name : lynn
age :16
history:I was sent To silent hill because my doctor suggested i go to see if i rember why i am afraid of it my Parents are Eric and Tara Tomson ..They died when i was a Kid a year later my 21 year old sister Rita Samuals die in a car crash i was driving i was 13 i spent 2 years in a mental hosptal.I freaked out at my sisters funral.MY Parent adopted me out of foster care.The cops found me wondering down the enter state in my gown when i was 5. I dont rember any thing be for the cops getting me..

NAme: Lynn WInchester
History:I am the daughter of chisty thornheart and john john winchester..I got home from school and found my mother dead in a rocking chair by the fire her stomach was riped out or eaten or somthing..i am looking for my dad ...hes all i got left
[img:2ddb1e1cdd]http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e73/sexslave041189/wedding dresses/f120967529a4f53de36202f52760277b2da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd8070984f3ddb1acf7b74c4498003a5d4.gif[/img:2ddb1e1cdd]
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