
A little one shot I thought of
Angelo, a red haired, red-eyed vampiric youth sighed heavily tapping his long black talons on the leather steering wheel of his new sleek mustang. The sound of tire on pavement droned along with air hitting the outside, further eating at his exposed nerves. “Are we there yet? I’m bored! And this car smells funny...” Canis, a chaotically annoying werewolf whined piteously. He glared at the wolf from his rear-view mirror, idly wondering why he dyed his hair purple at the ends. What does a werewolf need dyed brown and purple hair for? He sighed again, this was his night off... his death-day, as his sire joked. He usually received some type of gift, but a car was not exactly expected. So he was going to take it for a ride, when he suddenly had the stupidest idea since becoming a vampire... ‘Hey! Lets take Canis along! He’ll be fun company...’ Apparently the wolf was not only easily sea sick, he had a nice case of motion sickness too. “I said, are we almost there yet? I gotta hurl... ugh!” the wolf-youth groaned. For a three thousand year old were wolf he acts like he not even two yet! “NO! For the last bloody time we are not almost there yet! And we will not be for a good twenty minutes!” Angelo snarled, swerving down a street. Canis started to gag and retch in the back. “Don’t you dare, you little freak show! You throw up in this car, you’ll clean every drop up with your tongue!” Canis whined at this. Angelo cursed in Latin as a car pulled out right in front of him, the car jerked. “That bleeding b*****d! He pulled out, like a dumb-a**, right in bloody front of me! Stupid mortal drivers!” Angelo raved slamming his fist on the horn so hard it busted with a little, ‘zap’! Angelo cursed again. “Angie, I’m thirsty! Got a drink?” Canis whined. Angelo growled in frustration. “No, you idiot! I’m a damnable vampire, even if I did have a drink with me, it would most likely be sitting next to me wearing a bloody miniskirt!” he growled more fiercely. A few peaceful minutes passed by and Angelo sighed in pleasure. “Are we there yet?” “Dammit... NO!” “How’s ‘bout now?” “No, say that one more bloody-“ “Are we there now?”
Amaroq smiled seeing his oldest childe pull up in the new car he had picked out himself, a sleek black mustang with UV resistant windows, very expensive but well worth the price. Angelo got out of the car, smiling radiantly at his sire. “How did you like it?” the eldest vampire asked in his light ancient accent. Angelo smiled widely before embracing his sire. “It was perfect in handling and speed, I thank you, but I am rather tired... I wish to retire early.” He said with a yawn, showing off his canines languidly. Amaroq smiled and nodded as Angelo walked up to the steps of the manor. He suddenly frowned. “Oh and Angelo... where is that Canis of Raggirok’s, I doubt my brother would be pleased to find his son misplaced.” Amaroq asked, Angelo looked at his sire, with long Dracula-styled black hair and red eyes, adorned in some quality of silk, and such deathly skin, he looked perfect for playing a ‘Dracula’ in some ‘movie’, and he laughed evilly. “Oh check the car, he stopped moving a while ago so I’m not sure he’s still alive... Bye!” and he disappeared in a streak of red. Amaroq frowned. He quickly went to the car to see. There was nothing inside the car... he pressed his ear to the machine and opened the trunk. Inside Canis was, completely tied up with some sort of rope; he was struggling to say something through the gag which had once been a sleeve of his red pastel shirt. “Eer ‘ear ow!” Amaroq tore it from his mouth. “What did you say?” “We’re here now!!!” he sing-songed merrily. Amaroq rolled his eyes and shut the trunk walking away and shaking his head....
“Heeelllo? Amaroq? Can you let me out now? Please? I’m scared of the dark you know... guys?”
________________________________________ And I thought of that song, The Vampire Club the whole time too. Type it in at youtube and you get a lot of funnies
Grimm Wrath · Sun Sep 02, 2007 @ 06:59am · 0 Comments |