Roleplay News:
Im worried about my element roleplay... The last one was great, loved it, still do. I had to re-make it, and I hoping just hoping it will be as big as a big. If it fails I will be devestated. Yes.. ya heard me. Why you might ask? The reason if I cant find roleplays I fit into a lot, when I do I dont click with the people so it isnt as much fun. My element roleplay was/is awesome. I heart it.
U of G News:
U of G is pretty cool. Its like a school on gaia, but school in a good way. I'm teaching there Basic Html class. Which is just awesome, i'm just hoping I remember how to do all of it. sweatdrop Brain dont let me down now...
Avi News:
I'm re-doing my avi since im never happy with it. I think I found one im am and can stay happy with.

I like it. Hopefully I will stick with it. All else fails once I get all the 40, 60 and 100k stuff if I dont I've have money to change it. x_o
Quest News:
10k - 40k For Wings.
Donations are welcome, but you dont have too.
Thanks Ushi and Tiger for the donation!
Scam News:
Could you imagen that I got scammed one and another person tried to scam me a differant time. My goodness! Its starting to look at neopets here -shivers-
News News:
I hope you guys read this, becuase it does mean a lot to me. I like writting and when someone hears me its great, just great and wondering. When people dont its really know differant than me talking to my self.
Community Member
Good luck with your avis ^^ It was no problem donating ^^ (INobody better pm me asking for a donation ninja Cause that's a sure way that I'll ignore you ninja )
And if you want people to read your Journal, put it in your sig! You'd be suprised how well it works 3nodding