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Airship Canon

Airship Canon's avatar

Last Login: 12/14/2015 9:37 pm

Registered: 11/15/2006

Gender: Male

Location: Somewhere, Over the Rainbow. No, litterally, I'm on an Airship, duh!

Birthday: 05/22/1990

Occupation: Air Pirate.


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Hello. I'm The Hero Of The Dawn. I was formerly known as Airship Canon, but that name no longer works for me, because the Canon part has all but fallen apart. (Mind you- I still have my love for Airships, and I will still make a point that Colloyd = Canon)

I am an obsessive gamer. This is a basic fact about me. I love video games. But I won't stop at just playing them-- I aspire to be a video game designer, and I won't let anything get in my way.

My Favorite Games:
Tales of Symphonia. In my opinion, this is the greatest of all RPGs, easily blows Final Failtasy 7 out of the water, and is pretty much my favorite game of all time.
Playthru Count: 170.

Tales of the Abyss. Not as good as Symphonia, but still a great game.

Fire Emblem Series. I dunno why but I love these games. Ike. Is. Not. Gay. Seriously, stupid fangirls.

Super Smash Brothers Brawl. BRAWL > MELEE. Fact. Only bad things about Brawl are tripping and lack of Roy. He was our boy, but as you could tell... I like Ike. But Marth's my Main. Unfortunately I can't go online right now due to 256K.


View Journal

Airship's Journal: Havoc, Chaos, and uhhh... Why is there white stuff on the table?

Anything and everthing!



View All Comments

Tenko72 Report | 10/12/2012 1:50 pm
Thank you!
Tenko72 Report | 10/12/2012 12:06 am
I saw your post with this:
What game is it from? FE?
Kaela Simca Report | 09/24/2012 12:07 pm
Kaela Simca
:: hug ::
Princess Skylen Report | 08/23/2012 11:40 pm
Princess Skylen
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Sorry for the random comment, but I stumbled upon you earlier while I was browsing through some forums. I notice that you really like Fire Emblem! I'm a real FE fan too, and I can't wait till Awakening comes out! I'm so excited! *^w^*

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ThePersonInFrontOfYou Report | 05/05/2012 7:44 am
Just for fun, your signature made me laugh. In relation to self -fulfilling scunners.
alansa Report | 01/18/2012 2:13 pm
Randomly came across your profile,
I just had to say that Shelloyd makes me rage too.
Oh Perilous World Report | 06/09/2011 10:19 pm
Oh Perilous World
►► I just had to say... THANK YOU. Buff!Ike was nowhere near gay. I'm so glad someone fffin' gets it. =___=
Manakete Charlee Tahno Report | 10/29/2010 4:12 pm
Manakete Charlee Tahno
The anime on your profile is awesome. By the way, what class are you thinking about making you MYUNIT be? I'm going to make mine a dark mage if they will have that one available! mrgreen
Lady Suspiria Report | 10/15/2010 1:10 am
Lady Suspiria
I love your Lloyd avatar! Seriously, it's one of the best I've seen. :3
ll Siren ll Report | 08/27/2010 5:42 pm
ll Siren ll
I love your avi! ^o^


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Project Ignition..
Armored Core NEXTs vs the BETA? Not as stompy as you may think.
Check it out! (And Drop a Review! Crits (Not Crit Hits) are welcome and appreciated!)

#1 Colloyd Fan
#1 Celice/Yuria Fan
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