what is the world coming to?
none of my friends are online. j00 ignore me? xp Heh... well, my title reffers to field hockey and P.E. At field hockey, I really and truly wish to play goalie because I think I'm good at it. I've played a few games in the position and even though we lost most of those games (it was my fault, but D's fault as well, I swear- the ball shouldn't have ever come near me to begin with, and offense didn't score a single goal. Plus, I wasn't sure of what I was doing because all I was told was to stop the ball), I love it. I love being the center of attention. I love having all that responsability. But there were some new girls who actually said they want to play goalie because they don't want to run. Now, if this were my team, I'd have them running 'til the end of practice. I'd have them running 'til after the end of practice, but you know... their folks would prolly throw a fit. But seriously- field hockey is a running sport. Why are you playing it if you don't like to run? As coach said, "You don't want to run? Fine. Tennis is over on the court." And speaking of tennis, I chose to take it in P.E. this marking period... quarter... whatever. I want to learn (and so do all my friends- either it's a coincidence or they're just in it to be with everyone else), so duh I took it (rollerblading next time whee fun!). So the teach says to run one lap around the court. I'm horrible at long distances but seriously, it's one lap around the court. I'm at the head of the pack next to one of my friends and we make it back to the teach alright. Some girls are still running. We start stretching. Some girls are still running. We finish stretching. Some girls are still running. We start goofing off and waiting for these girls to finish running. Some girls are still freakin' running. When they get back at last they're totally out of breath and talking about how hard it was. Half of them were walking so I don't know where they get the nerve to complain and the other half were just trotting along. No reason to be out of breath or tired. But they are. 'Cause all the fat, outa shape kids chose tennis/golf to avoid running, 'cause they thought there wouldn't be any. Well... suprise, girls. It's a sport, and every real sport requires some kind of movement. Honestly, I have no problem with people being out of shape for a period of time. Don't be fooled- I'm in good shape now (not to toot my own horn or play my own sax or anything like that), but I've had times where I've been just a bit too heavy or a bit too thin. It happens. You know what? Fix it. There is no excuse for a young person in the prime of their life to be overweight and unhealthy. Excersize while you have the time to; start eating right now, while your body is still developing. Get into the habbit. Some say fatness is genetic. I disagree. Heart problems, cancer, diabetes and the like may be, but being overweight isn't your great- great- great opa's fault because he went a little bit overboard with the frankfurters. Last summer I was chubby. Not fat, not thin... just kinda overweight. I hadn't exercised much, thus I gained weight. I wasn't obese, though. Come field hockey season, I was fretting over making the team, so I got moving and lost that weight and built up some endurance. While I'm still not the best runner, I've got those few extra pounds off and I've been pretty much the same size for the past year give or take one or two pounds. I wear size twelve pants because of my prudishness but I could easily fit into a size eight. Not to brag. I just don't like my jeans serving also as an exo-skeleton. But last summer I was wearing, like, size fourteen or something (mind you, my proper size was probably a ten- I've always worn my clothes a bit bigger than they need to be). Alright, enough of that. My point is, I've been heavier, I've been thinner, but I work my buns off at field hockey every day and I'm in good shape. I want to know why no one else seems to be able to do that- find a sport you love, do it, and stop wearing skin tight clothes when you really, really shouldn't be. Nothing wrong with being out of shape for a short period of time as long as you have the determination and willpower to get fit again. I'm talking to young people particularly. I can't stand seeing all these kids running around, not chubby (because honestly, my autistic eight year old brother is already built like a football player but he's chubby too and he's just too damn adorable that way), but obese. Fat. It's not right. If children are our future- if we, the teenagers of the honor societies, high honor roll and honors classes- we, the students who are meant to spell out the fate of this world and the fate of the coming generations... well, that means the future shall be wrought with heart disease and unnecessary death. Obesity is worse than the bird flu or plain ol' influenza or chicken pox, people. Stop thinking about the stupid s**t we get our kids pumped full of vaccines for and start thinking about the real stuff.
ALSO: I know everyone thinks if you play a sport you are thereby a jock and somehow stupid. I guaruntee you that while I play sports and while I cannot spell to save my life, I am no idiot. And you don't have to be overweight to be an intellectual. I'm sick of the stereotype that you cannot play a sport and have lots of friends without being a stupid, airheaded bully. I hear the excuse all the time: 'Oh, little Johnny isn't into sports... he's more of the creative, intellectual type.' Hello, this is your wake- up call; I'm not cocky and I'm not modest, and I know that I have more creativity in the nail of my pinky finger- which, mind you, is tiny due to my nasty habbit- than little Johnny does. And I'm intelligent, too. At age five I wanted to be an archaeologist, geologist or paleontologist (yes, as has already been mentioned, we have no mad spelling skillz here). I now hope to become a psychologist or professor of theology... and I'm fully capable of achieving my goal. And, like I said, I play field hockey, volleyball, I sail, I ice skate, and I swim. So next time you tell me Suzie's smart because she got an A on her spelling test, yet Suzie is overweight and she uses her intelligence as an excuse, I'll laugh my royal field hockey- playing arse off, suggest Alli or Jenny Craig, and call it a day. I know I'm a bit harsh, but that's what people need these days; a crazed, old school coach (or, in my case, a player) just sitting there and screamin' at you. I get it from my dance teacher all the time and like she says, if I didn't love you, I wouldn't do it. People who know me know that I'm a generally sweet and amiable person, though not completely in my right mind. I wish everyone the best and I hope someone has gained something from this rant o' mine.
PS: I'm big boned. Can't help it. I'm tall and I weigh a ton, but when it comes down to it I get comments all the time about how healthy and in shape I am. My posture's straight as a surfboard from six years of Irish Dance and people say when I run I look like I'm doing a jig. I have the calves and thighs of a clydesdale on roids. Physically, I'm imperfect. I think I'm cute, though, and I know I'm in shape. You're probably thinking "oh, that's what all fat folk say... big boned..." but honestly, people; I sail, play field hockey, ice skate, do Irish Dance, swim, play volleyball, kickbox (on and off) and work out on my own as much as I can. Do you really think I'm saying I'm big boned just to make myself sound good? The reality is that some people are meant to have meat on their bones; some are meant to be trim; some muscular; some skinny. The only person who can really tell you what you should be is you. Do you feel good? Are you out of breath after going up and down stairs? Do you tire easily? Do you feel light headed often? Then comes the weight issue- are you overweight and having trouble up and down stairs? Stick skinny and often light headed? Weight and these problems may or may not be linked. Some are purely hereditary or just concerning your health aside from weight and as the only sciences I truly understand are earth science and psychology I'm of no use to you there. Honestly, I feel awesome. Energized, fit and ready to pulverize any opponent who dares set foot near my goal. I know I'm healthy (well, I get chronic headaches- have since I was four. Old news- no tumor, I just pop some Advil when I actually remember to do so). Do you? What does your body tell you? Don't take what others say to heart; while I'm out there skating around the rink or sprinting to the goal I have jerks calling me fat. It's bull. The only people you should listen to about anything like this are family, close friends and yourself. The people who matter. You don't even have to take any of this entry seriously. Just do what you think is right- live and let live, an ye harm none do what ye will. Case closed- I'll stop adding to this now. biggrin I might as well write a novel about this. not that I'd finish it. *grumbles*