((How it's said: You are a Grade (what ever your put as) peice if s**t! A being the best quality which = worst! F being the most mild and not really cared about))
Grade A
Inferno04:First of all, for being a b***h. For sending me pms like you know me, which you don't. Trying to make my boyfriend break up with me by trying to come between me and him forwarding him fake, hand-typed and manipulated by you pms. For convincing him to keep a secret tie to you. Trying to convince him to cheat on me. Honey, back off. You think I'm keeping him from you? You did a damn good job of it all by your self. I'm sory that you are so overly self conscious that you don't have a real life out side of the computer, but stop trying to pry into mine!
Grade B
Rikkuzia: Supporting Kowai's decision! oh and steal my LOOK OUT Idea! Who's stealing now!? Not only that but is convinced i want her boy friend. Excuse me but no thank you! If i wanted him, i would have taken him a long time ago. Mybe you should treat him better and you wouldn't have to worry about him leaving you!
Grade C
Kowai_Chan: Didn't confront me about an issue and tried to ruin my shop instead of asking to fix it. I ASKED permission it in the first place! They said yes... not my fault you forgot. Also for being a coward and having your friend talk to me for you!
Fluffy323:You've been an a** hole since i met you! I don't like you for speading rumors about one of my best friends. For cheating on my other friend for multiple occasions then lieing to her on multiple occasions. For being a jealous b*****d. For trying to convince me to feel bad for you when you dug yourself a hole(i still think you should go to jail). For being involved in a releationship while promising one to another, as well as ******** other girls during the promise. For talking yourself up, and for being the weakling that you are!
Grade D
Grade F
Mrs Schofield the Strong :For being a bully and a rude also hypicritical person. If you don't know me and want to criticize me... don't. That doesn't fly at all... especially when you boldly contradict yourself.
-BloodPhase-Yoru- · Fri Nov 16, 2007 @ 04:15pm · 1 Comments |