All the mimsy were the borogroves
And the momeraths outgrabe. . .
And the momeraths outgrabe. . .
so, i somehow ended up on Blogthings again the other day
[i hate it when that happens,
that site can be so addictive !]
anywho, i took a phobia quiz and it said:
You Are 96% Phobic

You're scared of pretty much everything. You possibly even have a phobia about phobias.
Maybe it's time to seek professional help for your anxiety. (Even if you have a phobia about shrinks!)
How Phobic Are You?
so jeezum i thought
am i really that phobic?
so, i decided to take the time to make a list of all my fears.
okay, i am afraid of:
+ water [this is my absolute biggest fear, mostly open waters though]
+ drains
+ the dark
+ being alone for too long
+ being in a big crowd
+ being watched
+ that there is always someone behind me
+ baths [like sitting down in a tub, havent done it in years]
+ abnormal noises
+ sudden loud noises
+ sudden movements
+ being questioned
+ being put on the spot
+ not being able to complete all the things i want to during my life
+ dying too soon
+ not being accepted be people i care about
+ having a disease
+ being afraid
+ staying in the same place too long
+ missing any chance
+ getting sick
+ being conformed
+ not being able to express myself
+ being talked about
+ being stuck in a small town
+ no one listening to me
+ not being cared about
+ meeting new people
+ being alone with someone i dont know
+ being forced to make conversation
+ losing all my books
+ forgetting who i am
+ most bugs
+ being trapped in my life
+ living someone else's life
+ going blind/ deaf
+ disappointing people i care about
+ not fulfilling my dreams
+ being trapped in the light
+ being trapped in the dark
+ expired food [i am obsessive about always checking dates]
+ being in the real world
+ being tortured
+ unfulfilling pain
+ people reading my mind
+ being rejected
+ being hated
+ getting old
+ living too long
+ drains
+ the dark
+ being alone for too long
+ being in a big crowd
+ being watched
+ that there is always someone behind me
+ baths [like sitting down in a tub, havent done it in years]
+ abnormal noises
+ sudden loud noises
+ sudden movements
+ being questioned
+ being put on the spot
+ not being able to complete all the things i want to during my life
+ dying too soon
+ not being accepted be people i care about
+ having a disease
+ being afraid
+ staying in the same place too long
+ missing any chance
+ getting sick
+ being conformed
+ not being able to express myself
+ being talked about
+ being stuck in a small town
+ no one listening to me
+ not being cared about
+ meeting new people
+ being alone with someone i dont know
+ being forced to make conversation
+ losing all my books
+ forgetting who i am
+ most bugs
+ being trapped in my life
+ living someone else's life
+ going blind/ deaf
+ disappointing people i care about
+ not fulfilling my dreams
+ being trapped in the light
+ being trapped in the dark
+ expired food [i am obsessive about always checking dates]
+ being in the real world
+ being tortured
+ unfulfilling pain
+ people reading my mind
+ being rejected
+ being hated
+ getting old
+ living too long
wow, okay maybe that is alot
and i know thats not all but my fingers hurt now...
okay i guess i had better work on this...
i will update as i think of more,
or, hopefully, conquer current fears.
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