Chain 1
"This is WAY out of my league......"
This is a story of a boy named Mikoto. Mikoto Kusari. He has tweaked red hair and yellow eyes. He wears blue baggy pants and a Durem shirt.
Most call him Koto. Others call him.... well... we'll get to that later.
Koto lived in the village of Konpaku. It was a quiet village. But mostly... it was because there was no war.
Koto and his friends were walking down the street. "You guys are gunna love this." Koto said. "It's my favorite place in town." They kept walking. "This is taking forever! How much longer?" Chein complained.
Chein had been Kotos friend for as long as he could remember. Chein has boyish green hair and blue eyes. He's wears a Buttoned down Flora shirt 'n' Sweater and green torque pants.
"Yeah, how much longer?" Rensa said.
Rensa has been Kotos friend for half the time Chein has. Rensa has frumpy black hair and orange eyes. He wears black GetaGRIP top and pants.
"Just up ahead, let's go!" Koto said. Then he ran ahead of the others, who followed him. They ran, left, right, loop-de-loop, right again, left again, then......
They stopped running to a bang and looked around. "We should get g-going..." Chein stuttered. "Not just yet, let's go check that out." Koto ordered. He ran the other way. "I thought he said just up ahead." Rensa said to Chein. "Yeah.. me too...." Chein said. "Wait up!" They ran to catch up to Koto. The two stopped to see Koto shocked. The thing he was shocked by... shocked Chein and Rensa too. It was... a meteor.
Chain 2
The three stood there, shocked, not knowing what to do. They waited for someone to say something first. It was Mikoto. "Now that... is something you don't see everyday..." They didn't do anything at first. Koto sighed. He started walking towards the meteor. "Koto! Wait!" Chein yelled. Koto just kept walking. "Chein, what could a meteor do? Nothing." Rensa said. He was right, a meteor couldn't do anything. If it was a meteor. Chein and Rensa went after Koto. Koto knew they were following, so he led on. When Koto got close enough, he stopped right in his tracks. "Wait," he commanded. He walked closer. This was no ordinary meteor. It had blue letters on it. Well, not really letters, but markings.. like ancient letters. They weren't exactly blue either. They were glowing blue. 'Whoah...' Koto thought. The meteor had made a huge hole. Koto jumped into the hole, leaving Chein and Rensa by themselves. Koto landed on the rock pavement. It was deep, deeper than he thought it was. He walked closer to the meteor. Or... what he thought was a meteor. He walked all around the meteor, keeping his fingers on the ancient letters that surrounded it. Then....
It happened.
"Koto! Come on! The village is being attacked!" Rensa yelled.
"Are you serious?" Koto yelled back. Rensa nodded. "Then help me out of here! It's too deep to jump out!" Koto called. No answer. "Rensa?" Rensa just stood there, eyes opened wide. Koto was confused. "Rensa?" He asked again. Then.... Rensa's body fell into the hole.... with an arrow in his back.
"Rensa!" He shouted while he ran for his friend. "Rensa? Rensa?" He knelt down towards his body. "Rensa?" He was out cold.
"I got one!" Someone said. Raiders. "No fair! I called this one!" Another voice said. 'I gotta hide.' Koto thought. There was a slight opening in the hole that the meteor made. He crawled in, with his heart racing. Then he saw that the blue markings disappeared once he crawled in the space. "Hey," the first voice called out. "A meteor!" The second said, "Oooo." Koto's heart was beating even faster now. "Hey you two!" A third voice called. "I've been lookin for you! Everyones to meet at Konpaku Center!" The second voice whined, "Do we have to?" The third voice said, "Yes. Unless you want to be faced with our leader." The first and second voice said, "Coming!" and there were two sets of feet running off. The third voice went over to the ledge, right above Koto. Koto's heart was about to explode. Then the third hocked a logey over the edge and ran off. Koto was relieved. Since all the raiders were supposedly suppose to go to Konpaku Center, he was safe.. for the moment. He crawled out of the hole and the meteors ancient letters glew again. Then he noticed something he hadn't before.
There was a small whole in the meteor, and it had a giant ancient letter on it.
He walked towards the meteor, being cautious. Then he stuck a hand out to touch the small hole, but before he could.... the letters started to rotate.
Chain 3
"What... the... hell..." Koto said, confused and amazed at the same time. The letters rotated faster, and faster, and faster. It was going so fast, that he couldn't focus on one letter before it spun around the other side. Then he heard a voice... Closer... It was dim, but he heard it. He just stood there, in shock. Closer.... The voice said louder. He didn't do a thing. Closer! The voice yelled.
This is where his adventure began....
He stood there... not knowing what to do. He didn't realize that his hand was being pulled into the meteor. "What the.... Stop! Stop!" He yelled at his hand. There was no stopping it. He put his hand on his wrist, and dug his feet in the ground. "Auggh!" he said, while trying to pull his hand away. He was slowly being pulled into the meteor. Then, his hand touched the hole in the meteor. Flash!
Koto couldn't see a thing, and his whole body tingled and stung. "Auggh!!" He screamed. He couldn't see for about 2 minutes. Then he saw it. His hand was in the hole, which actually was a circle dent in the meteor. His hand hurt like hell. The ancient letters were spinning so fast, you couldn't see them, it was just a blue blur. He couldn't do anything but watch the fireworks. He was feeling all sorts of emotions. Shocked, amazed, scared, happy, and sad. Sad, because his village was being raided. Then.... Flash! Flash! Flash! Flash! Boom! "Aughh!!" he screamed in pain. It hurt worse than ever. 'I'm gunna pass out..' was one of his many thoughts. The letters turned red, then green, then purple, then all the colors of the rainbow. They all flashed in 3 seconds. The letters were growing brighter. So bright, that Koto shielded his eyes with his other hand. Then all the letters flashed one last time and went all into the dent of the meteor. "Ahhhh!" He screamed. The last thing he saw before he passed out was... the letters pouring into his hand. They were a little like tattoos. It went somewhat past his wrist. Then he passed out.
The next thing he saw was.... Raiders... "Ahh!" Koto yelled. "Be quiet! Yellin' isn't gunna get you out of here." One raider said. There was 2 raiders there, looking at him. He was breathing hard. His heart was pacing as fast as the ancient letters spun. "What do you want?" Koto blurted out. The raiders laughed. "We be wantin' you, mate." The other raider said. Koto freaked out. His eyes went so wide that it might of popped out of his head. 'What do they want with me? Why me? Why did they have to destroy the village for me?' Were some of the thousands of thoughts he had in his noodle. Then he thought, 'Where's Chein and Rensa!?'
"Where's my friends!?" he screamed at the raiders. "Haha! You mean these snotty kids?" The first raider said while pointing towards Chein and Rensa in a cage, with tape on their mouths. "Mmhmm!" They muffled. "Chein! Rensa!" he said, angry and scared. "What do you want with me?" he said. The raiders laughed again. "He doesn't even know?" Raider 1 said. "I guess not!" Raider 2 said. Then Raider 1 got serious and said, "We want you... because --"
Chain 4
He never got to answer. Raider 1's eyes got huge. "Wha... wha..." said Raider 2. The past was coming back to Koto fast. Raider 1 fell down... with an arrow impaled into his back. "S-s-sir?" Raider 2 said, with a shaky voice. "You will not tell that boy of what was meant to be!" said a mystery voice. "Yes, Si --" Raider 2 said, but never got to finish. Raider 2 pushed the bucket. "W-w-w-w-wha....." Koto stuttered out of himself. Another raider pushed open a door. Koto realized that he was inside a hut. Not just any hut...... Koto's hut. The raider came up to Koto and pulled him up by his shirt. The raider didn't even say anything, he just stared right into Koto's eyes. Koto felt like the raider's eyes were piercing right through him. It wasn't a good feeling. The raider "tsked" and then threw him on the ground. "This is him? Is this really him?" The raider said with disbelief. "Yes, he is. I am certain." The mystery voice said. The raider "tsked" again, then stormed out. "Get up." the mystery voice commanded. He did what he was told. "Go outside... and see what has happened to your pathetic village." the voice commanded. "What the hell did you do to Konpaku!?" Koto screamed at the voice. "See for yourself." was all the voice said. With anger, Koto slowly walked out, not prepared for what he was about to see. It wasn't pretty. He walked out to see the village...... burning. Koto had his mouth open and eyes open wide. There was screaming and yelling all around. Koto went to his knees, and started crying. He wasn't ready for this kind of.... of... killing. He was on his knees crying for 5 minutes. He was hit with all kinds of emotions.... anger, pain, sorrow, and.... more anger. He knew what he had to do. He had to get revenge for all this that was taken away from him. Then he finally noticed the marks on his hand. They were glowing. He barged back into his hut. "Where are you!? Come out you coward! I'm going to kill you!" He screamed at the voice.
"You have been marked..."
"What?" He said, confused. "You have been marked.... now..." "Now... what?" he asked whatever was talking to him. "You have been marked!" The marks on his hand started to glow bright. He covered his eyes.
Chain 5
The light went away. Koto's eyes were wide. His hand pulsed. Bum Bum! Bum Bum! His vision got dizzy. "Who....what.... are you...?" he barely said, before he passed out. When he woke up, he sat up really fast and hit his head on something. "Augh!" he said while laying back down. Then he tried to remember the last few... however long he was unconscious. He remembered someone... it was a blur.. but he saw someone. It was a boy... about his age. But something about him looked familiar. The boy looked scared. His eyes were wide, and staring at Koto. Then the boy said, "K-k-k-koto...?" Then the rest was a blur. Koto got up carefully, and tried not to hit whatever he hit. He didn't know where he was. But it looked like a hut. It used to look like a hut. The hut was burnt, all that was left was the bottom half of it. He looked around, and saw what he hit into. It was a big piece of wood that was leaning from the hut next to the one he was in. "Where am I...? he said while rubbing his head. He got up, but this time, he didn't hit his head. He looked around. He dusted off crumbs of wood, then realized that there was a gooey substance on his hands. His vision pulsed. "B-b.....blood..." he said to himself. "Tsk... tsk.." said a voice. Koto looked and saw... another raider. He had a sword. The raider paced, playing with his sword. "Why is this foolish boy a Chain? I do not know, but now......." the raider paused. "You must die!" Koto felt like death was nearing. The raider charged and Koto stuck his hands out to protect himself.
His vision flashed, and then all of a sudden, the raider was beat up. "You are tougher than I expected...." he paused again. "..but not tougher than me!" He pulled off a glove and revealed the same markings as Koto's, except red. Koto stared at the markings. He didn't know what to do. Time seemed to slow down for Koto. The raider charged again. He was about to get attacked, when everything flashed again, and the raider was more beat up. The raider breathed hard, "This isn't over.... not by a long shot!" he said, then ran out of the hut. "What...... just happened..?" he asked himself. "Go..." said a voice he heard before. "What?" he asked. "Go..." "Why? Where?" "Go!" His arm pulled him out of the hut. "Ahh!" he screamed, while trying to pull it backwards. "What's going on?!" he yelled at his arm.
"All that you need to know for now, is waiting for you..." That's all Koto needed to hear. "Let's go." he said.
Chain 5
Koto's arm pulled him out of the hut and into the light. He noticed something different about his village. The whole thing. The whole village was gone. The thing that replaced his village.... was space. Space as in space that astronauts go in. That space. He looked in awe as his arm pulled him along on a bridge of light that lead from Point A to Point B. A straight pathway. He looked behind him to see a door. The door had a marking on it. It was a mark that that had a circle, around the circles were upside down T's. A T on each side of the circle. North, east, west, and south. In between all those T's are two dots. He looked back ahead and in the distance, he saw another door. He looked around until he asked, "Where are we...?" The arm answered him while still pulling him along. "We are in a Flareway." he said. "A where?" Koto said, confused. The arm didn't answer him. "Hello?.... Ugh fine, if you don't want to talk..." The arm stopped. "We are here" said the arm. He pressed the mark on the door and it lit up. He pushed it again and it opened up. "Here we are..." said the arm. "Brings me back this place... it really does." Koto was confused again. He pushed the door all the way open with his free arm and saw.... a city. This city was full of people. "I will go into Freelance so you can move around on your own. We wouldn't want people to thing you were weird for walking with one arm ahead of you, now would we? Find Tayori. She'll tell you everything. Now go." Koto walked towards the city, still in shock. The city was far away. But not that far. He walked through a breezy meadow. He was about to get to the city, when..... "Hey, little brat!" said a voice from behind him. He turned around to see... the bandit with the marks on his hands. "I told you it wasn't over..." he sneered. "Now it's time to finish our fight." Koto was confused like always. "Who are you? What do you want with me?"
"Heh... I think the question is... what don't I want with you." the bandit said. "My name is Sanzoku... and this is the worst day of your life."
To be continued...."
Characters so far


