Viewing TheLittleGirlFromTheWell's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


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(Okay, yes. Not EXACTLY but...umm...Me at halloween this year...>> -avoids random objects thrown at her-)

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I'm EVIL. DDDD: REALLY. I KILL people with a cursed videotape. ;w;

However...SOME people don't believe me;;


Manipulative Misleader

What'd you expect? I'm Samara, for cryin' out loud. My middle name is evil. ;D

Evil like a fluffy newborn kitten.

In general...

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Samara Morgan. :]

NOTE TO EVERYONE: ...If you are looking for love here... I'd suggest turning back the way you came. I've been hurt too many times. I really done looking for love. If it happens later in life, fine. But no more right now..



Seven Days...

"The little girl who lived in a well...for seven days..."



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

iThe Grudge

Report | 11/10/2010 2:42 pm

iThe Grudge

Gah! D:<

Fine. >w>
iThe Grudge

Report | 10/27/2010 2:42 pm

iThe Grudge

I know, right? o:<

You should get on more. > w >
iThe Grudge

Report | 10/15/2010 3:46 pm

iThe Grudge


-Glomps.- : DDDDDDD

Hello Cupcake Sex

Report | 08/14/2010 3:08 pm

Hello Cupcake Sex

surprised -waves- Howwww are you?
The Robot That Feels

Report | 08/12/2010 10:17 pm

The Robot That Feels

Thanks for making a purchase, have a nice day!
Ugh its Red

Report | 07/19/2010 11:45 pm

Ugh its Red

]< i dont like this not talking or offline/asleep tag thing we got going on.
We must talk.

!~[x] Cheri [x]~!

Report | 06/13/2010 3:53 pm

!~[x] Cheri [x]~!

you are! it gives them time to pack their things, say bye, write a will...
!~[x] Cheri [x]~!

Report | 06/13/2010 3:47 pm

!~[x] Cheri [x]~!

yes. you're adorable.
and that's good. everyone's gotta rest sometime. (thanks to you, lots of people are resting. eternally. that's good for them, i'd say.)
!~[x] Cheri [x]~!

Report | 06/13/2010 3:42 pm

!~[x] Cheri [x]~!

hi cutie patootie. C: do some good killin' today?
Darling Little Disaster

Report | 06/09/2010 7:37 pm

Darling Little Disaster

Heehee... awh...
> 3<


Just a lonely little girl, who only wanted to be loved...
- -
My birthday is on November 20th. 8D Draw me something?
Questing:77/100 Samara Avi Art. Or Samara coming after YOU. >D