of dawn, had got dressed in record breaking time, packed a hefty lunch for
three and then headed straight for the island, Destiny Island.
It was a short trip to say the least, though mostly due to the fact he was
full of energy, thanks to a great breakfast of sugared Chocobo-Os! His arms
had moved faster then he thought, rowing the ship easily across the mirror
like ocean water, no waves visible in the early morning sun.
Carefully he slowed his pace, until the boat hit the sand. He was up then,
pushing and pulling the small row boat across the crystal clear waters that
lapped at his calves until the boat was at the shore. He secured it with the
thick rope to the large wooden post him and his best friend Riku had made a
few days earlier. It held perfectly, the boat drifting slowly back and
forth, yet unable to move any further into the sea.
Sora smiled stretching, the sun a few feet in the sky now, had just rose for
the day. He stared at the now golden sky, the light breeze ruffing his hair
some. He closed his eyes taking a deep breath, the rich salty air filling
his lungs.
He moved then, reaching into the boat to gather the large back pack that
held the contents of his lunch. It was heavy, too heavy for just one person,
then again, he was a growing boy.
He slung the pack over his shoulder, turning now to walk to the inner island
to the huts and small pool. Surely Riku would be here soon, until
then, Sora would simply wait outside in the sun and play one of his new DS
games or read some manga. He had managed to stuff one or two into his pack
before he left this morning, just incase Riku was late.
“Let’s see...” he began, diving right into his Shonen Jump.
“Alright! Shaman King!” he continued, reading the shonen with great interest,
oblivious to the figure behind him.
“Boo.” whispered a cool voice in his ear, causing him to jump and fall
forward, his magazine flying behind him somewhere.
“Riku!” whined Sora, sitting on his rear now, glaring up at his emerald eyedfriend with a pout.
Riku laughed, smiling down at his friend.
“Sup sora? You're here early. Eager to be alone with me?” he asked,
extending his hand towards the young male, flashing a dazzling smile.
Sora blushed some, frowning, crossing his arms quickly, turning his gaze to the
right, closing his eyes and raising his chin, snuffing his friend.
“Aww, come on.” sighed Riku, slumping down onto the steps that Sora had
been sitting on.
“Don’t be like that Sora.” he added, Sora not budging, though took a quick
glance to his friend, who was giving him the super extreme puppy dog eyes.
“No.” warned Sora, closing his eyes and facing his head to the right again.
“Sorwaaa...” moaned Riku, trying to be cute.
“No! It’s not gonna work!” added Sora firmly, but Riku could already tell
his friend was on the verge of giving up.
A few more sad whimpers from Riku and it was over, Sora sighing heavily,
looking at his friend with a frown.
“I’m sorry.” sighed Riku, rolling his eyes.
“Yeah, yeah.” added Sora, mirroring Riku’s mannerisms.
“Come on.” Riku said, on his feet, extending his hand to Sora now, Sora
eyeing him a bit before taking it.
Riku smirked, tugging his friend quickly to his feet. Sora blinking, taken
off guard by the sudden jerk, stepped forward, the front of his foot bumping
against the front of the steps, causing him to trip and fly forward, right
into Riku's chest.
“Ahh...” managed Sora, before his eyes were wide and face beet red.
Riku blinked, eyes wide as well, his arms on either side of Sora now,
though not holding him.
The two stood like that for a moment.
“S-sorry!” cried Sora, quickly pushing himself from his friends well defined
chest, facing the opposite direction, trying to hide the mad blush that crossed his cheeks.
Riku blinked, confused, watching as Sora staggered around some, then smiled.
"Excited?" teased Riku, giving his young friend a seductive smirk.
Sora blinked, his face heating up again, turning to look away once more.
"You wish." muttered Sora, glaring at the sea angrily with his arms over his chest.
Riku watched him for a moment, still smiling when he turned.
“Come on Sora.” said Riku, his friend, looking at him confused now.
“Huh? But what about Kairi? We should wait for her, right?” asked Sora,
tilting his head some, looking cutler then before.
Riku blinked, shaking off the blush that crossed his cheeks, facing the
huts now, scratching the back of his head,
“Sora, Kairi is shopping today. Did you forget?” asked Riku, trying to
sound disappointed.
Sora frowned, then nodded.
“I did. Thanks for reminding me.” he added, Riku nodding, walking up the
stairs now and along the small path near the island pool.
“Looks like it’s just you and me Riku!” sang Sora, smiling happily with his
eyes closed at his friend’s side. Riku blinked, smiling at his best friend
warmly with a nod.
“Yup. Just like the old days.”
“You said it.”
The two laughed as they made their way to the small secret cave that had
been their base for a great many water balloon and water gun fights. The
tunnel was a bit bigger now due to erosion, but more over grown with grass
and such then anything else, as they hadn’t been there since their last run
in the world of Kingdom Hearts.
They were older now too, and so was their secret place. Sora was able to
enter the area with no real problem, but Riku on the other hand...well he
had developed quite a few new assets, like muscular arms and legs, not to
mention had much wider shoulders now. Getting through the narrow tunnel
was harder for him, but with a little elbow grease and a few push and pulls from
Sora the two were in.“Jeez, you need to stop growing.” teased Sora, dusting himself
off as he got to his feet, Riku rolling his eyes, doing the same.
“Sorry, if I can’t be as small and cute as someone else around here.”
replied Riku, Sora pouting at him.
“Hey! I'm tough!” urged Sora, putting his fist up, Riku rolling his eyes
again, stepping around his friend.
“Sure.” he spoke, looking over the old cave drawings, all untouched,
forever protected by the stone walls.
“You always were a better artist then me.” spoke Sora, breaking the silence
as he admired one of Riku’s renditions of a sword, perfectly drawn and
shaded. He chuckled some, looking to the one beside it, his, the lines
wavy and rough, the shading far from great.
Riku chuckled too, moving past his friend, looking over the other drawings.
“You’re not that bad.” he said, Sora rolling his eyes.
“This isn’t that bad?” spoke Sora, motioning with his thumb to a drawing that
looked something like a dolphin crossed with a dog.
Riku blinked, biting his lower lip, trying to hold back a laugh.
Sora frowned, sighing, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Exactly. Crap-tac-uu-lar.” he said, emphasizing the word, Riku busting out
into laughter.
Sora just shook his head, looking over the other drawings while Riku
continued to eye the dolphin dog like thing, tears streaming down his
perfect face from the laughter.
“Okay, okay. It’s bad. I’m glad you’re getting a good laugh out of it
though.” added Sora, Riku at his side now, patting his shoulder hard.
“Ahhh, I’m sorry, that was mean, but damn boy...” he started, his words a
jumbled mess, in laughter once more. Sora rolled his eyes giving up,
moving to the drawings him and Kairi had worked on.
He looked over Kairi’s. Her perfect hearts and stars, her self comical
drawing. They were all perfect, something he expected too see in a shonen
magazine. Next to hers, his were mere first grade material.
He moved along, Riku’s laughter gone now, though a light chuckled escapedhis lips
every so often, something Sora tried to ignore. He moved along the rocky walls, smiling
at all their childish drawing, until he reached onethat was something more.
It was him, drawn by Kairi, and Kairi drawn by him, though did little to
capture her beauty. It was old, slightly faded, no longer the rich yellow
chalk back in the day a more eggshell white now. Still, it was a very
important drawing, one Sora thought about often. The two drawing each other
sharing a paopu fruit.
It was something Sora had always wanted to try. Kairi seemed to be the one
he’d like to try it with. Or was she? His heart was racing all morning, but
Kairi wasn’t here. Why was that? He wasn’t sure himself, suddenly bewildered
by the feelings the drawing now invoked, the confusion...
“What’re you looking at...?” asked Riku suddenly at his side, his hand
resting on Sora’s shoulder.
Sora blinked, wide eyed, his face flushing, his body jumping at the touch of
his friend. Riku looked at him curiously.
"Jumpy today aren't we?" he asked, looking suspicious now.
"N-not really." managed Sora, trying to compose himself.
The two stared at one another, the realization that Riku would see the
drawing dawning on Sora. He had to stop him from seeing that drawing.
Why? He wasn’t sure, just knew that half of it was due to the fact he would
be beyond embarrassed and the other half, well, he still wasn’t sure about
that himself...
“Nothing! Nothing!” he shouted, waving his arms back and forth in the air as
he edged closer to the drawing. Riku watching him with a questionable look.
“Uh...huh...” spoke the silver haired male, stepping to his friend that was
stepping back to block the smooth cave like wall.
“Come on, let me see.” spoke Riku, pushing at his friend lightly, Sora
pushing back some.
“It’s nothing! Really!” continued Sora, the two wrestling some.
“Just move you dork!” growled Riku, narrowing his eyes.
“No! There’s nothing there!” added Sora, the two continuing to wrestle
"It can't be that bad!" spoke Riku in an assuring tone, Sora shaking his
head grabbing at Riku's vest some.
Riku's annoyance flared, his large hands easily encircling Sora’s wrists,
tugging him back from the wall and spinning him out until his back was to
the wall on the opposite side. Quickly he pushed Sora’s hands and body
to the wall, pinning him there. Sora blinked wide eyed, as he looked to his
Riku glared, beyond annoyed, his chest heaving as was Sora's. The two stood
like that for a moment, Riku's expression growing calmer, his breathing
easier now.
Sora continued to stare at the silver haired male, Riku doing the same,
their gazes unwavering, even as Riku's finger tightened some about Sora's
small wrist, Sora unable to fight back a blush, the closeness of Riku and
the silence causing his heart to race anxiously.
"Jeez..." managed Riku breaking the sudden tense air.
Sora looked to him again, Riku looking down, his head slowly raising to
recapture Sora's mystic blue eyes, smirking.
Sora blinked.
"What?" he asked.
Riku continued to smirk.
"Heh, you're not fighting anymore..." he spoke, softer now, leaning to his
friend some.
Sora stared wide eyed, pressing himself back against the wall as far as he
could, Riku's face mere inches from his own.
"S-so?" said Sora, blushing more, Riku looking rather intense, but still
smirking, plotting.
"Sora..." whispered Riku, unintentionally seductive.
"Wh-what...?" whimpered Sora, Riku tilting his head, leaning to his friends
"I want you to...Touch me..." he whispered, Sora gasping some.
"Wh-what?!" he shouted, staring at the silver haired male in disbelief.Riku stared back, still smirking, though his eyebrows were raised, as if he
were innocent of any indecency or wrong doing.
And then came the laughter, much like earlier, only louder Riku's head hung
over now, gasping hard through his laughing fit. Sora frowned, glaring at
his friend.
"Riku you're such a jerk! Quite teasing me!" yelled Sora, trying to wiggle
his wrist from Riku's mighty grasp.
Riku snapped his head up then, tightening his hold on the boys slender
The two looked at one another, Riku seeming to test Sora's expression, Sora
only confused, taken aback by Riku's sudden tense and serious expression.
Just what was he plotting?
"Heh...who said I was teasing Sora...?" purred Riku, Sora staring on,
Riku's lips were suddenly pressed to his own. It wasn't rough, just tense
and soft, calm, romantic even. Sora's entire body tensed, the kiss still
soft, testing in a way. And Sora just stared, wide eyed and confused at his
friend's boldness.
Slowly the kiss broke, Riku leaning back as if in slow motion, his eyes
opening at the same speed. Sora still looked shocked and confused, Riku's
expression still tense and serious, though searching Sora's, measuring his
"Ri...ku..." whispered Sora, unable to say anything else, the words trapped
at the back of his throat.
Riku stayed silent, watching his best ferned intently, then slowly, he
released one of Sora's wrist, moving his hand and resting it on the young
boys face, strumming his cheek softly with his thumb, Sora blushing, closing
his eyes at his friends touch.
What had happened, Sora wasn't sure, what had caused it was also a mystery at
the moment, either way, Riku had kissed him and though the kiss was far
from passionate, it was still intense, the brown haired boys heart pounding
in his chest and ears. He knew he should be outraged, that he had good reason to be,
and yet he wasn't. His blood was boiling under his skin, his breath coming shorter and faster,
a strange and sudden excitement flooding his body.
"Sora.." whispered Riku, leaning in once more, pressing his lips to the boys
neck, Sora blushing, closing his eyes tighter, tilting his head back, his
free hand moving to grip the back of Riku's vest.
"Riku!" moaned Sora when his friend nipped lightly at his neck.
Riku's hot breath was soft against Sora's neck as he chuckled, the tip of
his tongue trailing up the boys neck slowly, following his jaw line.
All Sora could do was moan, one blush blending into the next, his fist
gripping the fabric of his friends vest tighter, Riku's body pressing to
his more. Sora moaned, his body reacting on its own, crushing himself
against Riku.
What was happening? Why was Riku suddenly so..intense?! Had he done
something wrong? Said something funny? Was it simply the setting, the fact
is was so dark, that they were alone, that Riku was simply acting on an
And what about Sora himself?! Surely this was impulse, was it not? Or was it
more? Sora wasn’t sure, only knew whatever was happening now, was good, so
good and he was enjoying it far too much.
However...Riku's behavior was a bit unexpected, not to mention odd. Riku
had never made such advances before, and for him to be doing as he was now,
seemed...odd to Sora, strange, like this was a dream or a joke...
Riku moaned softly, his once soft kisses that trailed along the blue eyed boys
neck were harder now, causing Sora to moan louder.
"Riku...no..." moaned Sora, his face beet red as Riku's hands moved to undo
the front of his shirt, parting the jacket slowly.
"Ahh...Riku..." moaned Sora again, Riku toying with the boys n****e.
"St-stop!" managed Sora, using all his will power to command his hands to
push Riku's shoulders now, pushing him back some.
Riku tensed, as did Sora the two staring one another down, chest heaving.
"What's wrong...?" whispered Riku, Sora blinking some, as if the answer were
"What's wrong...? What's...going on...?! Why...are you...suddenly...with
me..." managed Sora, looking down bright red, Riku blinking, tilting his
"What do you mean..?" asked Riku seemingly puzzled, his thumbs rubbing
Sora's upper arms some.
"What do I mean!? Why are you teasing me like this!?" shouted Sora,
wondering now himself, as Riku was a joker. Then again, he had never done
anything like this. Come to think of it, Riku was the one who had invited him
here and he was the one who knew Kairi would be gone. Perhaps this all
was some elaborate scheme, one Riku was video taping and then planning to
show Kairi later. It sounded far fetched, but at the same time a
"Do I dare ask what you're thinking...?" sighed Riku, frowning some, as if
he was reading Sora's mind.
Sora frowned too, looking away from his friend annoyed.
"That you're mean for teasing me like this! And when I find that tape of
this, I’m gonna burn it with the strongest fire magic I have!" he stated,
pouting now, Riku blinking, wide eyed and confused.
"Teasing? What the? And what tape?" he asked, suddenly baffled, Sora
looking at him annoyed.
"Well, if you're not teasing then what are you doing?" he asked, suddenly
angry, why he wasn't really sure, as the anger seemed to stem from something
other then the fact that Riku was teasing him so cruelly.
Riku blinked, Sora glaring at him.
"I'm being serious..." he spoke softly, Sora blinking, blushing.
"What..." he managed, his voice almost inaudible.
"Watching you all this time...losing you twice...I never want that...never again..." spoke Riku caressing his friend's bright red cheek.
Sora listened blushing brightly.
"Riku..." he said, blinking at Riku's sudden smirk now.
"Heh...besides..." began Riku leaning to Sora again.
"You're not exactly fighting back..." he finished, claiming his friends lips
once more with his own, parting them, his tongue pressing tightly against
"Mmmm!" moaned Sora into the silver haired males mouth, pushing at his
broad shoulder with one hand, pounding on his back with the other, but to no
avail, Riku was simply too strong, not to mention, Sora's will power was
fading fast.
"Ahh, Riku..." moaned Sora again, Riku working his way down the boys neck to
his chest licking at his n****e.
"What a cute little pink n****e you have Sora..." he joked, pinching the
small pinkeness playfully, Sora shifting under him, his head thrashing back
"Riku!" he cried, gripping his friends shoulders.
"Sora..." answered Riku, pressing his body harder to the boys, playfully.
Sora moaned more as he did, gripping at his friends vest, tugging it down
further, Riku moving his arms back to free them from the cloth.
"Stripping me now? You sure seem eager..." teased Riku, licking Sora's ear
slowly, Sora blushing brightly, tilting his head.
"Do you like this Sora?" he asked softly, suddenly thrusting his hips
against his friends, grinding against him rough and playfully.
"Riku!!!" moaned Sora in both surprise and pleasure, arching his chest
towards his green eyed male, pressing his hips tighter to Riku's, Riku's
hips grinding against the boys at a slow, but hard teasing pace.
"Sora...ah..." moaned Riku tilting his head back as he felt their arousals
against one another, Riku raising an eye brow some, noting the lump between
Sora's legs was rather large.
Sora moaned, tilting his head to the side panting softly, Riku's hips rocking against his own still, the throbbing between his legs tenser, harder, almost painful.
"Riku..." moaned Sora, Riku watching his friend now.
"It hurts Riku..." he continued, tilting his head to the side more, closing
his eyes tighter.
Riku smirked, leaning back, gripping Sora's shoulders.
Sora blinked suddenly on his hands and knees, Riku hunched over him sucking
on his ear.
"Mmm, I’ll make it feel better..." he purred, letting his hands slowly
travel down his young friends sides to the edge of his jeans, trailing his
fingertip along the top of them, searching slowly.
"Riku..." moaned Sora, blushing, tilting his head some to look back at his
His fingers traveled about the hem of Sora's baggy shorts, toying with the
buttons. It was painful and pleasurable at the same time. Just knowing Riku
was there, so close, his fingers brushing so softly against the thick cloth
of his clothing was maddening, the lump between his legs throbbing more.
Then with out warning, Riku grabbed him fully with his entire hand gripping
him tightly between the legs. Sora's eyes were wide, a loud moan ripping
from his lips as he thrust his head back, gripping the sand below
"Riku!" he shouted, Riku only smirking, enjoying Sora's reaction, not to
mention the reaction he had triggered from between the young males legs.
"Mmm, you're so big Sora..." moaned Riku, licking at Sora's shoulder some,
tugging playfully at the boys shirt with his teeth.
"R-Riku..." moaned Sora, closing his eyes tight as the boy began to fondle
his member through the pants, the throbbing so loud in his ears now, the
pain almost too much to bear.
Sora could feel Riku's capable hands about him still, sure that if the boy
did not make room soon, that his pants would burst. As if reading his mind,
Riku was there, his other hand taking over at massaging Sora's bulge, while
his other began to undo the buttons, each one a lock being undone, opening a
door. Sora sighed content, the pressure weakening with each opening, giving
him some relief, but it was still so tender, the mass of his boxers crushing
"Ahh..." he moaned, though more in relief then anything else, Riku not
having that, his hands quickly reclaiming the massive bulge, gripping it
tighter, harder, stroking it faster through the cloth, Soar's moans loud
and frantic.
Riku was experiencing much the same problem, though his pants were much
tighter then Sora's due to the fact his was a bit more form fitting along
the waist. He moaned, both because of the large mass within his hands that
was Sora and because of the tenseness that crushed and confined his own
"Sora..." moaned Riku pushing his pain aside, reaching up with one hand to
raise the boys shirt from his back, leaning down to slide his tongue slowly
up over the boys spine. Sora shivered, moaning, arching his chest to the
ground, his leg reacting on its own, slipping back between Riku's,
against the mass...
"Ahh...!" cried Riku tensing, Sora doing the same.
"R-Riku...?" he called, looking at his fiend who seemed to be in quite a
bit of pain.
"Ahh, you're so feisty..." managed Riku smirking some, clutching himself
"Does it hurt?" asked Sora, noting Riku's hand. Riku looked down some,
smiling sheepishly.
"Only because you keep making it bigger." he teased, Sora blushing frowning
The two were silent a moment, their soft panting the only sound. Sora hadn't
moved from his position, neither had Riku, continuing to hold himself,
looking rather distressed.
"Here..." called Sora softly, slipping out from under his best friend and
faced him now, gently pushing his shoulders so the boy was siting with his
knees bent.
"Sora?" he asked, watching his friend, who looked like he was debating.
Sora didn't respond, lost in thought, looking at Riku's hand, the way it
hovered ever so close to the massive bulge between his legs, was sure he
could hear it throbbing., much like he had heard his own. He was sure it was
very painful for Riku, and right now, he wanted to fix that.
"Riku..." spoke Sora softly, resting his hand on his friends causing Riku to
"Let me...touch you..." he added, looking to the silver haired male, Riku
looking back, shocked.
"Are you sure...?" he whispered, not wanting to make his friend
Sora smiled, nodding.
"Just relax Riku." he said, gently pushing his friends hand aside, carefully
beginning to undo the front of his pants, Riku moaning some softly, watching
Sora wasn't sure what to expect, not to mention, what to do. He had never
done anything like this before, male or female to say the least. He had
though, stumbled across a few random Yaoi comics at school and on the web,
and had a decent idea of what to expect and how to remedy the situation at
Riku's pants opened easily, the bulge clearly visible now as it crushed
itself against the males boxers, Riku moaning more, sure it would burst
through them shortly. Carefully, Sora felt his way into the boxers, blushing
brightly, as he parted them, Riku's full blown erection visible to both of
Riku blushed madly, shocked by the size of his arousal. Apparently Sora had
done more then just wake him up; he had his blood pumping full speed! Sora
too seemed shocked at the size, noting it wasn't freakish or anything but
bigger then he had imagined.
Slowly, Sora moved his hand forward gently touching the tip of the throbbing
red mass with his index, middle and thumb, pulling it back slightly at
Riku's sudden tenseness. He gave him a quick glance before placing them back on the tip again, slowly letting his fingers travel the length of the
Riku moaned, his head involuntarily leaning back to gaze at the ceiling, a
long moan escaping his lips. Sora was pleased by his friend's reaction,
pressing on, letting his other fingers join in, until he was using his entire hand to feel the hot flesh before him caressing it here, touching it
there, shocked by how soft the skin was, stroking him slowly.
"Sora..." moaned Riku, almost begging, Sora knowing he was making things
harder then they already were...literally.
Slowly he leaned forward, closing his eyes. His tongue snaked between his
parted lips, to delicately lick the head of the burning erection.
Riku was on fire now, his blood boiling as his body tensed, arching out more
to Sora, the feeling of his tongue on him...was insane! He moaned loud and
long, gripping at the grey sand beneath him. And then he was there, inside
Sora's mouth, Sora leaning forward to take him partly in, sucking softly on
him now, his tongue pressed firmly to the hot flesh, his saliva dripping
down him as well, coating him.
"Ah...Sora...Sora...!" moaned Riku, breathless now, his chest heaving, his
body rocking some slowly back and forth, doing all he could to keep his hips
still, but to no avail. Slowly he began to rock in and out of Sora's mouth,
Sora moaning, rocking with him, sucking harder, his hands working together
now, stroking the lower half of the erection.
Sora blinked, his moans muffled as Riku slid in deeper and deeper, until
Sora was sure the erection had penetrated his throat. He moaned loud, the
vibration in his throat only making things even better, more intense for
Riku, the boy throwing his head back with a wild gasp, loud moans ripping
from his chest now, his rocking faster, harder, as he thrust his hips
carefully into Sora's awaiting mouth.
Sora didn't mind, kept his mouth open wide as Riku thrust in and out, his
hot breath making the erection hotter, his saliva coating it for easy
entrance. He moaned louder himself, letting Riku's member thrust deeper. He
gripped the silver haired boys hips harder, tugging on them some, as if
urging him to thrust deeper, faster. Riku obeyed, but continued to be
cautious, not wanting to hurt the boy he loved so much.
Sora continued on, sucking harder now, Riku's thrust shorter, faster,
sometimes stopping altogether, as if letting himself rest inside Sora's
mouth, enjoying the vibrations Sora's moans created. Sora took the
opportunity to use his hand, now unable to stroke the erection as it was so
deep into his throat, instead focusing on the large mass of flesh under the erection,
using his full hand to grip and fondle it, to rub and massage it. Apparently he had hit
a good spot, Riku's moans marking his victory, the boys thrusts faster again, harder, more intense.
"Sora.." he gasped, almost inaudible.
"I'm..about to..." he started, tilting his head to the side closing his eyes,
unable to make a coherent sentence as Sora toyed with him.
Sora either didn't care or didn't hear him, though Riku was sure he had,
because Sora began to suck harder, groping him roughly, tugging some, Riku
moaning loudly, gripping the boys hair, pushing to boys face into him more,
Sora's moans only making him get closer.
"Sora...I’m going to c**...!" he moaned urgently, knew he wouldn't be able
to hold off much longer.
And Sora didn't move only gripped Riku harder, sucked faster, Riku unable to
hold back anymore.
He threw his head forward, clenching his teeth and closing his eyes tight,
exploding into Sora's mouth. Sora moaned loudly, letting his mouth open, the
milky white liquid spilling out over his lips and onto the sand. Riku
moaned for a long moment, then all was silent. That too was broken shortly
by both of their heavy breathing.
Sora sat up, moaning and blushing brightly wiping the milky liquid from his
mouth and face, Riku watching him, blushing brightly as well, could feel more
of it leaking down over himself still.
"Sora..." he moaned, the boy looking to him now, blinking.
"That...was...so good..." managed Riku still gasping for air, as he tugged
the boy against his chest, holding him tightly.
"Riku..." moaned Sora, blushing, closing his eyes, could feel Riku's lips
against his hair.
"Now..." began Riku, his breathing a bit easier now.
"It's my turn..." he purred, licking at Sora's ear slowly.
Sora only had time to blink, before he was on his hands and knees once more,
Riku's hands on his shoulders tugging off what little jacket and shirt clung
to his blue eyed friend’s body, which wasn't much. Sora blushed wildy as he was
striped of his clothing, though noted Riku was doing the same, tugging off the form fitting
black muscle tank top he wore under his vest, tossing it aside. His pants and boxers followed afterwards.
Sora blinked, at his friend's naked form, taken in by the beauty, the
perfection. His skin was a shade lighter then his own, and his abs were perfectly accentuated.
His chest was also well defined and his broad shoulders was almost too much to bear. Looking
at him made it feel like Heaven really did exist.
Sora quickly ripped himself from that corner of his gawking brain and went
to move to his bottom, to tug off his pants, but Riku was on him instantly,
pinning him slightly so that he remained on his hands and knees. Sora
blushed, looking back at Riku who smirked.
"Here, let me..." he whispered, sucking on the side of his neck now, Sora
blushing moaning, could feel Riku's hands trailing along his sides, his
thumbs looping into the sides of his denim shorts and boxers, sliding
them slowly down to his knees.
Sora blushed noting he was fully naked now, as was Riku, the silver haired boys
body pressed against his some.
"It might hurt a little..." murmured Riku, Sora blinking some, about to
look back...
And then there was pain, Lost of it, Full. Blown, Pain. Sora's eyes widened
exceptionally, his lungs sucking in a long breath of air, holding it. And
then the yelling started, Sora crying out in pain as Riku began to slide into
his rear opening. He stopped part way, Sora shifting beneath him, crying out
wildly. Riku's expression saddening some.
Carefully Riku raised himself up over Sora, glad to have such long legs. He
rested his hands on his friends shoulder, lowering the young male onto the
sand, so that his chest and the side of his face rested against it.
"Shhh..." he whispered softly, Sora whimpering still, Riku stroking his hair
"I know it hurts.." he added, pushing himself in a bit deeper, Sora wincing,
moaning out again some.
"Shh, Sora, it's alright..." he continued, licking his friends cheek, noting
the salty taste. Tears.
He watched him for a moment, unsure of what to do, to pull out or to keep
I’ll.. pull out..." spoke Riku softly, Sora blinking some, moaning softly.
"N-No..." called Sora, still in some amount of pain.
"Sora...you're in pain here..." added Riku, frowning.
"I...want you Riku...I want to feel you..." spoke the blue eyed boy, looking
to his friend blushing now brightly. Riku blinked, blushing as well.
"Do it Riku..please..." he begged., Riku about to protest, Sora shaking his
head some.
"Please...I want you so bad Riku...so bad..." he moaned, closing his eyes.
Riku debated a moment, torn between doing what was right and what his friend
wanted. He sighed, noted Sora would be angry if he stopped.
"Okay..." began Riku leaning over his friend again.
"But..." he started, his hands on either side of Sora's hips.
"Raise up some...and relax...it'll slide in easier if you do." he whispered,
raising Sora's hips some, Sora angling his knees a bit, holding himself up
trying hard to relax his body.
When Riku was sure he was ready, he began to slide in.
"Ahhh...!" moaned Sora, closing his eyes tight, gripping the sand.
Riku moaned too, gripping his friends hand as he slid in further, widening
Sora some.
"Riku!!!" yelled Sora, Riku unable to delay any further, thrusting himself
the rest of the way in.
Sora shouted out in both surprise and pain, moaning loudly, tilting his head
back panting heavily, relaxing now. He winced, blinking tears from his eyes.
Riku was there instantly, lapping them up.
Then, once more, Riku's hands raised Sora's hips, Sora moaning some as he
did, once again on his knees, the rest of him on the ground.
"Ready...?" whispered Riku into his friends ear, Sora blushing, nodding,
closing his eyes.
Riku smiled, thrusting.
Sora moaned loudly, closing his eyes tight, Riku's thrust slow, but deep,
moving in and out of him. It hurt. A lot. And yet it felt good, so good,
Riku finally inside him, finally a part of him. It was nice, Riku being
inside him, so warm, so hot, so big...Sora moaned, recalling the mental
images of his friends throbbing erection, noting that was inside him now.
"Ahh...Riku...yes..." he moaned, Riku watching him intently, moving his hips
a bit faster now, in and out of Sora's backside, Sora's eyes closing tighter, moaning louder.
"Get on your knees Sora..." whispered Riku, biting his friends ear. Sora
moaned, blushing, pushing himself up to his hands and knees, wincing some as
Riku adjusted inside of him a bit.
Riku smiled, gripping his friends sides, and began to thrust harder now.
Sora gasped his eyes wide, the pain shooting throughout him once again.
Once more, he was moaning out, once more he gripped the sand, and once more
he swore this was the most pain he had ever felt.
"Ahhh! Riku! Riku!!!" he cried, his body on fire even through the pain,
Sora pushing back against his friend, allowing him to go deeper.
Riku grunted and groaned, moaning softly, panting as he thrust harder and
faster into the blue eyed boy.
"...Ah...ahh..." he moaned, could feel himself release a little.
"Ahhh...!" cried Sora, apparently feeling it too.
Riku didn't stop there, moving his hand around to pinch and pull on the boys
now hardened nipples.
"Riku...mmm..." moaned Sora, tilting his head to the side, panting harder,
closing his eyes tight.
They were both hot and sweaty, sticky too. The sand washing off them due to
the amount of sweat they were producing. As if that wasn’t enough, Riku's
defined chest pressed firmly to his back, their skin rubbing against one
another, the friction so hot, so intense.
Riku watched Sora, his body, the way his bounded forward with each new thrust.
He smirked wanting more. Slowly he moved his hand down, claiming the boys thigh in his hand.
"R-Riku...?" moaned Sora, blushing some as Riku began to raise his leg a
Riku smirked thrusting into Sora harder and faster, pounding away at the
boys rear, Sora was wide eyed again, moaning wildly, though more with
pleasure then pain, the new position allowing deeper, not to mention easier,
"Riku...ahhh..." moaned Sora, keeping himself raised and leg bent as Riku
continued, Riku moving to the boys neck again sucking on it softly, panting
against it, his breath hot and wild with excitement.
"Is it..good...?" breathed Riku into the boy's ear, Sora's moans answering
the question.
"Yes...don't...stop Riku..." he murmured, his body continuing to move back
and forth, following the rhythm of Riku's thrusts. It felt like forever
that Riku was inside him and yet Sora knew it would be over soon, because
there was pain again, not as intense as before, but slowly building up to it.
Riku's erection apparently growing larger as new blood rushed to it.
"Mmm...Sora..." he moaned softly, kissing the brown haired boys cheek,
releasing the boys leg, returning it once more to the sand below.
Sora blushed, tilting his head as Riku's lips traveled over his neck and to
his shoulder, biting at it playfully.
"Riku..." he moaned, Riku smirking.
Slowly, he let his hand travel down the boys arm, then up again, caressing it
some softly, before turning his attention to the boys wrist, and hand,
tracing his fingers with his own, before snaring the slender wrist in his
iron grasp.
Sora blinked, his body suddenly going back, but not hitting the sand.
Instead he was being held up, Riku, on one knee, the other bent with the foot in the
sand. Sora blinked as Riku tugged the boys arm back to be parallel with
his side, Riku’s hand still holding Sora's wrist, his legs between Riku’s now.
"Riku...?" he called, suddenly moaning as Riku slid out of him, angling
his body back onto his heel, only the head of the erection and then some
still within Sora. Sora on the other hand was slumped over slightly, his
right arm in the sand, the weight being balanced by his elbow which was also atop
the cool sand.
And then Riku smirked the smirk Sora knew meant he was about to start, or
finish in this case, reading himself for.
Without a second of hesitation, Riku was moving, pushing himself from his
heel onto the balls of his foot, thrusting into Sora hard, tugging back on the boy’s arm,
raising him off the ground some as his did. Sora moaned out blushing brightly, the pain once
again rearing it's head. He bit his lower lip and closed his eyes tight, only able to cease his moaning momentarily.
"Oh...Sora...ahh...!" moaned Riku, thrusting into Sora harder now, faster,
gripping the boys wrist, resting his other hand on the boys hip, using both
to tug him back against him, entering him deeper.
"Riku!!!" cried Sora, his eyes closed tight, body rocking back and forth
again, faster then last time, and harder, his teeth chattering from Riku's
wild thrust, his pants heavy, chest heaving.
It was good, so good, Sora's body burning now, the arousal that was his
growing hotter, a warm white liquid coating the tip of it some as he
pre-ejaculated. He blushed, closing his eyes tighter, his mouth hanging
open some as he gasped for air, his hot saliva trailing from the corner of
his mouth and down over his lower lip and chin, falling into the sand below.
Riku watched sora, his excitement sky rocketing, noting the white liquid that
sprayed slightly from him, his expression, his moans. Everything was driving
him wild. He grunted pushing himself in deeper, closing his eyes tight,
moving the hand that was on Sora's hip to his now pulsating erection, stroking
it now.
"Ri-Riku...!" he moaned, tossing his head back some, moaning the boys name
over and over again.
"Sora..." moaned Riku desperately, Sora wincing some, feeling his friends
length inside him growing, knew he was nearing the end.
"Riku...!" he called, panting harder, unable to get enough air.
"I'm about to..c**..." moaned Riku begging, stroking Sora's member,
while the rest of him pounded away at the boy, his thrust shorter, but
faster, deeper, as was his breathing and moaning.
"I'm...pulling out..." managed Riku though pants, Sora shaking his head with
all he had.
"No...no don't Riku..." moaned the blue eyed boy, resting his hand on his
friends that continued to stroke him.
"I cant...hold it..." moaned Riku urgently now, Sora squeezing his friends
hand moaning loudly.
"c**...c** inside me Riku..." he panted heavily, blushing bright red, Riku
doing the same, moaning at his friend with sheer bliss.
"So-sora!" he shouted.
He released all at once, exploding into Sora. Riku moaned long and loud, his
head thrusting back, his hand frozen around Sora’s, his hips plastered against
the boys, the warmth filling him, dripping out slightly onto the sand. Sora
moaned loudly, throwing his head back, tensing beneath Riku, Sora too
releasing, the white liquid quickly spraying about the area before them,
coating Riku and his own hand, shooting up to splatter slightly on the boys
chest and stomach.
It was silent for a moment, the two lost in the bliss that was their own.
Neither moved, neither breathed, just took it all in, the sensation, the
feeling, the warmth...
"Ahhh...ahhhhh..." moaned Sora, panting heavily now collapsing onto the sand
below, his entire body quivering, his legs, so weak now, were unable to hold
him up any longer.
Riku watched, sucking in air wildly, as if he had been under water for days.
He gazed at Sora with longing, loving eyes. Slowly he stroked the boys cheek,
Sora opening his eyes some, looking to Riku.
"Mmm...Riku..." he breathed, closing his eyes smiling.
Riku smiled too, sitting inside his friend for a moment, enjoying the
the remainder of the moment, his length still throbbing inside the boy.
But Riku knew he needed to pull out so he did, slowly moving his hips back,
the two tensing and arching as his member inched itself from Sora, the
milky white liquid coating it and Sora's rear, not to mention the sand below.
Before long the arousal began to limp, Riku sighing content, as he lay
beside Sora.
It was quite again, Sora facing the opposite wall, Riku looking at the cave ceiling.
Slowly, Sora turned on his side to face Riku, Riku eyeing him some.
"What...?" asked Sora.
"Nothing..." spoke Riku, continuing to gaze at the boy.
Sora closed his eyes, sighing some, oblivious to Riku's wandering gaze.
Riku smirked eyeing Sora's sleepy member, blinking at the white that clung
to the boys lower stomach and abs.
Slowly he reached out running his finger tips through the milky liquid, Sora
chuckling some, looking at the silver haired male.
"That tickles Riku." he said, Riku smirking some, tugging his hand back,
Sora watching as his friend eyed the white that coated his finger tips.
"Is that...mine?" he asked, blushing some, Riku nodding.
Sora blushed a bit more blinking.
"What’re you..?" he began, stopping at Riku's awaiting smirk.
"You got to taste me..." he began, bringing his hand closer to his face.
"Now I want to taste you..." he finished, closing his eyes as he parted his
lips, licking the white from his fingers slowly, moaning some softly.
Sora blushed, watching him.
" Delicious." smirked Riku with a wink, Sora mirroring his friends expression.
"You're pretty delicious yourself." he added, Riku chuckling.
The two lay for a moment, Riku tugging Sora up some to lay against his chest.
Sora blushed closing his eyes, as Riku ran his long fingers through his brown
"I knew you wanted to touch me." joked Riku, Sora blinking, rolling his eyes.
"I'm glad you did." added the green eyed boy, causing Sora to flush again.
“Technically Riku..." began Sora raising his index finger as he leaned up
some to gaze down at his friend.
"YOU were the one who touched me."
Riku frowned, then smiled sheepishly.
"Then by all means Sora...Touch Me." purred the silver haired male, leaning
up to kiss Sora before he could protest further.