I think I almost got hacked, but now I'm ok. I couldn't get into my account but gaia security system is just simply wonderful. I love gaia. I actually want to live inside my computer.
I don't understand hackers. They steal pixels. Ö.ö
Heh. I read my last entries and almost all of them started "i hate *sumthin'*". Great.
I didn't get my hair curled. The place was closed. But maybe tomorrow... Hopefully tomorrow. Before my friend's birthday. That other friend told me that she hates pink and however i bought her something very pink. Ö.ö I think I am not going to give that one. I wish she likes finnish chocolate, because they sell it near here. : ) I'll buy her that instead, and then I'll give the two other things that i got her. An elephant kind of thingy which was really childish and cheap but that's the fun thing about it. She told me that she likes elephants. :3 And then there is like "soap" or whatever, that you use in shower.. Well.. I don't actually know... Naah, forget about that. I cannot explain it. It's the shape of a dolphin, and it's cute. I think I'm gonna give it a normal, boring wrap, because I am boring. I like to be boring. That's the only special thing about me. I'm veeeery boring.
My grandparents are watching that finnish movie, "A man without a past". It's really weird, but it's interesting. There is a man who gets attacked by criminals and he loses his memory and then he lives with tramps for some time until his wife recognizes him. That's a great and very famous movie. At least everywhere in Europe, but I have no idea about other continents. Ö.ö
Hehe. Wanna hear something really funny? Today when i was in toilet (funny!) i saw a pen on the floor for some reason and i decided to draw a communist sign into the first piece of toilet paper. My mom was the next one to go to toilet and she laughed her a** off. lol. I was disappointed because she just didn't bother to use that piece. She cut it off and gave it to me. D: Why would i want it back. I wanted them to wipe their asses into that red star thingy.
Me going to sleep soon:

Heh. I know you are very interested in what i look like! lol