Angel Characters
Username: Arch Guardian Angel
Character Name: Ariel
Race: White Angel
Gender: Female
Job: Warrior Angel and Guardian
Age: Unknown
Weapon: Sword of Light
A Holy Sword made by god himself, these swords are only given to the
seven Arc Angels to protect and watch over earth.
A white armor suit for a warrior angel the trims of the armor is gold the metal of the armor is a hard and cannot be scratched or dented.

Ariel was born in Heaven the first ever baby born in Heaven her parents were the Warrior Angels of the Seven Arc Angels but something tragic happened her mother and father was murdered by Lucifer's Seven Dark Angels. Ariel grew up never really knowing what happened to her mother and father until she met Lucifer's niece Vonnalla Countess she was half vampire and demon. Vonnalla was very strong powered but Ariel soon realize Vonnalla had emotions like a human would Ariel convinced that Vonnalla had a choice that's when Ariel found out she had a twin sister who grew up on the dark side her sister's name was Azael. Ariel faced Azael again but they did not fight but Azael threatened Ariel that she will destroy everything that she loves
Username: Arch Guardian Angel
Character Name: Azael
Race: Demon Angel
Gender: Female
Job: Arch Demon
Age: Unknown
Weapon: Sword of Darkness
The Unholy sword is very much like Ariel's, these swords were made by Lucifer himself and were only given to his seven warriors.
The armor is like Ariel's but it's black trimmed with gold.

History: Azael was raised by Lucifer to be a strong warrior of his seven dark angels, to capture Vonnalla to break the seal so Lucifer could return to earth. Turns out Vonnalla was much stronger then her. Azael found out that she had a twin sister Ariel but she wasn't a dark angel but warrior guardian angel of Heaven one of seven Arc Angels. Ariel and Azael are both equally matched in power they had fought but nearly destroying the earth. Azael met Ariel again and vowed that she will destroy anything that Ariel is protecting and loves.
Vampire Characters
Human Characters
Username: Arch Guardian Angel
Name: Shadow Panther - Simona Pennington
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Job: Works for the FBI to catch Daisy and his sister.
FBI Appearance:

She has very long blonde hair that is braided all the way down to the floor, she carries two 3 pointed sword like weapons and a whip, she wasn't given guns because she it quite lethal with her weapons when she was training for the FBI
Real Appearance:

Bio: Simona Pennington was trained under the FBI wing she has become a very lethal secret weapon for catching Daisy and his sister once and for all. She had found out quite easily that her brother was forced to help Daisy and his sister. Once she had revealed her self (not real self) but, as the FBI's secret weapon she had warned Daisy to stop what he is doing but, of course Daisy did not listen so Simona had made his job a living hell when he is stealing at night and at his Tea Shop but, there she does it so secretive no one suspects she was working for the FBI all along. Simona did not expect to fall in love with a man who was working for Daisy (I give you one guess it's not her cousin no way). Simona aka Shadow was trained not to have emotions. This man had made her show emotions once or twice for real when she is around this man at the Tea Shop when she is working as Lemon. Simona does not get why she had feelings for him but, for one mistake will cost her life and her family.
Other: See her other bio
Half breed Characters:
User Name: Arch Guardian Angel
Name: Jessica Collins
Nick Name: Jessi
Age: 21
Race: Human/demon
Gender: Female
Job: Demon Hunter
Birth mark shape of a dagger

Telekinesis, and has special fire abilities but Jessi has to discover how to control it.
Jessi is very skilled fighter and very clever she has another weapon it is very special this weapon was destined to destroy any demon that comes to stand in her way and even half demons she also has two pistols to kill anything that is her job to kill and protecting other from harm.
Jessi grew up with a family in a small town but then a huge group of demons came and destroyed everything leaving but Jessi barely alive a Demon Hunter found her hanging on to life he took her in and raised her to be a demon hunter Jessi is now searching for demons who destroyed her family and her home.
User Name: Arch Guardian Angel
Name: Vonnalla Countess
Mortal Name: Vanessa Victors
Age: unknown (Looks 20)
Race: Vampire Demon

Telekinesis and Vonnalla still has to discover that hidden power that she doesn't know of
She has a demon mark on her left hand reminding her what she is.
Mortal Form:

(Ignore the wings)
Vonnalla is very Skilled with two weapons she has a special blade hidden away it was crafted by powerful demon hands it has the power to keep a powerful soul in the blade when the power is released. The wielder can use the powers for evil or good
Vonnalla grew up in England with her mother and Father on a remote island far from anyone, Vonnalla was born mortal but with demonic powers it was differcult to control in her mortal state.. One tragic day her mother and her father was murdered by her uncle Lucifer. Vonnalla realized she was told by her uncle that she was destined to make all living mortals and creatures to be slaves to them so they could take over the over world and the spirit world and make the world full of darkness and hate but A vampire came and told Vonnalla that it was not her doing it was her uncle controlling her and this Vampire's name that was brave enough to stop her and become her best friend and her sire her name was Lianti. Lianti knew that Vonnalla couldn't handle her demonic powers so Lianti turned her into a vampire ever since she was a vampire she could handle the powers quite well now then when she was a mortal..Years past they stayed in hiding on an Island far away so her Uncle's demons couldn't find her and Lianti but on the island there were a clan of werewolves living there Lianti trusted one Vonnalla didn't but she believed that werewolves can be friends but Lianti was mistaken by that she was murdered by them Vonnalla got angry and and killed most of the werewolves and most of them got away they feared Vonnalla's powers, Vonnalla found out Lianti was a princess Lianti's mother was frightened of Vonnalla and her powers she banished her from the Vampires and many many years Vonnalla searched the rest of the werewolves that Killed Lianti Vonnalla also fell in love with a Mortal Vampire slayer Named Aero Gallaway. But that didn't end so well her Uncle sent a powerful shade after them but Vonnalla destroyed the shade but Aero was killed. Vonnalla vowed that she will find her uncle and destroy him. Ariel helped Vonnalla when she was fighting against her uncle Vonnalla escaped her uncle's clutches once more Vonnalla didn't like Ariel helping Her but years past again Vonnalla still is on her mission to destroy the werewolves but she doesn't no that those werewolves could be long gone by now.
Elven Characters
Username: Arch Guardian Angel
Name: Samuel
Age: unknown (looks 25)
Race: Dark Elf
Gender: Male
Animal Form: Dark Fox


Demon Dragon:

Samuel is a mysterious elf and quiet he never really talks just watches Sharni to keep her safe.
Samuel lived with his wife and his baby child living peacefully until a powerful group of humans destroyed his wife and his child while Samuel lived he found a witch saying she would give him the powers to destroy the humans but he heard rumors about a powerful demon dragon destroying everything in it's path Samuel had found Sharni all alone and frightened now Sharni and Samuel is seeking the powerful demon dragon but Samuel doesn't know he is the demon dragon who is destroying everything.
Username: Arch Guardian Angel
Name: Sharni
Age: unknown (looks 20)
Race: Drow
Gender: Female
Animal Form: Dark Wolf


Sharni is an out going young Drow and sometimes really rude towards people and creatures but she seems to get in trouble a lot and sometimes. Samuel always seems to help her get out of trouble.
Sharni grew up with her people and her family under ground until a powerful demon dragon came after her family and her people and they were destroyed but some how Sharni has no memory of what happened.
User Name: Arch Guardian Angel
Name: Princess Ithmala
Age: 105
Gender: Female
Race: Elf
Sword and Bow/Arrow
Ithmala can control the elements water, fire and earth
Ithmala still needs to learn out to control the element Air
She Knows very little about the elven language and their magic

Ithmala was the youngest of the 3 sisters when she was only 5 years when an evil had found her home land. As for her she woke up in a cave with a hermit telling her that he found her lying on the ground barely hanging onto life in an Elven City Ruins. Ithmala didn't know what happened until 100 years went by and soon realizing that some of her kind is still alive. Ithmala is on a mission to find out what happened to her family and her people 100 years ago.
Neko Characters
Username: Arch Guardian Angel
Name: Zulu
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Psychic and Telekinesis
Human Form:

A Gem that turns her into an animal at Night:

Animal Form:

Zulu is the Village Psychic the Spirits of the spirit world had come and warned her about the water in the Human supply dam. Zulu tried to warn everyone but they wouldn't believe but Zulu at forgotten about the spirits she had drank the water when she woke up she was a wolf she called for the spirits to help as they did but they couldn't reverse the enchantment Zulu was granted the human form a blue gem had appeared on her head same with some humans but some humans stayed animals Zulu when to the dam and found out it was enchanted Zulu is now on a mission to find out what happened to the people of her village.
Dragon Characters