_____________________part four_________________________
Man anuka has saved my life more than once. I hope she does not get to much truoble.
back at the village "has are spy report in yet"
"yes she made contact with the target and has attemped to kill her."
"oh okay"
"Hey himeko what village do you come form"
"uh..........i relly dont want to talke about it lets just say i not happey about my past"
"Nice to see you travilling with someone"
"who's there show your self!!"
"i been waching you for sometime every since you leran that move"
This cant be its that person who want to learn my jutsu he still alive.
"Come on out i just want to see you"
"no not yet everything must be in the right place at the right moment so until then bye."
Damn it hes gone agine
"hey sander who was hey and what does he mean by that?"
"i dont know but i have a bad feeling about this"
That night i went and found a small lake i just lade on the fooler and close my eyes
as i deram i saw a cerater take form it was a dreagonit devoerd me i woke up i was swet. "What the hell does that mean"
"hey himeko were are you?"
"over here by the lake."
"oh theres a lake"
"yeath "
we sat down and ate our breakfast. it wasnt a lot but it was food.
"Hey himeko do you want to talk about your past?"
"no i dont want to talk about it how about you?"
"yeath since im traveling with you i talk about it"
when she finsh saying that i could sense a strong attack was use."hey sarnder wait here im going to check it out."
himeko stared to run towreds the leaf village. himeko spoted anuka on the floor she went down to see if she was all right. when himeko got close to anuka she woke up "Hey anuka are you all right."
"Why are you doing out here so far from the village and why do i sense blood all over the place?"
"i left the village and killed 8 tracker ninja."
"What you killed 8 tracker ninja what did you do for the fith to send so many ninja after you."anuka try to get up but she feel down."let me help you up."
"yeah but guess to worne you i mite black out agien and im havey."
"okay im going to take you to are small campe.himeko help anuka up just like she sad she back out man she was hevey i beraliy made it back to the campe sit "hey himeko who is she"
"shes a clost friend of my she kind of tired so i thought i should help her"
"oh okay "
The next moring sander woke me up with her sceraming that there was a wolf in the campe sit"ok im awake stop shaking me and stop worrying its just anuka she can transform into a wolf without using a jutsu dont worry she only eats deer and rabbits and sometimes little kids........" anuka looked up from the deer at sander just then sander freaked out so bad "himeko save me dont let her eat me come on!!!" "i was just kidding she just eats deer and rabbits and normal food god didnt know you were gonna freak out so bad." anuka just looked at them "weirdos i cant even eat my food in peace without having a kid freaking out cuz im a wolf eating geez." anuka went back to eating her food ignoring them both.After eating her deer ankua and himeko walked a coupale of feet "you now i going to leave you right. Were both in the bingo book so if they catch one that means the have both of use"
"yeath see i hope your okay and everthing truns out good for you i araedy now my faet im going to die not yet but that is my faet i can see my on futer with my eye i can see every ones furter and that how its well see you."
"hey himeko were did that gril go to."
"she needs to do some stuff on her own so she going on her on road we will meet agine so lets go."
himeko and sander took off walking. Back at the village "grate i loess two of are most skilled ninja and lost 8 trakers and one is hert badly"
"Uh lady Tsunade the spy has reported in saying himeko and anuka have meet but has departed areday. it seems they going sperated rotes."
"okay get one of are traker ninja to go after himeko she most likely be took down a lot easyer than anuka."
"But what about terry she was one of are best and look what happen to her"
"i have to take one of them down befor more villages notices we lost two of are most skilled ninja "
"Okay so who do we send to take her down?"
"Ami she should be able to handle it."
"okay" ami was visting terry at the hositale.
"how are you doind today terry." terry hadend spok seinc the fight with himeko not even to her kids or husban.
"Ami you have a misson."
"uh what were did you come form and a misson?!"
"yes you have to track a ninja done her name is himeko and bring back her dead or alive."
"wait i thought i was going after ankua who killed 8 of are ninja why do i have to go track himeko."
"do what you are told ther fith gives you this misson."
Ami truned around to terry and then stated to walke to the door terry said "Be careful himeko is strong she could have killed me but she didnt"
Ami just said "Come on i know that after all she beat you dont worry about it i bring her back to the village."ami walked out of the room "hu i wish i could go after ankua but that would have been worst thing but i might have a chacne to make terry a little beart" ami took off in the drication were ther spy reported in.
"Hey Himeko how do you no that gril ankua."
"oh here she a good friend of my me and her are kind of the same but dont worry i trasform."
"oh good i got scared how did she do it?"
"its her abilatey."But i have a feeling somthing about me is not right.what someone is coming fast in are direcation i new it we got to clost. i told sander to keep on walking i stady hinid a tracker ninja appered right next to sander."hey have you seen her lalty "
"uh why did she do somthing wrong?"
"she is want for leaving and almsot killing some one."
"uh....."himeko appered right behind ami "looking for me so you want to die or live tell me and i might sper your life?"
"Nice to see you and you are the one going in this time not me oh and terry she alive."What she servied are fight im glad but i cant let them get the better of me "so you think you can tacke me on ami well i cant let you live. Sander go to saftey."
"What about you and what does this mean ?"
"dont worry i dont want you to get involed in this no go!"
sander took off runnig "you know we will have to track her down to."
"huh no you wont rember you want me let her go she has nothing to do with this."
Ami hit himeko in the stomech and brok free of her grib. Ami was a young tracker ninja she had a black suit and a pink blade side and she had pink hair ."Now himeko come with me to the village befor more blood is spelled" there is know way for me to ecape ami "well i wont go back alive now DIE!!" himeko charge at ami. Ami stated to make heand signs "fire ball jutsu" himeko easly dogged them "this is not kids play" s**t my eye hasnt full recoverd form the last time i use it. "now shadow clone jutsu"
"Damn this brat shadow clone jutsu"
"Cheuk mate Shadow possession jutsu." the shadow of ami grow and conted to all the clones. "i win you losse himeko."
"dont think i would loss that easy did you?"
"What !?"
"exspotin shadow clone jutsu !" all the clone's himeko made exspoed sending the tracker ninja in to the air. i hope that stopes her i dont have enoght chakra to keep this up. ami hit a tree and she struggle to get up one her to feet "damn you himeko this is it for you we have you aready."
"What the hell do you mean you have me arady !?" A ninja apperd right behinde himeko.
"what th"
the second tracker ninja hit himeko on the back of the neck not killing her but putting her to sleep.
"Tsunade we caught himeko!"she sad this with relife.
"finaly one of are peroblems is finsh bring her to me i want to know why she left."
"oh okay"the brought himeko to the fith and sat her done with 5 tracker ninja inside and two out side so there were 7 of them . Himeko looked up to the fith.
Himeko you were one of the best ninja in are village why did you leave evertyhing?" Himeko just looked at herand simpy said,"to kill my mother and not even you can stop me."Tsunade looked at himeko "take her to the fillciltey with the other personer and later we will kill her."on the way to the fillcitey himeko looked at the looks "hay you ther no way to get out of that so stop trying to"
"You dont know me or my power so i would shut up."himeko staed to think well i have to use it anuka your power himeko transform in to a wolf demon. the chains fell down "what the hell are you doing bac..."he just saw a wolf "aahh" thats all could be herad for 10 secondes.
"Tsunade himeko espcaped!"
"what how ?!"
"Anuka help her out."
"what anuka not even in the village no more. ah s**t i forgot about that damn eye of hers she must have copy anuka transform. Get ever ninja out there and find her she must not be allowed to escape form use agin."but by that time himeko made it out of the village. "huh huh sander are you out her?"
"himeko is that you?"
"yeath i tell you everything but not now im to tired lets set up camp at the lake we found."
"yeath let me help you." that night himeko had a high feaver snader put water on himeko forhead."What happen to you himeko." the next moring "Hey sander are you okay?"
Sander looks up and yanse "yeaht how about you wait you can move now."
"yeaht and i thank you for helping me out."
"no peroblem but you need to tell me the truth."
"okay i didnt want you to get invlod but it seems you are know in this meas of my. I left the leaf village to go and kill my mother she killed my dad and my older sister and when i left they sand one of my best friends to track me down she meet me but i was not going to go back we fougt and i almost killed her than thats were i meet you running away form a 7 foot tall man. When we got to the small village i ran in to anuka she saved my life eraly and she just warred me about my peropble . a coupule of days later i found anuka not so far form the village she also left reson i dont know and thats all i have to say if you want to go you can."
Sander looked down "Why would i leave someone that help me out i belive you are a great person i stay by your side."
ninja end of part four ninja
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