age: 19
gender: female
sex: straight
power: shadow, darkness, moon, night
weapons: shadow blade ((longsword made of onyx and platinum with obsidian edges)) dagger of mourning (( dagger made of mythril and obsidian))
appearance: short silver hair with long side bangs, pail moonlit skin, silver/lavender eyes, tall, thin, beautiful
personality: calm, quiet, lonely, sad, desolate, only talks to a very trusted friend or one she loves
likes: the moon, nightime, sword fighting, being in love
dislikes: the sun, jerks, people that ask to many questions, being in love
bio: not much is known about zen, even she doesn't know about herself
occupation: was an assasin
land of birth: shadow realm
the first one is what she looks like, the second one is her outfit ((kinda))