So, this history test was ok. But maths was hard. It was easier than I thought but still hard. I hate maths because I'm so bad at it. D: From now on I think I'm gonna be fine, though. The hardest ones are over, except for english, which we only have 2 hours for, and no dictionaries allowed. I wish I could speak better english. Especially speak. I keep forgetting words when I speak and it's somehow harder. When you move to a country where you can't speak your own language you get scared of your own voice and you don't want to use it anymore, even if you could, in principle. At least in the beginning, but in the end it get better. ^^' I wish people could just stay in their own countries. D: I hate globalization. It destroys cultures! But if it was impossible to pass borders, I would have never met all my best friends, and I'd still be a dumb little girl living in the middle of a forest, far away from civilization. :'D lawlz. That's really not what Finland is like. I was so surprised when I came here and people asked me if there were polarbears in Finland. ö_ö Anyone who thinks that, I'll say NO, there are NO polarbears in Finland...
I feel like adding images from the biggest city of Finland. Double lol.... The city of almost 1 million people-the capital.^^ That's one of the reasons why I like Finland. Helsinki is the size of Amsterdam, but it has only 1 million people. Not actually even that.

Helsinki (the older part of the city)

Ahh... The scandinavian nature<3 *Ignores the text.*

<3 Umm... No, I didn't live there^

And the winter. No, no snow during the summer. Disappointing, eh?
That's it about pics. ö_ö
Actually... that's it about everything pretty much.
I'm so bored, and I can't study because I just did, and I feel unorganized (is that a word?)... Next year I'm gonna try to be more organized. >_>
Yeah, I'm listening to Malice Mizer's Beast of Blood. Half in japanese and half in weird english. ^^ It sounds cool.