xChozenx's Adventures:
Everyone loves Towns...especially when you can go into people's houses!
First of all- My house. biggrin

Then I walk across to Krys' house
 Sometimes I can't help but eat it. <_<;
Then I always complain...
I look around some as I wait for her to come over...to her own house. 0:;

I try to hide but gaia's stuff is tiny compared to the avatars. o_o;

I get sucked into the celestial phenomena!!

She meets Santa! biggrin
 We loved the christmas trees, they were awesome.
Then I go house raiding.
 D: There never is.
 Is that chair not crazily rad?
 I just blend right in! biggrin
 People have crazy ideas,....and I like it.
 XD You could see my monies(after a shopping spree) in this one...
 (Foreboding music)
 My first thought.
 Another first thought. XD
 Psh, rolling in dough.
 I stumbled upon this secret meeting of furniture revolting!! I got pillowed in the face and sandwiched in seat cushions but I managed to get out alive, thanks to my Kiki. Note: Stuff with stuffing stick together.
 Good morning young grasshoppa!(In Mr.Miyagi voice)
 Krys' first town visit. biggrin Back when Towns was really buggy and wouldn't work in firefox.
 I thought the costumes were really cool. :3
 Hottest Santa ever.
 The puzzle peice looks like her hair XD
Can't find any others including: From my Towns Testing, Toe's first visit & her house, Halloween event including Jack stepping on me & some others.
Rezseni · Sat May 19, 2007 @ 02:37pm · 0 Comments |