Less hacking.
More hatching.
More hatching.
I. Duplication
II. Find Shinies in Ruby and Sapphire
III. Shiny Legendaries
IV. Prediction
V. Special Traits (Emerald, XD, D/P)
VI. Training Tips (GBA, DS)
VII. Lower EVs (GBA, DS)
VIII. Raise Happiness (GBA, DS)
IX. Migration Tip (D/P)
X. Battle Tower Enemy Strategies (D/P)
XI. Pick Up (GBA, DS)
XII. Effects of some Vague Items
XIII. Contests
XIV. DP Rival
XV. Reset or Delete a Game
XVI. Special PC Box Background
Duplicate Pokémon & Items in Emerald
1 - Go to Battle Tower and save.
2 - Place a Pokémon into a box on the PC
3 - Save again
4 - Withdraw that Pokémon
5 - Go to the woman on the right who asks if you'd like to enter a Link Multi Battle. Say yes and select 2 Pokémon to use and confirm.
6 - The woman tells you that you have to save. When the first Yes/No box opens, choose Yes.
7 - The game seems to freeze for a second or two then the save option appears again. Choose yes.
8 - Now you'll see the final save message asking if you're sure you want to overwrite the saved data. Turn the game off.
9 - Turn your game back on, the cloned Pokémon is in your team and in the PC. If it was holding an item, the clone has it too.
Diamond and Pearl Duplication
There are various methods of duplicating Pokémon, all of which occur only through GTS which is accessible in Jubilife City. A detailed guide concerning the clock rotation method can be found at - for video evidence of it working, watch this.
Find Shinies in Ruby and Sapphire
Alright, well I noticed in Ruby and Sapphire, it was much easier for me to breed Pokémon with high IVs, find them in the wild, get rarer items from Zigzagoon's Pick Up, and encounter shinies more often.
Basically what I do in Ruby or Sapphire is focus on EV training. I stay in a specific area, say Mt. Pyre to battle Duskull to boost defense. Within 3-5 hours if you don't turn off your system and play right through, fighting Duskull, you should encounter a shiny. To make your effort even more productive, make sure you have a lot of Zigzagoon on your team so you can get free Nuggets, Ultra Ball, Full Restores, and other expensive and very useful items.
The method is really just exhausting probability, but it's worked for me 3 times (duskull, nuzleaf, wingull) and a friend of mine as well. If you're looking for a specific Pokémon, be sure to check in an area they appear often. For instance, if you want a shiny Duskull, go to Mt. Pyre. If you want a shiny Whismur, go to Rustsurf Tunnel since that's all you'll encounter there.
In the end, as long as you're in Ruby or Sapphire, you'll encounter a shiny Pokémon. And of course all the free, rare Pick Up items and EV training mean you kill 3 birds with 1 stone.
Shiny Legendaries
Let's say you want a shiny Groudon in Emerald or a shiny Dialga in Diamond, just save right in front of them. Go to battle them, if they're not shiny, reset (Ru/Sa/Em = A+B+Sel+Start, D/P = L+R+Sel+Start). Since you saved in front of it, it's still there. Challenge it again. Repeat until it's shiny.
Prediction Tips
You are using a Butterfree. Your opponent is using Ninetales. What do you do? First, ask yourself these questions:
1. Is Ninetales faster?
2. What move will (s)he use?
You should always do some research on every Pokémon so you know what their strengths, weaknesses, and moves are. Ninetales obviously is faster and probably will use a fire attack to KO Butterfree. So obviously you'd switch to something not weak against fire, or that has very high special defense so it doesn't take much damage.
What is your opponent thinking?
1. Does (s)he plan to switch?
2. Should I really use a fire attack?
If you switch out Butterfree and send out Ludicolo, your opponent might predict you're actions and use another move, like Toxic or Confuse Ray. This takes you by surprise.
Prediction is very important, you have to be ready for anything in competitive battles.
Special Traits (Emerald, D/P)
[ Arena Trap, Pressure ]
Battle wild Pokémon more often. Some Pokémon with these traits include Dugtrio and most legendaries like Mewtwo or Lugia.
[ Compoundeyes ]
The wild Pokémon you fight have an increased chance of holding an item. Some Pokémon with these traits include Yanma or Butterfree.
[ Cute Charm ]
Encounter more Pokémon of the opposite gender. Some Pokémon with these traits include Clefairy or Skitty.
[ Flame Body, Magma Armor ]
Eggs hatch in half the time if a Pokémon with this trait is in your team. Some Pokémon with these traits include Magmar or Camerupt.
[ Lightningrod ]
Trainers call you more often. Some Pokémon with this trait include Rhydon or Manectric.
[ Magnet Pull ]
Battle Steel type Pokémon more often. Some Pokémon with these traits include Magneton or Nosepass.
[ Sticky Hold, Suction Cups ]
Easier to fish for wild Pokémon. Some Pokémon with these traits include Muk or Octillery.
[ Vital Spirit, Hustle ]
Enemy Pokémon are more likely to have a higher level than the Vital Spirit or Hustle Pokémon in your team. Some Pokémon with these traits include Vigoroth or Togetic.
[ Keen Eye, Intimidate ]
Enemy Pokémon are less likely to have a higher level than the Keen Eye/Intimidate Pokémon in your team. Some Pokémon with these traits include Skarmory or Mightyena.
[ Synchronize ]
Enemy Pokémon are more likely to have the same nature as the Pokémon in your team with Synchronize. Some Pokémon with these traits include Umbreon or Alakazam.
EV Training Tips
*Exp. Share*
If you just hatched a Pokémon, it starts out at level 1, making it difficult to train with because it could be KOed easily or takes a long time to beat opponents. Also, if you're using something that doesn't have any moves to begin with, like Ralts or Wobbuffet, Exp. Share can be very useful.
Always remember to give the Pokémon vitamins before you start training, they save time.
Let's say you want to train your level 1 Buizel in attack and you have a level 70 Empoleon on your team that you used through the entire game. Empoleon can easily beat wild Pokémon, right? Let's also say that you want to train Buizel in attack. Give Buizel the Exp. Share. So go to the grassy area around Sandgem Town and battle wild Shinx. Empoleon can easily beat them with in 1 hit and Buizel gains experience and 1 attack EV from the battle, even though it didn't fight. Do this to level it up and gain EVs until Buizel can fight for itself.
*Power Items*
Each Power Item can be found at Battle Tower. They cost 16BP each. Sounds cheap but it'll probably take you like 2 hours or so to buy each one.
Power Weight (HP)
Power Bracer (Attack)
Power Belt (Defense)
Power Lens (Special Attack)
Power Band (Special Defense)
Power Anklet (Speed)
Each item gives +4 EV in their stat, NO MATTER WHAT YOU FIGHT. You also get the EV that enemy drops normally too. So if you have a Power Weight on and battle a Starly, you gain 4 EVs in HP and 1 EV in speed. If you fight a Shinx, you get 4 EVs in HP and 1 EV in attack.
Each vitamin (protein, hp up, iron, carbos, calcium, zinc) boosts a stat by 10 EVs. The maximum for one stat is 10 vitamins, or 100 EVs. The max amount of EVs you can have total are 510, so you can't max out EVs for every stat. The most EVs that can go into a stat are 252.
Doubles your EVs. If you battle a Shinx, you gain 2 attack EVs instead of 1.
*Macho Brace*
(same as Pokérus) If you have Macho Brace + Pokérus, you gain even more EVs. So if you battle a Shinx, you gain 4 Attack EVs.
1 (EV from Shinx) x 2 (Macho Brace) x 2 (Pokérus) = 4
If you accidentally raised the wrong stat, there is a way to delete EVs. Feed your Pokémon special berries:
Pomeg Berry (HP EV -10)
Kelpsy Berry (Attack EV -10)
Qualot Berry (Defense EV -10)
Hondew Berry (Sp.Atk EV -10)
Grepa Berry (Sp.Def EV-10)
Tamato Berry (Speed EV-10)
Even if your Pokémon is level 100 and you EV train it, all you have to do is put it in a box and take it out again. The stats recalculate and change to match the EVs you customized it with.
Raising Happiness Easily
1 - Feed the Pokémon vitamins like HP Ups or Carbos
2 - Battle & use Lemonades to restore HP
3 - Have the girl in Veilstone massage your Pokémon
4 - Avoid getting KOed or having status effects inflicted on the Pokémon
5 - Hold the Soothe Bell
6 - Feed your Pokémon Pokéblocks or Poffins
7 - Feed your Pokémon EV reducing berries (Kelpsy, Qualot, Hondew, Grepa, Tamato)
When your Pokémon is happy, visit a woman in a house on Route 213 for a Footprint Ribbon.
Migration Tip
Always be sure to have a Pokémon with Surf in your team if you're migrating over water-types from the GBA games.
Battle Tower Pokémon EV Spreads & Movesets
Click here
Pick Up
Pokémon with PickUp: Zigzagoon, Linoone, Meowth, Teddiursa, Aipom, Ambipom, Munchlax, Pachirisu, Phanpy
In Emerald, Diamond, and Pearl, items found are based on level. At level 91 and beyond, Pokémon may find items like Max Revive and Full Restore often. You may also find Leftovers or TM26. Pickup is also helpful in finding Dusk, Dawn, and Shiny stones. Basically, every few battles, check your Pokémon with Pickup. They should be holding an item. Take the item and continue battling so they pick up other items.
Clarification on a few Risky Items
Expert Belt - Boosts super effective attacks by 20%
Wide Lens - Boosts accuracy by 10%
Quick Claw - 24% chance of attacking first
Light Ball - doubles Pikachu's attack & special attack (not base)
DP Rival
On weekends, go to Battle Tower. Your rival will be waiting to battle.
Boosting Contest Stats Further
Go to Pastoria City and talk to the man (?). If you have a Pokémon with a maxed contest stat (like beauty or smart), he'll give you a special scarf (which your Pokémon can hold during contests) that boosts that stat even more. He only gives you 1 of each Scarf - Green, Blue, Pink, Red, & Yellow.
Start a New Game
To delete an old game in order to start a new one, go to the main menu and press Up+B+Start+Select.
Instantly Reset
Press L+R+Start+Select
Rustboro Event
In Pokémon Emerald, there is a man in Rustboro who wants you to say a secret word to make his daughter smile. In order to do this, you need to use a special online word generator which can be found at - simply type in your trainer ID and customize your own design which can be used as a PC box background.