Current Mood: Scared for him
Note to my readers: Here is where my fantasy element starts to come into play, you’re also going to identify the places and characters from here on.
Link came home. No let me correct that. I brought Link home. No, let me try again. I brought Link to Hatori, who brought him to get treated and now he is at his temporary home, the hospital. No, I didn’t bring him, my cousin did. I can’t think straight the whole day is one clouded mess!
Let me start at the beginning, because I have this habit of babbling when I shouldn’t be, and maybe if I start from the beginning it will all make sense again.
I went out walking to the ranch to see my cousin. Well she suggested I go out riding with her. I didn’t really want to. I just wanted to lay in the grass, bathe in the sunlight and wait for Link. I do a lot of that now. Waiting. I don’t have much else. I take care of my garden in the morning and night. I can’t sell my produce until it’s ripe and lately the townsfolk haven’t needed me to deliver anything or run errands.
Malon convinced me to help her make a picnic basket and ride out to the lake to eat. That was fine with me. I don’t ride half as well as she does, but swimming, I was by far the better. My father used to brag that I was born of a Zora.
I voted we take the path following the river down toward the Lake, and my cousin disagreed, she wanted to ride across the field. So we played rock paper scissors and I won. Scissors always beats paper, no matter what Malon tries to say. We took the water route out to Zora’s domain, then followed the road past the forest and jumped the fences to the lake. Blackfire was excited, for whatever reason, she enjoyed the water side. Not the actual water though. Possibly it was the breeze coming off the water that she enjoyed, or maybe the calm. Either way, she was as eager to get there as I was.
The air started to get hotter and the humidity increased as we got closer to the lake and later into the day. I couldn’t wait to get to the lake and swim. Of course I’d have to visit the lakeside professor as well.
"We’re here!" Malon cheered as we trotted into the secluded area. Trees surrounded the lake on all sides, but it’s deep water and vast banks made it seem as though it could have gone on forever.
I dismounted and took off my riding clothes, revealing a two piece bathing suit underneath that I would never wear if anyone else were around. It’s color accented my eyes, but was bright enough to be fun loving without shocking you with sudden drastic color. Malon showed off a beautiful red bathing suit that looked more suited to fashion then function with all of it’s ties. We jumped in quickly and came out again just as fast. The water was freezing!
"We should visit the professor after we eat lunch," my cousin suggested. So we dove back into the water and swam until lunch time.
At the bottom of the lake I found lots of lost items, rupees, a broken bottle, a hat, even an old boot. We gathered them all up and brought them up to the surface of the lake and left them on the shore. After lunch we would take them to the professor as a joke, calling them treasure.
We ate. I don’t remember what was in the sandwiches, just like I don’t remember the actual events of the day. You see, we went to the professors house, arms full of stuff, but he wasn’t there. The door was unlocked but a note on the table said. "Away for research, be back in winter." We dumped the stuff on the floor and looked around. The place was empty, except for the water in the big hole.
"Where does he sleep?" my cousin asked, poking around. She’d never been inside there before and when I thought about it, I didn’t know either. We looked around a bit and soon found another unlocked door, barely visible in the stonework on the right side of the room. Walking in I noted that there was nothing in there either, save a bed and a shelf with nothing on it.
"Hey, Malon," my cousin nodded to acknowledge she heard me. "What do you say we use this as our Summer cottage eh?" We laughed about it, but it wasn’t a bad idea.
That’s when everything went wrong, we were laughing as we got out of the building, but Malon suddenly shrieked.
Out on the water, floated a body.
Immediately, I thought to run. Malon had already started toward the horses with no wish to investigate, but that’s when I saw another body bubble to the surface.
"Link!!" Malon screamed. She dashed toward the water but I was already diving off the ledge and into the lake.
The cold water enveloped me as I swam as fast as I could toward him. "The other body is a Gerudo!" my cousin screamed. Link must have come from there, the river must have pushed his body… When I finally reached him, he wasn’t breathing. His tunic was torn and blood was mingling with the water from some wound I couldn’t see. I was so frightened. I didn’t know what had happened, and I couldn’t swim as fast with him in tow.
When I dragged his body to shore with Malon’s help she told me that the Gerudo was already dead. I feared the same for Link. I checked his pulse, his breathing, I couldn’t feel anything. Instantly, Malon began to give him mouth to mouth while I packed the horses as fast as I could.
"We have a problem!" Malon yelled. "I have to get him to Hatori, fast."
"I’ll go!" I volunteered.
"I ride faster, I’ll go, meet me at the hospital," Malon ordered. I ran over to her and fell to Link’s side. "His heart is beating, but he’s still not breathing."
"He’ll never make it if he’s not breathing," I tried to help him, assisted breathing didn’t seem to be working, until suddenly, I felt his body shudder.
He shook and coughed, water and blood spewing onto the ground as he turned.
"Link! Can you hear me?" I asked.
He opened his eyes a moment a faint expression of recognition in them. "Yes…" he said softly, then he was lost again.
"We’ve bought him some time, but we have to get him treatment. That wound must be serious," Malon explained pointing at the gash that was profusely bleeding. I pulled off my wet shirt and tied it to him, to cover the wound and hopefully stop the bleeding. "Help me pick him up."
We lifted him onto Malons’ horse and I rode with her as far as I could before she disappeared from view. My heart pounded so hard I couldn’t breath myself. I couldn’t understand what had happened to him. I was tempted for a moment to go to Gerudo Valley and look, but the image of the dead body in the water quickly changed my mind.
I rode out toward town, hoping, wishing, and praying that when I got there he would be okay. "Please goddesses!" my words echoed in my head as I rode. "Save Link!"
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My life through my eyes is not quite the truth to the world around me.
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"I believe in you, I'd give up everything just to find you."
"Dance, the best of stories begin and end with it. So move to the music, and dance like the wind."
"Dance, the best of stories begin and end with it. So move to the music, and dance like the wind."