Yay! I am upgrading my look, yeah I was tired of the Temari thing but soon we I hit the goal of 10k I will return to my normal temari cosplaying self anyways, one when I hit the 10k and over limit I am so getting everything that I need for the avatar and changing my hair back ^^ so watch out
ninja o.k. >:3 so hopefully I'll stop waste my money
scream then I can accomplish the Temari look ^_^ anyways I'm also going to make a gaia avatar in a different account not this one
scream since I spent nearly all my time breaking my back and taking money soooo I'm not going to risk it. Btw the new Gaia avvie's user shall be
stare xXmourningafterXx or something else I'll update you people I promise.
Psych! As if I always would like my original Avater

New look
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