4laugh Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! It's Kashi-chan! 4laugh
Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke: eek Ew... It's Sensei... Our eyes! burning_eyes
Me: But your very kawaii sensei, no? heart 4laugh
Raikira: He looks pretty nice without his headband. 3nodding
Me: Glad to hear that someone agrees. xp By the way, it starts off as Kakashi being a seven-year-old returning to the Hatake mansion.
Kakashi entered his home. The lights were off even though it wasn't totally dark yet, but the sun was already setting, so the house was dim with a gray aura. His father never bothered keeping the lights on any more. Everything was pointless to his father now ever since... that mission. "Tou-san [Father]! I'm back!" Kakashi called out.
The mansion echoed his childish voice eerily. Other than the echoing of his own voice, there was no response, but Kakashi hadn't been expecting one. His father had been rather unresponsive these past few weeks. Alive. But unresponsive, oblivious to the world around him. Oblivious to his own son. However, though it was normally like this when Kakashi came home, Kakashi felt something was wrong this time.
His muscles tensed as he climbed the up the dusty polished wooden stairs. "Tou-san?" he said quietly in hopes that his father would answer him. He arrived at his father's bedroom door and knocked on it softly. "Tou-san?"
There was still no response, but Kakashi opened the door anyway. He was immediately hit with an image that would be burned into his memory for life. His father laid on the ground with a bloody blade penetrating through his stomach. His father was still twitching, showing that he had just commited the suicide.
Dark blood surrounded Kakashi's feet, giving off an unnerving stench. The silver-haired boy walked up to his father, his expression and mind blank. His brain couldn't comprehend the situation. It was too unrealistic to him. It was just a nightmare, one that he would wake up from soon, he convinced himself. He waited to wake up and find himself sitting up in a warm comfy bed to see that it was all just a dream, but that never happened. He dropped onto his knees, gazing into his father's lifeless eyes.
"Tou-san?" he rasped, his voice barely audible even in the silence. "Tou-san?" he said again when his father didn't respond. Before his father would at least show some sign of acknowledgement of his son's presence, even if it was only a blank stare, but now his father laid silent and unmoving. "Tou-san!" Kakashi said again, more desperately this time. "Tou-san!"
After a while, it finally became obvious that his father wouldn't respond. Wouldn't respond ever again. Kakashi stood up and backed away, clumsily stumbling in his steps and falling onto the ground into a puddle of something wet, his father's blood. Kakashi lifted his arm to gaze at the dark red stuff dripping down his hand. The stench of blood all around him filled his nose. He stood up again, forcing himself to hold in the bile and vomit arising in his throat. His eyes watered as he kept on swallowing every time it came up again. Finallly, he doubled over and threw up on the blood-covered floor. The foul smell of the vomit and blood mixed together, causing the already repulsive odor in the air to worsen.
But Kakashi didn't care. He couldn't any more. There was his father, Hatake Sakumo, Konoha's legendary White Fang, lying in a pool of dark crimson blood. Dead. Leaving a seven-year-old boy alone to fend for himself. I was worthless to him, so he abandoned me, Kakashi thought. I was worthless to him... I failed him. That's why he abandoned me. He wanted me to be alone. Alone... to punish me for my failure.
Raikira: Wow, Michiru... That was kind of emo...
Me: I know. Poor Kashi-chan! *hugs Kakashi*
Kakashi (present-day): stare You know... That was a long time ago...
Me: Poor you!
Kakashi: sweatdrop *takes out Icha Icha book and reads*
Naruto: Hey! I thought this was supposed to be about me! Didn't you say it was a "Naruto" fanfic?
Me: Well, I'll put you in there somewhere later, Naruto... stare xd And Gaara, too! xp
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