Alone. Trapped in a cold, dark cell. No windows, no cracks, no way for light to enter, only black. Huddled in the corner is a man, chained to the ground so that he can move but an inch. He is alone in this prison, the only prisoner, the darkness, his only friend. In his cell where life was devoid of life, where dreams are his only escape; although they are like a poisoned apple to a starving man. Salvation at first, but slowly it slips away as the poison takes hold. In his dreams he is free, at first, but the nightmares creep inside, only they are not nightmares, they are his life. He tries to move, it’s futile, now he realizes he awake, a prisoner once more.
Now that he is awake he knows it is time. The guards will enter to give him their drugs. It is merely habitual now, they know the drugs don’t work the way they should, they’re supposed to make him forget, forget the tests, the torture. Only no matter how beaten his body is, his mind is strong. The nightmares creep into his mind, and he is forced to watch his life, watch what they did; forced to be a prisoner in both mind and body.
“Wake up and stay down!” a soldier shouts.
“I will shoot you if you resist.” A second soldier shouts.
He stays still, silent. He hears the many metallic clicks within the great metal door. It groans as the soldiers open it, as if unwilling to let them in. The first soldier steps in with a vial of silver liquid, ready to be injected. The second positions his rifle at the prisoners head, at this range he will not miss. Then a familiar thought slips into his head, he thinks of resisting, of bolting out of the cell and running for freedom, true freedom. He is the only prisoner, their only subject, they wouldn’t risk killing their only asset. He tenses up, ready, but relaxes just as quick for the slightest chance that they would kill him, any life was better than no life.
The first soldiers pins him to the ground, forcing his arm to extend, and injects his liquid moonlight. The prisoner knows it’s time for the tests. The soldiers remove the shackles and pull him to his feet, they begin to escort out of the cell. He is blinded by the transition into light, they lead him to his destination, but once again, by the time his eyes readjust he is at the door. Once again he could not see they way, could not form some type of escape route. Test room number one, he knows it will be painful, reviews always are, bur at least it’s not room three. As the three men enter the room he sees her, the woman responsible for all of this, the one holding him here.
“Your still alive ESP-1, that‘s good, wouldn‘t want you to die too soon.” she mocks.
“All…for…you…Madame…” he grits through his teeth.
“Flattery will get you nowhere. It is time for your review.”
“I know.”
“Where shall we begin today?”
“Y-your asking…me…? ” it must be some trick he thinks.
“Your our guest of honor.” she smiled.
“I‘m your only guest.”
“True, where shall we begin?”
“Let me see…Why don‘t I pry some more secrets from your goddamn skull.”
One of the soldiers thrust the butt of their rifle into ESP-1’s gut, causing him to double over in pain and gasp for air. ESP-1 keeps his head down, but lifts his eyes to meet her gaze, anger. Anger is what meets him and he lets a brief smile flash across his face because he made her angry. A feat he thought impossible was worth a brief moment of happiness, he knows she will punish him, but for a moment he was no longer her prisoner, he was her equal. She orders the soldiers to stand him up, and they oblige her orders, regardless of his will. She stares into his eyes, searching for the answer to some unseen question, and smirks to herself as she finds her answer before slapping him across the face.
“Why you insolent little…No, we will proceed as scheduled.” she states as she regained her poise.
“As you wish…” he affirms.
“Are you ready?”
“This comes naturally.”
Slowly ESP-1 opens his mind, he is instantly aware of the thoughts of everyone in the room, soft whispers screaming in his head. He sought out her voice, her thoughts, and entered her mind. She felt it, he was sure because she fought it, they only fought if they were able to feel him enter. She tried to resist, but it was futile, when it came to the mind, she was an infant and he, a god. He broke her defenses with ease and let the soft blanket of his mind envelop her conscience. He sought only for her name, she kept it concealed for many years, and he would find it…
“Where is he? What will he look for now?” she thought frantically.
“Relax little one, in here you’re the prisoner.” a twisted voice answered.
“Who are you? Your not ESP-1...What is this?” This has never happened before.
“No, I’m not your ESP-1, he knows nothing of me. You will keep it that way. As for this, ESP-1 is searching your mind, and I am able to contact those he is searching.”
“No, get out! I won‘t listen!”
“Yes you will. I was hoping that it wouldn‘t come to this, but you leave me no choice.”
Dyadic Soul
This is the first part to a story that I have been working on. It starts of in an unknown location in a prison-like facility, with a single prisoner, ESP-1. ESP-1(as in Extrasensory Perception) is about to be 18 and has been in the prison for most of his life, his only crime that he is different. He can read minds.
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This piece is a pantoum, so...
sorry ran outa room ^^^^^^
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