That's teh piccur for today ^0^ Pin ish the one trying to carry me @_@;; This pic is sooo old xD, it was sometime.. last year? gonk I onno .-.; Maybe it isn't so old xp
Wow, I'm totally failing this idea of posting a jouranl entry every day xD... I'm just so freakin busy xp Umm... well lets start this :
Gaia life: Good I guess n.n I'm just basically wandering everywhere xp My quest ish going okay too n.n.. people are actually bumping from time to time, so my thread isn't all that dead ;___; <3 Thanks again you guys heart
IRL: First thing that comes to mind is track. xD I can't run for like 1 week ;-;.. There's water retention in my knees, so when I run it hurts like hell o.<; On friday, I ran the 100, and after that, it felt like my knees were about to literally fall off, I tried icing them, but that didn't work o.<;; Aiii.. and we have our other meet on.. monday I think? o.O; So I'm gonna be there. I might be doing long jump I think, but then again, if my knee doesn't cooperate, there's gonna be a sub. in for me .___.; But oh well :3 My T.V. just died, (YERG! gonk ) The reception is all fuzzeh, and Rina ish SAD! T-T... My beautifu. Yerg ;-;... yes, I named my TV. His name is Yerg xD, cuz when we got him, I first though of "Grey" So, I spelt grey backwards, and got Yerg n.n.. it was mandatory (big word) that I gave it a name, because Yerg is just sexy. I mean, he's a wide-screen, and silver in colour cool Much bettor than my first t.v., which was this dinky small black thing, xD Pin thought it was adorable. But, I LOVE YERG! scream heart
Alright, gonna go now n.n..
Music: "We belong together" Mariah Carey
</3 .: Rina :. <3