or less the quiet type. When I am not in one of my dark states, I'm mostly happy and care-free. I'm also the type to be bubbly and full of giggles for no apparent reason. I'm quite loyal and friendly to my friends and family also. I can be quite a handful, especially when I am, how you say, "hyper".

I don't know what I want to do with my life yet though. However, I actually want to work with both computers and art and actually become a Graphics Designer, which is a good job, I just don't know if I'm qualified for it.

Depends on where I live or where I go, on a scale for one to ten, I'm a four in average, because I'm a unsocial person. I'll be likely one of those people who just sits and stares at you from a corner, or perhaps be working on my school-work if or when I'm at school.

If you had taken the time to read this and want to contact me, please put in the word |Nightmare| in the Subject space.

My dreams <3

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"Long live the Queen of the Damned.."

An American Nightmare
Mr Duncan Donuts

Song playing: Strobe by Deadmau5

Goodbye for now.

Pssst, click on me. [/New Account]