Umm... Today, I don't know what will happen, because I woke up at about 8.00 a.m, and I still wanted to write something. I am going to school one hour earlier. I have maths homework, and my books are in my locker.
I need to go shopping. Today I am going to buy black jeans for myself. Skinny jeans! I hate it because until today I've only got stupid, sky blue hippy jeans. They are all ugly and one of them ripped between my legs (hehe) so I made a skirt out of them. lol. It's so short that I probably won't wear it. But I just made sure that I can't use them anymore. D:
You know what I feel like doing? Playing videogames. I want that kind of thingy where you stand in front of the tv and control the moves of the character with your whole body. It's good sports at the same time. I love Crash Bandicoot and I missed it so much. I haven't played it for ages. D: My brother plays other games and according to his own words they are not "for babies".
Today I look like this:
