So, I'll start from the beginning, well the almost beginning. After Lindsey, Sara, David, Mike, and I met up at Dierbergs, we departed for the best day of our lives...Or something along those lines. As we drove on the mighty freeway we waved 'hi' to every car there, hoping to get some reply. I think they though we were drugged, but whatever.
Fast forward.
When we got there it was hot, sticky, and there had to be almost a bajillion people. Right after we got in, I got a bunch of phone calls, from friends, asking if I was there. One of which I did NOT want to recieve.
We walked around taking pictures of things, buying clothes, and trying to stay cool. I spent my money on 3 shirts and a sexy furry belt. Plus I got a ton of free s**t, ranging from stickers, to buttons, to a matchbook, and even a free condom. surprised
In total we saw about 12 bands. They were all pretty good, except for two.
The most amazing was The Offspring. We got to the stage, that they were playing at, right after Senses Fail's second song ended, and we ended up either pushing our way up more, or having people in front of us leave. [Whoever could've left then, must've been really stupid.] We ended up having a pretty good view, seeing as how we made it up to the middle-front section of the right half. OMG. I practically died when they came on. It was more amazing than words could describe. They played Keep 'Em Separated, their new song [which I can't remember the name of, damn brain fart.], and eight others. I got to crowd surf, twice. Eventhough I landed on my back both times, it was still absolutely AMAZING. [Also, because we were such a great crowd, Dexter said he wanted to come down and make sweet love to all of us. TAKE THAT. Eventhough, I'm still waiting for it. DX]
Around 1:3o, though, I met someone from Gaia. We started talking about meeting after I was in a thread talking about Pointfest, and he said he had gone. Granted I doubt he wants me to say his real name, so his s/n is Toker. It was fun, eventhough it was a bit awkward, but still. I'd hang out with him again, he looks like a fun kid...err...guy. Whatever he wants to be called. D:
David and Mike were sad, though, when we left. They didn't get to see any boobs... rolleyes
Anyway, I have pictures. So here you go. Be amazed at my sucky picture taking skillz. Also, the pictures might be a bit distorted because of resizing. Sorry about that.

The trash overflow was this bad before we even got into Warped. It got much worse by the end of the day. D:

From left to right: David, Mike, Sara, Lindsey. These are the people I was with for the time. Granted we had other friends join our troupe, but all in all we were together the entire time.

Many people were still trying to by their tickets. There were many more, but that's just a portion of them. [They could've also been buying tickets for other shows, but shh...Don't ruin my fun.]

Cookie Monster is such a hip punkster.

We saw this guy about 50 times while we were there. He was dressed in nothing but a banana costume. Well, he had shorts on, but other than that, yeah... Lindsey and David know how to have fun with the Banana Man.

These mist fans must've saved us from dying. They were amazing and they helped with the heat. I could've fallen asleep under them..But there was some couple making out underneath them, so I didn't.

Lindsey and I had fun in Sara's pockets...Not like that you perverts.

Okay, so on the left is Toker and right is me. At 1:3o in 90 degree weather I'm going to look like that. It's not the best I've ever looked, but it's not the worst. I still wish it wasn't so hot so I could've at least looked somewhat better when I met him. D: [Me, on a normal day.]

Slip-n-Slide. Greatest thing since the mist fan.

Lindsey partied with the Loin Cloth Boys, for about two minutes. She was going to have them sign her boob, but she forgot to ask. Un-huh...Sure.

At the The Truth booth [hey, that rhymes. XD] they had karoke. This girl was with another girl and a guy. She was the guitarist, I guess. Her outfit reminds me of a 3 cent whore. Get back to your street corner, biz.


I have no words to describe him, except for liar, a*****e, and pathetic. PJ Dillalo, everyone. I meant to tell him why we broke up, when we met at Warped, but he can keep his security blanket reason of 'we had our differences'. Sara was going to beat him to a pulp, but I told her not to. I need to tell him some things before that.

David and I guess this woman had to be like 50-something. She was a member of the band Shiragirl. She was off in some of their songs, but she looked like she had fun. Keep rocking, just keep on rocking.

HOSHiT. This crowd alone was for My Chemical Romance. We were on top of the lawn seats hill, and that was as close as we were going to get. I still can't believe that many people gathered to see My Chemical Romance, but then again, I can.

Another picture of the My Chemical Romance crowd. Fear it.

I don't know who this 'band' was, but the vocalist wasn't too great. We just passed by them for a minute, because we needed shade. I hate the sun.

Now, she knows how to carry a CD. That made us laugh for about 5 minutes. rofl

MUAHAHAHHAHAHA. That's how close we were. Not the best spots, but still they was amazing. I was much, much closer than some of my other friends.

David and Mike picked me up for that picture. It looks like more people got in front of us between the two pictures.

Best time of my life was crowd surfing, well one of the best times. This kid knows what fun is.

I wish I could have joined. The mosh pit was about 5 people in front of us. The thing I was afraid of was being sucked in, but if I was I would've enjoyed it..Maybe..

This girl must have been about 9. She looked so cute doing that. I wish my future kid would be like that. [I am not pregnant, nor do I have a child. DEAL WiTH iT.]

This old dude said bye to everyone that was leaving. He had a lot of energy for someone of his age. It kind of reminded me of that old 6 Flags guy. But David liked him and wanted a picture with him. Good show.
That was our Warped Tour fun. There are more pictures, and there are more stories, but that's for another time..And I can't show all of my pictures or I'd be here all day doing this. My fingers hurt enough from doing this. Although I did enjoy it, and I got to waste two hours of my morning before I go see someone. <3
Have a day. <3
Fast forward.
When we got there it was hot, sticky, and there had to be almost a bajillion people. Right after we got in, I got a bunch of phone calls, from friends, asking if I was there. One of which I did NOT want to recieve.
We walked around taking pictures of things, buying clothes, and trying to stay cool. I spent my money on 3 shirts and a sexy furry belt. Plus I got a ton of free s**t, ranging from stickers, to buttons, to a matchbook, and even a free condom. surprised
In total we saw about 12 bands. They were all pretty good, except for two.
The most amazing was The Offspring. We got to the stage, that they were playing at, right after Senses Fail's second song ended, and we ended up either pushing our way up more, or having people in front of us leave. [Whoever could've left then, must've been really stupid.] We ended up having a pretty good view, seeing as how we made it up to the middle-front section of the right half. OMG. I practically died when they came on. It was more amazing than words could describe. They played Keep 'Em Separated, their new song [which I can't remember the name of, damn brain fart.], and eight others. I got to crowd surf, twice. Eventhough I landed on my back both times, it was still absolutely AMAZING. [Also, because we were such a great crowd, Dexter said he wanted to come down and make sweet love to all of us. TAKE THAT. Eventhough, I'm still waiting for it. DX]
Around 1:3o, though, I met someone from Gaia. We started talking about meeting after I was in a thread talking about Pointfest, and he said he had gone. Granted I doubt he wants me to say his real name, so his s/n is Toker. It was fun, eventhough it was a bit awkward, but still. I'd hang out with him again, he looks like a fun kid...err...guy. Whatever he wants to be called. D:
David and Mike were sad, though, when we left. They didn't get to see any boobs... rolleyes
Anyway, I have pictures. So here you go. Be amazed at my sucky picture taking skillz. Also, the pictures might be a bit distorted because of resizing. Sorry about that.

The trash overflow was this bad before we even got into Warped. It got much worse by the end of the day. D:

From left to right: David, Mike, Sara, Lindsey. These are the people I was with for the time. Granted we had other friends join our troupe, but all in all we were together the entire time.

Many people were still trying to by their tickets. There were many more, but that's just a portion of them. [They could've also been buying tickets for other shows, but shh...Don't ruin my fun.]

Cookie Monster is such a hip punkster.

We saw this guy about 50 times while we were there. He was dressed in nothing but a banana costume. Well, he had shorts on, but other than that, yeah... Lindsey and David know how to have fun with the Banana Man.

These mist fans must've saved us from dying. They were amazing and they helped with the heat. I could've fallen asleep under them..But there was some couple making out underneath them, so I didn't.

Lindsey and I had fun in Sara's pockets...Not like that you perverts.

Okay, so on the left is Toker and right is me. At 1:3o in 90 degree weather I'm going to look like that. It's not the best I've ever looked, but it's not the worst. I still wish it wasn't so hot so I could've at least looked somewhat better when I met him. D: [Me, on a normal day.]

Slip-n-Slide. Greatest thing since the mist fan.

Lindsey partied with the Loin Cloth Boys, for about two minutes. She was going to have them sign her boob, but she forgot to ask. Un-huh...Sure.

At the The Truth booth [hey, that rhymes. XD] they had karoke. This girl was with another girl and a guy. She was the guitarist, I guess. Her outfit reminds me of a 3 cent whore. Get back to your street corner, biz.


I have no words to describe him, except for liar, a*****e, and pathetic. PJ Dillalo, everyone. I meant to tell him why we broke up, when we met at Warped, but he can keep his security blanket reason of 'we had our differences'. Sara was going to beat him to a pulp, but I told her not to. I need to tell him some things before that.

David and I guess this woman had to be like 50-something. She was a member of the band Shiragirl. She was off in some of their songs, but she looked like she had fun. Keep rocking, just keep on rocking.

HOSHiT. This crowd alone was for My Chemical Romance. We were on top of the lawn seats hill, and that was as close as we were going to get. I still can't believe that many people gathered to see My Chemical Romance, but then again, I can.

Another picture of the My Chemical Romance crowd. Fear it.

I don't know who this 'band' was, but the vocalist wasn't too great. We just passed by them for a minute, because we needed shade. I hate the sun.

Now, she knows how to carry a CD. That made us laugh for about 5 minutes. rofl

MUAHAHAHHAHAHA. That's how close we were. Not the best spots, but still they was amazing. I was much, much closer than some of my other friends.

David and Mike picked me up for that picture. It looks like more people got in front of us between the two pictures.

Best time of my life was crowd surfing, well one of the best times. This kid knows what fun is.

I wish I could have joined. The mosh pit was about 5 people in front of us. The thing I was afraid of was being sucked in, but if I was I would've enjoyed it..Maybe..

This girl must have been about 9. She looked so cute doing that. I wish my future kid would be like that. [I am not pregnant, nor do I have a child. DEAL WiTH iT.]

This old dude said bye to everyone that was leaving. He had a lot of energy for someone of his age. It kind of reminded me of that old 6 Flags guy. But David liked him and wanted a picture with him. Good show.
That was our Warped Tour fun. There are more pictures, and there are more stories, but that's for another time..And I can't show all of my pictures or I'd be here all day doing this. My fingers hurt enough from doing this. Although I did enjoy it, and I got to waste two hours of my morning before I go see someone. <3
Have a day. <3
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