Profile for an RPG I never got around to finishing. Enjoy
Please note that the profile isn't 100% complete.
Last Updated:4/29/07
- Kanoza, The Silent Shadow
- Human Vampire
Kanoza was originally human, then through a complex Vamperic ritual, Kanoza was transformed into a vampire. But during the transformation, the shadow of a powerful Shadowmancer, Azonak Ashbane, merged with Kanoza. The transformation had proven successful in every way, other then the loss of Kanoza's memory.
Being a ritual vampire, Kanoza isn't harmed by light. [However, he does have better vision at night, or in areas with less light.] Kanoza doesn't require blood to live, but may absorb blood to temporaraly gain strength and magic power. Instead of using fangs to obtain blood, a ritual vampire may use magic to absorb blood, or part of the life essance of another, through the use of magic.
- After becoming an amnesiac, Kanoza has counted 2000.
Actual age is unknown
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Although not of great charisma, Kanoza is of great stealth and haste. He prefers to observe any possible opponents before making any action whatsoever. He has the uncanny ability to summon shadows, weather or not they obey him, is their decision. Sacrificing loyal shadows, Kanoza has the ability to imbue their essence into select items, merging their spirit and dark essence, enhancing it's capabilities. The item merged with a shadow obtains the shadow's memories and personality.
1. Katana- Extremely Proficient, prefers to use a single katana in formal duels. Uses double katana in emergencies and what would appear to be unfair duels [such as a two on one, Kanoza being the one]
2. Daggers- Attacks with swift speed and keen aim, never misses an attack with his daggers. Great offense, but not much for defense. Kanoza's daggers are shadow-enchanted.
3. Pistols- Extremely Proficient, dislikes using pistols, uses them as a last resort.
4. Kusarigama- Proficient, Dislikes using kusarigamas, however, Kanoza likes using it as a traps. Kanoza's Kusarigama, unlike the majority of Kusarigamas, doesn't have a morning star at the end. Instead, his scyth has a mechanism that splits itself into two sections, one being the handle [Which resembles a small spear.], the other being the Sickle, and in the middle, the two are connected by a hidden chain, that is, until the mechanism is used. Every part of Kanoza's Kusarigama is shadow enchanted.
5. Scyth- Extremely Proficient, Prefers to use it when challenged to a duel.
6. Whip- Proficient, uncommonly used. Kanoza has shadow imbued whips hidden in his sleeves.
Special Skills
1. Shadowmeld- Melds with the shadow, gaining swift movement. Gains the ability to move where-ever shadows are. Loses the ability to interact with anything of a physical nature, however while Shadowmelded, Kanoza is harmed by light. [In a Shadowmelded form, light acts as a fire acts to those in a corporeal form.]
2. Dance of Shadows- Calls all nearby spirits as shadows. Shadows will obey whomever they desire, or may be neutral in combat. [Just to point it out, Kanoza isn't the one dancing, the spell is named this way because it is in fact the shadows who appear in the masses sliding across the walls, only for one to three of them to appear in full physical form, and for the rest of the masses to disappear.]
3. Shadow Call- Summons a chosen nearby shadow-phased being or object to the corporeal plane.
4. Dark Banishing- Banishes a chosen target to the Ethereal shadow plane, although ethereal, a shadow-banished being may or may not be attacked by shadows in the shadow-plane. Banished beings return to the corporeal world after treading upon light, or after being banished by a shadow in the shadow plane.
5. Shadow Sight- Loses the ability to see in the light, but gains the ability to see in the dark, and in the Shadow Plane.
6. Clench of Darkness- Summons neutral shadows around a target. [Much like Darth Vader's force-grip.] A target surrounded by shadows is Shadowmelded, and the target's abilities may be enhanced, or may just be crushed to death. It depends on what the caster decides on. The caster must remain still while chanting the spell [For the spell takes much concentration and willpower.], and the effects stay only while the caster is chanting the spell.
7. Dark Flight- Summons loyal shadows to temporarily bind themselves with Kanoza, enabling him the ability to drift through shadows, unaffected by gravity.
Brief History:
- Kanoza has absolutely no recollection of his previous years as a human. During his vamperic transformation, he lost his memory, but he gained the powers of a dead Shadowmancer, Azonak Ashbane. Unlike the majority of vampires, who were changed through the forced transfer of vamperic blood, was transformed with a ritual. The ritual binded his soul with that of a fallen vampire, however during the transformation, his soul was also binded with that of a wandering shadow spirit.