WUHEY!!!! Another away trip!
This time I didn't go up via a speed restricted coach! I went by car which was much quicker! Well so we hoped. Then we hit the M25!
We hit quite abit of traffic on the M25 especially around the junctions but we still got to the ground with plenty of time. So, we then decided to go to a pub, which we got kicked out of because unknown to us it was a West Ham pub! So we went and got some chips instead!!!

Now the game. It was a good game, well we Argyle fans enjoyed it! watching the Greens in there electric yellow away kit! It was just ashame it was ruined by Dean Ashton scoring in injury time,DAMMIT! xp
We it felt like we had more possesion of the ball, we also felt we had a pretty descent penulty shout to! Really we desearved to of won that game!

On the way home we were held up again by the M25 due to roadworks. scream
This time we had to go right around the other way on the bloody ringroad! which added about another 2/3 hours to our jouney! Thanks to this I didnt get home till 5am!
Best way to sum up this day was, Good Game. Nightmare Of A Trip!