Hey everyone! I love to type. Whether it's e-mail's, poetry, songs, school reports, or essays (i just hate reading them in front of the class). Write now i'm about to finish a book i've been writing for a while. It doesn't have a name yet, but is going to be at least 200 pages. I'm only on 137, or something like that, and i have a lot to expand and fix, but i'll eventually get it finished. While i'm still waiting on ideas to finish the story, i've started a new one. It's called Mixed Friends. It's kind of based on Manga things, like Inuyasha. Dog demons, you know? Well, anyway, here's the first chapter to it. Tell me what you think!
Tatshiro stepped out into the small clearing. Dark patches of leaves scattered the ground, and great barreling oaks were to be seen everywhere. Small rays of light filtered through the dense canopy of the trees, and illuminated his face. A gentle breeze blew against him, rustling his long, raven black hair. The breeze carried a familiar, yet different scent.
The scent was human, but all human scents were different. This one reeked of dirt, grime, and smoke. Tatshiro sniffed again, and nearly chocked. The smell was a burning flesh. Rustling came far off in the distance, yet he could hear it. For he was a dog demon, they had strong noses and powerful hearing. The breeze blew again from the opposite direction. A sweet, salty scent reached him. The ocean, he could not mistake its rich smell for anything in the world.
Shouting filled his ears.
Wait, no, screaming. Someone is screaming for help. By the sound-and smell-of it, they’re human. I despise humans.
Tatshiro waited a few minutes.
A man ran into the clearing where Tatshiro stood. He nearly passed Tatshiro, but when he did see him, he stopped and turned. The man was on fire. His clothes were burning, along with his flesh.
So that’s the burning flesh I smelt.
“Please, sir. Help me, I’m on fire! I’m burning! Stop the burning!” The man began running around the clearing, waving his arms like a maniac.
Stupid, giving it air will just help it grow and spread. You’ll die painfully, because I do not wish to save you.
Although Tatshiro did not say this out loud, the man could tell he wasn’t planning on helping.
“I’m begging you, great dog demon. Take pity, take mercy on me!”
“Die,” muttered Tatshiro, and he walked away into the trees. He could feel the man’s gaze on him, till he knew he was too far in the coverage of the trees to be seen.
The screaming pierced his ears again, and he covered them. Dogs had good hearing, but Tatshiro’s were extremely sensitive. The sounds all died out after a while, and the birds began their chirping again. Their sweet melodies filled the silence of even the tiniest of cracks of the forest. Maples, Oaks, Dogwoods, and Red Oaks passed him.
Tatshiro came upon the smoothest trunk he’d ever seen in endless years of walking through the forests. Never stopping, never needing food, never thirsting, just continuing on. He witnessed many deaths, and caused many deaths himself. He really had no destination, just kept walking and letting fate decide what would happen to him. Through rain, through storms, tornados, and hurricanes he walked. Everything was the same to him. The people, the towns, and especially the travelers he passed in the forest. All went by, some muttering “Hi” to him, but he never responded.
What’s the point, he’d once thought. If I reply I’ll just be saying that I wish to fall into a conversation. (Which I do not wish.) So I won’t reply. They’re all alone, and want someone to talk to. They’ll do anything to talk to someone.
Tatshiro glanced around himself. Everything had gone silent. The birds had stopped, and the bugs had fallen silent. He smelt a scent that he had before a long time ago. Tatshiro couldn’t place his finger on it.
I’ve smelt this scent before. What is it…?
The sun still shone, but it seemed this part of the forest was darker. It looked like dark clouds had rolled in and covered out the sun. A huge gust of wind hit him, leaves blew with it.
Strange, that smell again, and it seems a storm is coming in. That’s unexpected. Or is someone performing strong, dark magic? Do they wish to bring the dark clouds, and the rain? I can see no point at which the storm is starting.
The scent still lingered.
The scent was vile. Not as bad as the burning flesh, but not much better. It didn’t make Tatshiro want to choke, at least. It wasn’t the smell of any things in particular, just its own sort of smell. How it naturally smelt, which was disgusting.
I’d hate for that to be my natural smell.
Self-consciously, Tatshiro sniffed his hand. It smelt like a hand should, not bad, with a little bit of dirt scent.
His ears pricked, and he picked up a snickering in the bushes behind him. He spun around gracefully, and stared deep into the bushes. No movements were made, and no sounds were made. A deep cold feeling crept up inside him. Tatshiro’s long, baggy pants began to be no protection against the awful coldness he felt.
That smell, it’s so close. It’s in the bushes. Whatever’s in the bushes is what I remember smelling a long time ago. What is it…?
The snickering came again.
There’s more than one.
A giggle came from behind him the same time one sounded off in front of him.
They’re surrounding me! He realized.
Tatshiro withdrew his sword. It had been passed down through his family for generations, and had just recently been passed to him. His father had died in a battle between himself, and an immortal man, named Tobosaku. The sword was meant to slay and to slay only…
Oni! That’s the scent I’ve been picking up. They’ve attacked my family before, and that’s where I remember that scent. They’ve finally come for me. I won’t go down that easily.
An Oni stepped out from the coverage of the thickets. His smell was even stronger out in the open. He gurgled, with a greedy look in his eyes.
Oni were devil-like demons. They had long, scratchy nails, and wild, greasy hair. Their faces were fierce looking, and two horns were perched on its tiny head. They were smaller than Tatshiro, and about the sized of a baby tiger.
More stepped out all around him. Tatshiro tightened his grip on the sword. The Onitaiga.
He smirked. “You’ve found me, don’t be expecting congratulation, you won’t make it away alive.”
It was the first time in a while he’d spoken. Tatshiro did not expect an answer. They did not speak the human language. Only exchanging small grunts, clicks, and whistles. It all meant nothing to him, and their faces always kept the same fierce look.
The largest out of them all leapt at Tatshiro. His blade flashed out, and he felt it striking directly the Oni’s body. The limp body fell to the ground. Green, acid liquid oozed out. Supposedly the Oni’s blood.
All the Oni’s stared at the thrashing body, till it jerked to a stop. It lay there motionless. They all stared at it, while Tatshiro stared at them all. Each Oni looked back up at him their fierce look had been replaced. It was pure hatred. They spread out a bit, and began sprinting in and out of his legs at fast speeds.
He stood very still, watching the constant motion of one Oni. He drew back his blade, and watched it run around and around him. At the precise moment Tatshiro slammed the sword down and the body dropped dead. All the Oni’s continued.
A long rip sounded, and pain flooded through his calf. He thrashed the sword uncontrollably. One of the Oni’s had gotten a long scrape across his leg. A small darting object flung itself at him, and landed on his back. It began ripping at his shirt and tugging on his hair.
Tatshiro reached back, grabbed hold of its tiny neck, and yanked it off his back. The Oni struggled in his grip, and his hand tightened around the Oni’s neck. He gripped his blade, and dropped the Oni. Before the creature had hit the ground, a blade was sticking though its head. Tatshiro pulled it back out of the head, and the blood dripped off of it.
Two more were left.
This was way easier than I thought. Although, I let that stupid Oni got my leg. It’ll heal.
The last remaining Oni’s looked at him. They looked at their dead comrades, and then at each other. They repeated this again. One of them shrugged, and they began exchanging clicks. Both of them didn’t seem to notice Tatshiro until his blade was already slicing through the Oni’s necks. They heads slipped off, and lay on the ground.
The whole area was filled with that green acid blood.
Wish I could have had a better fight. I’m getting bored.
He began walking again. The dark clouds had disappeared.
Abnormal, he thought. I know the Oni don’t bring storms. Then what caused it?
Everything seemed back to normal, birds, bugs chirping. The sun was setting, and the horizon looked like it was on fire. The hottest of the fire was the blue you can sometimes see in the middle of it. The less hot of the fire were the pinks and purples. The moon’s faint shape had set against the contrast of the sky. Twilight.
A squirrel scrambled up a tree. It leaped from the lowest branch to the next tree. A small clearing was up ahead. In the clearing was a giant boulder.
I’ll sit there for a while, and then set off again when the moon rises.
Tatshiro loved to walk in the moonlight. Especially near the ocean. Everything was quiet and peacefully at night. It softened his cold heart.
The chirping of the crickets had gotten so loud, he swore every cricket was about to burst. Their night song had a mournful sound to it, like each one was wailing and crying.
What’s to cry about? The night’s coming. Oh, wonderful, beautiful night. If I only had another worthy enough person to share it with. Another person who could stand up to me and not get killed so easily in a fight. If one survived, I’d stay with them, and talk for a while. What’s to cry about little crickets? Are you mourning for the dead Oni’s? Or is it for my loneliness that you feel compassion to?
He’d reached the boulder, and soft sound pricked at his ears. Tatshiro carefully withdrew his sword. It felt heavy in his grasp, which was unusual. The sound was almost like a weeping. A little girl crying, because she was alone and had lost a lot.
He sniffed, and a scent came to him.
Tatshiro really had no problem with cats. He wondered why everyone thinks he should go chase around a cat.
Maybe, if they stole something of mine.
He looked at the big boulder. A silver glint caught his eye. The moon had risen, and the stars twinkled. A billion burning candles in an endless sea of night.
He reached for it and lifted the small object up closer to his face. Tatshiro, being careful not to make any sound, stepped around the rock and saw a figure curled into a ball behind the rock.
The figure was shaking violently, and their body making thrashing motions. He just kept staring. Tatshiro’s ears pricked again.
They’re crying. Should I leave them, should I stay?
He looked at the figure’s head. Two ears pricked out the top.
A cat demon, thought so.
Tatshiro crept over to the figure. It didn’t stir.
“Who are you?” he asked.
The face lifted; it was little girl. About seven years old. Her face was flushed, and was stained with tears. She had long brown hair in piggy-tails and big hazel eyes. She looked at him, and then looked away.
Tatshiro didn’t know why he did it, but he put his hand to her forehead.
She’s fevered. Should I stay or not? Why not? It’ll give me something to do. I’ll take her to a village, and get her help there. Then I’ll be on my way. A village can’t be far off. I smell scents all over this place, which means people have passed here a lot.
She’s sniffed, and stuck out her tongue. To his surprise, he found himself chuckling.
What am I feeling? I’m cold hearted! I don’t care for other people, or things. Why do I even bother with her? Why am I laughing?
“Don’t like the smell of dogs?” Tatshiro guessed.
She smiled. “Sa…”
“What is it?”
The girl began a coughing fit. She stopped and shuddered violently. “My name is Saaya,” she said weakly.
“Saaya,” Tatshiro echoed. “I’m Tatshiro. I’m going to help you, you’re safe. Look you need help, do you know if there’s a village nearby I can take you to?” He looked down at her.
Saaya’s eyes widened. “No,” she whispered faintly. He almost missed what she was saying.
“Why not?” Tatshiro demanded.
“They’ll be cruel. They won’t help me. We’re outsiders, we don’t belong. They kicked my sister and me out. I was trying to help them,” she gritted her teeth, and coughed.
“Why bother helping humans?” he muttered.
Saaya froze and looked at him. “I…don’t…know.”
“Well, I can’t leave you here. I’ll go get things for you, and get a fire started. Just stay here,” Tatshiro said.
He lifted her body from the ground. It was delicate, weak, and too thin. Almost weightless, but everyone must have a weight. Tatshiro sat her down, and propped Saaya’s head against the boulder. With the moon shinning on her face, she looked almost transparent. He got a fire started, and the flush came back to her cheeks.
“I’ll be back,” Tatshiro promised. He began to get up, but Saaya grasped his arm.
She stared at him darkly. “Be careful, please. Not everyone who seems, or smells human is human. Take it from someone who just witnessed it.”
Tatshiro nodded, and she released his arm. He was walking away, when he heard her call out softly. “Thank you.”
She’s wise for one so young, but why am I helping her?
Write me what u think, i'll come out with the secound chapter in a few days...hopefully, if your wanting to continue the story.
Other hobbies of mine are Singing, Acting, Drawing Manga, Listening to music while reading, going to Barnes and Noble for hours reading Manga books, watching Inuyasha on the internet, e-mailing my friends, writing stories, writing songs, and lots of other lazy things. But i'm not fat, i don't really eat much, and no! I'm not anirexect, however you spell that word, see i can' t even spell the word, but that doesn't make me stupid. Say i'm dead, i'll murder you, jk! Well, i gave my friends scars, because she was annoying me, but that was her fault. Don't make fun of me, i'll track u down. I'm actually not that mean, sometimes, i'm quiet, shy, unless i'm typing, it's just when i'm actually TALKING to someone, then i'm socially innept. Anything else you want to know, just ask? I don't bite, often...
Sparrows and cats will live in my shoe
Sooner than i will live with you
Fish will come walking out of the sea
Sooner than you will live with me
Because I could not stop for death: He kindly stopped for me. The carrige held but just ourselves and immortality.
Little sister's are aswormer
Little sister's are annoying
I'm a evil, pyromaniac villan. (maniacal laughter) jk!
Luv cats, love dogs, but love cats better... Wish i were a cat demon...
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