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punjabi pimp Report | 01/04/2007 8:54 pm
was up and happy new year sorry its late
punjabi pimp Report | 10/12/2006 8:50 pm
was up can you vote for me on monday in the areana for the avi contest plz
auburn4ever Report | 09/23/2006 1:49 pm
hi, just a random person sayin hi so hi. oh and pm me when u get a chance
ashfayt Report | 08/23/2006 11:17 pm
lol yea. i know its awesome i might get another one instead of that vid. did you see the ending with the kingdom hearts 2 put in?
Nosumo Report | 08/22/2006 10:03 pm
AH! The Talking ROCK!
Anyway Thanks for commenting everyone biggrin
She Who Rages Report | 08/22/2006 3:23 pm
The ROCK is everywhere. You cannot escape....
The_Obese_Pig Report | 08/22/2006 3:34 am
Cool profile
Leamony Report | 08/21/2006 10:52 pm
I think I'll add the L back in, I miss it, too. <3
It's not the Matrix. ; 3; By the way.
Leamony Report | 07/17/2006 3:03 pm
Yes, just like the character L in Death Note. :3
It has a double meaning, too, since my username begins with L. xD

I like your profile's background! O:



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Nosumo's avatar

Last Login: 06/15/2015 3:14 am

Registered: 06/15/2006

Gender: Male

Location: over here and over there and sometimes I'm in both places at once!

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I am me. I am who I feel I must be and who I am is reflected by the people I am with. While there is the true me, there are also more of me. The me that is seen through different people's eyes, they are also the true me. I am one and many in the same moment.
I am everything that I must be to be in this world, and I am everything I must be to exit this world. All matter is nothing but mass, waiting for a reason to change, we are no different, we only wish to change ourselves for some reason and all we do is wait for that reason to come.

But mostly I just like to act real deep then do something stupid like this right here and give a very not serious ending to it. lol xp

But on a more serious note, I like to draw and write up stories, things like that. And if it isn't obvious, I'm a total DeathNote Fan, I like the art and unique story behind it. Anyway yeah, feel free to leave a comment or something like that.

Forever is just enough time to find my sanity.

This is here so you can better see the background.