Part two baby!!!------>  (Please read the journal enrty that comes before this one... why? its part one duh... rolleyes )
Kitty- ninja .... (Pink Panther theme song playing) ... hmmm... (Hiding under the couch... Glances around... BOOM!!! ... sees Ryoke. Ryoke is... is... eek ... oh... stare He's sleeping on the ground... oh well!! xd xp domokun whee ) heh heh heh heh twisted lookie what we got here... (manly tone of voice) .... (looking very evily at Ryoke).... Ryoke my friend... YOU ARE SOOO0 GOING DOWN BABY!! Chibi-.... O_o... KITTY!!! (calling out her cat in concern) KITTY WHERE ARE YOU!!!? cry (Sob) AHHHHH KITTY WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU AT!!!!??? (Running around getting closer to the couch. yes the setting is a living room) Kitty- O_o.... uh-oh trouble.... Chibi- (next two Ryoke's body. screaming) KITTY!! GET OUT HERE NOW!!!! domokun Ryoke- (wakes up and looks up at Chibi) stare ... Shut up... CHIBI- SHUT UP!!?? scream xp GRRRRR!!!!!! stressed (Begins to kick Ryoke rapidly at his stomach) WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU!!!!??? YOU ALWAYS BICKER AND COMPLAIN AND SMIRK AND BE NEUTRUAL AND BE MEAN AND BE A b***h WHY DON'T YOU JUST TAKE YOUR STUFF AND LEAVE MY HOUSE NOW!!!!! stressed scream domokun xp stare evil mad Ryoke- stare ... Fine... I'll be Nao's roommate instead... (Nao is a dude) Kitty- eek H-he's leaving!!?!? eek He's actually leaving.... eek ....SWEET FREEDOM!!!!! HOW I ADORE IT BABY!!! 4laugh mrgreen Chibi- Fine then!! mad I'll get a new roommate... and this time its a going to be a GIRL!!! because BOYS SUCK!!! (sticks out tounge at Ryoke) Ryoke- (iGNORES cHIBI. Waves at Chibi) bye bye.. (leaves with his suitcase. He heads right out the door) Chibi- o_O.... GRRRR!!! stressed *sigh*... ah well..... xp ..... Time to find a new roommate!!! blaugh 3nodding xd
(French dude saying this)- Two weeks later....
Kitty- (Happy theme song) blaugh HAHA TODAY'S A WONDERFUL DAY!! (Laying how cats usually lay on the couch while looking at a magazine that says on front " Cat's Weekly" wink HAHA!! THIS IS THE GOOD LIFE.... Chibi doesn't have to bother me anymore because Ryoke's gone... whenever Ryoke was mad with her she would always take it on me... (Wrong!! You''ll see why.. ninja ) heh i should of thought of this years ago.... Chibi- (Stepping in the living room) AND THIS IS THE LIVING ROOM!! blaugh Sierra- (stepping inside as well) eek ... whoa.... THIS IS SOO COOL!!!! blaugh 3nodding *Hugs Chibi* I luv it!!! 3nodding xd blaugh heart Chibi- mrgreen Sierra- (Notice's the cat)... eek ... cats..... domokun *growls*.... (action theme song playing) CATS!!!! domokun mad GRRRRRRRRRR THOSE HAIR BALL SPIITING FREAKS OF NATURE!!!!! domokun gonk *Grabs the cat and starts shaking him really really hard* DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!!!!!!!!!! Kitty- @_@ Chibi- eek uh -oh....
To be Continued!!^^ In Part three.... Obviously The Kitty will regret ever having Ryoke to leave.... Sierra has a little problem with this particular kitty that the kitty himself doesn't know about.... Also when Ryoke comes back to see how things are going he encounters Sierra as well.... the both of them don't have a decent chemistry together.. uhhh lets just say they're enemies for a particular reason... SHUT UP I LIKE THE WORD PARTICULAR OK!!! blaugh 3nodding xd domokun xp TO BE CONTINUED AT PART THREE!!!^^
As in for Chibi... she's an idiot ah well...
Chibi- crying AM NOT!! *Phobia list website-*
Profile!! A Little About Me: A little about me.... argh this is hard.. XD Hehe I'm wild and hyper sometimes.... i can be really stupid at times... I don't make sense sometimes.... hmm what else... i'm sometimes calm but thats when something is wrong .. lol.... OH HELL WITH IT!! JUST EMAIL ME OR WHATEVER GEEZ ....
Favorite Things:I'm not exactly sure.... I like theme parks... and the mall... and being preppy sometimes.... THAT IS SOMETIME.... wait.. ah yes... I LOVE KODOMO NO OMOCHA!!! Its an anime but its my absolute favorite!! I have all 10 volumes of the manga and have already seen all of the episodes from the anime.... i'm going to buy it when it comes out dubbed yes i am... i know other animes too but i would have to say that KODOCHA(short for kodomo no omocha) IS SOOOO AWESOME!!! hehe you must check it out... if you don't believe me then test me!! HA!! i dare you...
Hobbies and Interests: Besides anime and reading mangas and normal books i love to..... WRITE!! PLAY DDR!! WATCH TV AND BE SUCH A BADASS!!! I'm already writing two stories which are pretty good if you ask me and there both about drama and comedy! hehe too girly i know but i'm a girl sue me why don't ya!!... So far im in standard in DDR and i'm half way on learning how to do heavy mode and challenge mode properly. Tv is my life so don't say its a waste of electricity and time!!! You people are all hypocrits!!! (Don't correct my grammer!!) hehe... anyway being a badass is what i live to do... i love to bother people and confuse them.. if you think you can beat me in that then bring it on baby!!!!!
Favorite Quotes: ~"When life gives you lemons you squirt the juice in your enemy's eye" ~Happy Bunny ~"School prepares you for the real world which also stinks" ~ Happy Bunny ~"Someone should poke you in the eye with a really hot french fry" ~Foamy ~"I love dumb people. Its fun to watch them trip" ~Happy Bunny ~"Fell the wrath of my Nuts!!" ~Foamy ~"Wow your music sucks hard" ~Happy Bunny
~"Roses are red. Violets are blue. Your butt is funny looking, but I think you'll do" ~Happy Bunny
~"I'm bad and you love it" ~Happy Bunny
~"your anger makes me happy" ~Happy Bunny
~"I'm not mean. You're just a sissy." ~Happy Bunny
~" I just realized. I don't care" ~Happy Bunny
~"I love everybody even you stupid idiots." ~Happy Bunny
~"As you can see here i love anything that has to do with funny and stupid things... happy bunny, foamy, happy tree friends ( love them!!) violent stick animations anything!!!! if its funny i'll like it!! nooo..... I'LL LOVE IT!!" ~Your not going to know my name so haha!! hehe!! hoho!! heha!! (hehe i'm priceless.... lol) *
Creamery · Sun May 01, 2005 @ 08:28pm · 0 Comments |