part 8 of himeko life
"Uh can we come in." "yeah oh its you and sandre what do you two want?" "i want to hunt down chikane and yuusou. " 'Okay but on one condition you must take terry with you." "okay i got it we will be going by to night." "good hunting." Me and sandre left and went to terry's house "hellow any one home." "yeah in a minute." terry opend the door "oh you to what do you guys need." "the fith has let us go and hunt down terry and chikane." "its about time and what about ami?" "her to any one that is with them we can kill or bring in." "okay i go and get my stuff ready." In a couple of seconds we took off to the gates and left the village. "were would they be most likely in the most dense part of the forst that would be near the boarder of leaf and sand." "yeah well lets go." "hey himeko what are we going to do if we find ami or any one else that is helping them." "Thats up to you guys im going to just kill chikane." Something is not right about this never mine. sandre look at her "she nose somthing." "Were getting closer to there hid out. this is it i can sene manny people and i see three big powers points thats ami,chiknae,and yuusou." "okay ill take on ami." "wait terry we dont want to rush in. You will have ami snadre take care of all the other ninja i will take care of chikane than we will regroup and take care of yuusou. Got it" "yeah we will ambushe them and night time." "okay"as night fall the sent of blood was about to be every were. Back at the village "fith you know you sent them on a death misson right ." "if you see it that way. But thell do there jobs befor they die and that is simply kill those who would try to destroy are village." "But shoul w" "shut up and go back to your post i dont want to her this." "okay lets go be carful" "okay" they all took of after there on tragets. As they came closter they ssaw a fance sandre jumped right over it so did himeko and terry. When terry and himeko landit on the other side the found five grads dead "it seems sandre as strated with out us see himeko be carful." "you to."
It didnt take himeko long to find chikane "So you new we were coming." "yes i did we both have the same abiltyes." "yeah this time i wont let you get away."himeko ran towrdes chikane with a kunai but chikane block her by useing her hend."what the ?! I cant contral my bodey what the hell did you do to me?!!!" "Last time you thought you got away from us with easy we strated the jutsu but wernt able to finsh it the cains were left lose and know its taking contral." himeko looked down at the floor and move the kunai to her mouth and lick it "i know i can fell it this is what anuka felt." himeko trow the kunai to the floor "no i wont lose i cant i must jet revang my way." "so you still have fight left in you . Bad daughter i guess im going have to make you weaker." "i like to see that."
Terry was looking every were for ami "found you little b***h" Ami trunnd around "Oh hi sensei pround of me." "hell now you betrade the leaf village time for you to die." Terry grabed her sword "o come on just join us the end of the leaf village is coming and somthing bigger will take its spot." "no that wont happen or at least you will only see it in hell." Terry ran twords ami. Ami quikly grab her kunai she manged to stop the sword from hitting her "nice to see you gotten stronger but i would of stad at home with your kid because he is now going to grow up with out his momey." "what the hell i dont think so." terry jumped back and strated to make heand sings "fire ball jutsu" "your going to have to do beater than that " ami strated to make heand signs Water balde jutsu" warter went around ami arm trying into a blade."i guess im going to have to do beater oh well you ask for it."terry jumped up and strated to make heand signs. "wind shuriken jutsu" "what the hell is that " "something i was saving for your leader" ami was standig there "well its doesnt wor..ouch what the hell?" "it takes time for it to work. now die." As terry moved her hand left and then right. ami was getting sice up "you b***h." ami stred to make heand signs "Earth shild jutus.""damn you terry agine took out her sword and then took out a kunai "this ends today" "i would have to agree with u one of us are going to die"
"Himeko shall we begane." Chikane eye want to see blood.himeko ran to her puch after puch both were blocking them chikane qukiley garb a kunai and almost stpade her "damn i amlost let my gard down." "you did leav your grad down." Chikane was right behinde himeko she stpad himeko in the back "thats for last time"and kick himeko.Himeko got back up and pulled out the kunai it was perte deep in her "Huh once more all the resons to kill you." Himeko grabed her kunai and ran at her chikane grabed another kuani you could see sparks when both of the kuani meet "it would seem were even mother." "no your wrong about that" chikane looked at himeko right in eye she was useing the dival eye. "s**t himeko jumped back and quikly statred making heand signs so did chikane "elemantal blade" chikane said the same thing and both rush up to each other both blade meet an exspolation happen."hu hu it would seem you are getting stronger mother." "you to all the more resons to let the demone out." Himeko grab her head band that was covring up her left eye and slowly moved it up "Now were the same." chikane statred to make heand signs so did himeko "Shater ice bome jutsu " A big block of ice came out of the ground . chikane kick it towreds himeko she jumped out of the way and kick hers to chikane. "you cant hit me with my own jutsu" just then you can here "dark wolf demon flames" "what the?!" it hit chikane. chikane fell to the ground as she ladey there she said somthing then she dippered "s**t i didnt finsh it she finly leran that jutsu."As sandre keep killing the other ninja and terry fought ami himeko could fell the darkness strating to move over the area "time for us to get out of her."
"well no more talking ami time to finsh it." "yeah" Ami started to make heand signs "shadow fire death seal." "s**t shes trying to stop me form using my fire jutsu." terry jumped up and trow 5 kunai ami had no choices but to break the heand signs to dogged the kunai's. ami grab a kunai and ran up to terry." Terry statred to make heand signs "fire ball jutsu" ami jumped up with one kuani and a water blade for the other heand terry couldnt let her get neaver her. ami ran agine trying to get close terry statred making more heand sings "ground destory jutsu." terry hit the ground and a crack opend up ami move to the sid to aviod falling in the hole."i guess i new all your jutsu but im been wrong you have a lot hiden."ami got clost enought to almost hit terry in the face terry quikly grabed her sword "s**t i let her get to close." terry was blocking all of ami moves but barly. "Snadre time for us to go." "why himeko?" "just do as i say come on." "this cant be the end for me i have a promis to keep." "well you wont be able no more." "what th?!" ami slash off terry's arm that was hollding. "Awwwwww damn it." Terry started to make heand signs with one heand."fire ball jutsu!!" ami jumped over it and land it in the back of terry. ami cut both of terry's legs off."AWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!""such a wast of good talent well you are know going to die very very slowly." "Terry, terry we need to go." "oh s**t it would seem i have to go well bye." Himeko and sandre came up were there was lot of blood and bodey parts "sorry to fell you himeko i guess i was not storng enought to win im sorry." "No i should be . i should never took you on this mission." back at the village in the fith room a flower fell down. "what the." the fith just look down she was crying. "himeko there is one last thing i need you to do for me." "what is it ""take my head band and give to my son and tell him i loved him." terry had stop moving with her eyes still opend himeko close her eyes"lets get moveing." himeko grabed terry head band and took off.
on the way back to the village no one talked. we had lost a very good friend and we dint like it. when we got to the village i told sandre to go and tell the fith what had happend i went to terry's houes. When i nocked a young looking man asnwer the door i looked at him "sorry" and gave him the head band "she want me to give this to her son and to tell both of you that she loved you." The young man broke down in to tries i walked away trying to keep my self from crying."Why her why not me why?!!!!!" i went to my house and just keep on hiting the floor "i should have save her why her why??" Sandre was out side she could her himeko "why did we loes such a good ninja on this misson?" Then sandre rember what the fith told her when she walked in "who died?" "what how do you know someone died?" "so it was terry." "how did you know?" "the flower she gave me fell to the grownd. I new the mission was going to be hard but i thought you three could do it this was my falt. You can go oh and tell himeko im sorry for not sending more help." "okay." what are you going to do know himeko tell me befor you get in more troubl.
"Hey chikane it looks like im getting stronger than you." "huh what ever you think i aradey got the pices in the right place its checkmate." "what the hell are you talking about?""Good job chikane ." thank you Yuusou."
ninja Part eight is finsh hope u enjoy it ninja
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