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Mediocrity At It's Finest
These are just random snippets from my mind... enjoy.
NetStar Chronology - Chapter 25
Climax levitated a few inches off the ground, then rushed at Exodus; horn first. Exodus blocked with his sword and pushed him back, then took a wide sweep. Climax guarded with the drape on his shoulder.

He... Green thought. He blocked it!

"Hah!" Climax laughed. "You know better than to fight me with a sword!"

"And you know better than to taunt me." Exodus smirked. "I don't just talk about what I can do, I deliver!!"

Exodus gave Climax a powerful slash, knocking him back considerably.

"I see the seperation hadn't diminished your power as much as I thought." Climax clenched a fist. "But, you still won't be able to harm me!"

He held a palm at Exodus, and a fraying bolt of violet lightning struck him. Exodus had been stunned by the attack, and the electrical energy was still visible as it flowed through him.

"Downed by one of my weakest attacks?" Climax faked a frown. "Tsk tsk."

"Ha!" Exodus managed to move. "I haven't even begun to show you my power!"

Exodus started to focus energy into his blade. Climax raised a hand, and all the stored energy leaked out. He stared in surprise.

"You were saying?" Climax smiled.

"I'll destroy you!!" Exodus yelled.

Exodus started executing a flurry of thrust attacks, each one knocking Climax back. He ended the combo with a downwards swipe, which downed his opponent. Climax sat up, then resumed levitating.

"Not bad." Climax said, not showing how much the combo had really affected him.

Climax raised one palm above the other, forming a ball of violet lightning. He then spread his arms out, and the lightning spread across a large area. It wasn't very powerful, since it was spread out, but it still affected Exodus.

This type of energy the Guardian of Vengence is using... Yellow thought. Looks a lot like Electric energy. But... it seems to be a lot more powerful. I'd like to know what it really is.

"Okay, now you're starting to bore me." Climax faked a yawn.

"Stop toying with me!" Exodus ran at him.

He gave Climax three slashes in succession, then finished with a downwards strike. When the blade hit the ground, a rush of Wind energy blasted up. Climax was knocked into the air, but before he started falling, he flipped back right side up, and levitated there. Without warning, he shot down two bolts of the violet lightning, knocking Exodus down.

"Next!" Climax called, grinning.

"Damn... you!" Exodus muttered, immobilized by an intense force.

It's almost as if something is pushing down on him. Yellow thought again. It can't be Attract Gravity... it's too powerful to be Attract Gravity. Plus, Gravity energy doesn't fray like that.

"I'll show you!" Light Gray flew up at Climax.

"You, of all people, should be wary of my power!" Climax reared a fist back.

Light Gray blocked a punch, then attacked with a flurry of jabs. Climax blocked the first few, but couldn't keep up. The punches weren't very powerful, but each one affected Climax more and more. Light Gray finished with an axe kick, sending Climax hurtling towards the ground. He landed on his feet, but was forced to kneel.

"Powerful." Climax said, looking up at his opponent. "But, not powerful enough!"

Climax shot three rays of violet lightning, but Light Gray nimbly flew away from each of them.

"Your wings shall fail you!" Climax growled. "Burden of Jupiter!!"

The air around Light Gray distorted downwards, and he was forced down to the ground. On impact, he created a small indent in the ground, and he couldn't move at all. Small stepped forward, implying a challenge.

"My turn!" Small took defense.

"Let's see what you got, kid." Climax managed a smirk.

Small flowed his hands, then thrust one in Climax's direction. A high speed shot of pure Magic energy struck Climax. After that hit, he repeated with the other hand, the next shot doing more damage. Climax had to step back a little, and Small dashed at him. Small gave him a powerful hook, assisted by Magic, which sent Climax tumbling. Climax stood up, then jumped up, just in time to dodge a bolt of Magic. Small jumped up, then used some energy to boost up, immitating a second jump. He kept "jumping" like that to keep at an even level with his opponent.

He's not technically flying. Climax thought, slightly discouraged. So, I can't use Burden of Jupiter on him. Smart kid.

As Small jumped around in the air, he dodged bolts of violet lightning, and returned with shots of Magic. Neither of them were hitting each other, so Small jumped forward, and gave Climax a powerful kick. Climax was sent towards the ground, but he caught himself halfway there. As Small started falling again, he raised both arms.

"Adamantite Hammer!!" His hands morphed into a large metal rectangle.

He swung down at Climax, plowing him into the ground, and his hands turned back to normal. Climax floated up, and righted himself. His annoyance was apparent.

"You're going down..." Climax reared both arms back. "And you're going down hard!"

He thrust both hands out, and a bolt of violet lightning struck Small from the sky. And, as Climax had stated, he went down hard.

"Looks like I'm up." Usagi said, while dashing at Climax. "This is where it ends!"

"Oh, you want some, too?" Climax clenched both fists. "Take this!"

He thrust his hands out, but Usagi was too quick. She dodged the bolt like it was nothing, then held a hand out, her fingers spread. A flurry of Wind energy blasts fired out and hit Climax in a rapid succession. Climax blocked, but it didn't do him much good. He then threw a ball of violet lightning at her. With one powerful chop, she sent the ball rocketting back at him, twice as fast. The power of the Counter sat him down.

"Just great..." Climax muttered, while standing up. "Counter this!!"

He shot out a large spray of violet lightning. There was no way to dodge. She moved her arms rapidly, touching the point of each bolt in the spray. When she touched the tips, each one was held in stasis by Wind energy. When she touched the final bolt, she held her hands out, and each one struck back at Climax. Climax expected that, so he guarded against the attack the best he could.

"She's good..." Green stared in awe. I want to be able to Counter like that.

"Too good." Red scowled.

"Hey, at least she's helping us." Blue blinked. "I'd hate to have to fight her."

"I share those sentiments." Yellow nodded. "But, the energy Climax is using is very mysterious..."

"Daisaku!" Climax growled. "Remove my limiter, so I can fight them at full power!"

"Okay." Daisaku nodded. "But as soon as you destroy them, it goes back on."

"Admiral..." Supreme started. "Are you sure that's such a..."

"We're up against a great challenge, Supreme. We can't afford to risk the success of the project."

Supreme shrugged in defeat, and Daisaku removed something from the back of Climax's neck. After he removed it, Climax flew straight up into the air. He was barely visible, when he stopped.

"This is for everything that's happened to me!" Climax yelled in rage. "Hell hath no fury like a Guardian scorned... Storm of Chaotic Ruin!!"

The sky suddenly darkened, and thunder boomed through the air. The clouds turned violet, and started cracking with the lightning. But, all the lightning was striking Climax; fueling his power.

"He's using his Guardian power!?" Daisaku stared up. "He'll destroy us all!"

"I think that's the point, sir..." Supreme frowned. Why don't you listen, Admiral?

The ground started shaking, and the force of gravity got a little stronger.

"This power of his..." Red smiled. "Is a lot more impressive than Satarage's."

"Is that how you react at times like this?" Blue stared. "Are you absolutely nuts?"

"I'll take it how it is." Red looked at him calmly. "If you really think about it, it's a beautiful way to go out."

"But... but..."

Red glared at him.

"Ah, just shut up and kiss me!" She hauled him towards her, and pressed her lips against his.

They seperated with a loud pop, and Blue could only stare in shock. Everyone else was too shocked by the energy build-up to notice what happened. A huge ball of energy, about the size of a small house, shot down at them; slowly closing in.

"Miyamoto." Yellow said quietly.

"Yeah, Charlotte?" He answered.

"I don't think I'm ready to die, yet."

"Me neither. But, we can't get away. We're being bound here by a tremendous force."

"Then, you probably won't blame me for saying I love you, one last time." She frowned, tears forming in her eyes.

"I love you too, Charlotte." Green frowned, his sadness becoming apparent.

Green noticed Usagi running towards the ball. She reared her arm back, and slammed her right forearm into the ball as hard as she could.

"That's why I'm not going to let you die!" Green said, as he dashed at the ball, too.

"Miyamoto!!" Yellow called after him.

"Eh?" Red looked at Green, then turned to Blue. "Yamato, look!"

"Huh?" Blue noticed. "What the hell?"

Green dashed up to Usagi's left side, and slammed his left forearm into the ball. Usagi looked at him, in surprise.

"Miyamoto, what are you doing?" Usagi asked. "You have to get out of here!"

"No." He told her. "I'm not going to let everyone die, knowing I could do something about it!"

"But, are you really that confident in your Counter skills?" She was confused.

"Who knows?" He flashed a grin.

Their voices were barely audiable over the rumbling, but they could hear. The both of them tried to force their own energy into the ball, but it wasn't working very well.

"I got an idea, Charlotte!" Red yelled to Yellow. "Do you think you could help me out?"

"Sure!" Yellow hollered back. "What is it?"

"Try to absorb as much of the orb's power as you can!"

"All right, then!"

Red spread the bracelet across her fingers, and started to absorb energy, little by little. Yellow held her arms up, and tried absorbing as well.

"What can I do...?" Blue muttered. "I know!"

Blue threw a barrage of Ice crystals up at Climax. Only a few of them hit, but...

"I can feel it loosening!" Green stared.

"Miyamoto!" Blue yelled. "Usagi! He's distracted! Counter, now!!"

Usagi and Green reared their free hands back, focusing as much power as they could; in complete synergy.

"Combined Attack; Counter Force!!" Green and Usagi yelled at the same time.

They hit the ball with as much strength as they could manage, with their free hands. A huge ripple went through the ball, and it stood in stasis for a moment. But then, in a horrible gust of Wind, the ball shot right back up into the sky. The wind was powerful enough to knock everyone off their feet. Everyone watched as the ball streamed up, back to Climax.

"No..." Climax stared. "This isn't possible... this is not happening!!"

And, an explosion which ruptured the air itself erupted from the impact zone; clouds were blown away, the ground was swirled with the awful winds. But, it was a beautiful explosion. The sky lit up a bright white, and the violet lightning shot out, then soon disapated into blue sparks. Everyone stood up, once the sky cleared and changed back to normal.

"Where is he?" Daisaku stared up. "Was he completely destroyed?"

"I'm not so sure, Admiral." Supreme looked up, in hope.

Usagi hauled Green close, and locked her lips with his. When she let go, he fell numb to the ground. He could only stare up, starry eyed; his cheeks burning red. Light Gray, Exodus, Small, and Red stared at her in horror.

"What?" She looked at them, then blinked. "Oh, heh... uh oh."

"Eh, what's the matter?" Green stood up.

"You'll find out." Red made an empathetic smile. I just hope you can handle it.

Climax, his body in one piece, fell down to the ground.

"Never in my entire life..." He coughed. "Have I managed to lose that horribly..."

"He's alive?" Green was shocked.

"After that destructive display, Climax is still alive!?" Yellow couldn't help but yell.

"Don't worry..." Climax said as he slowly stood up. "I have no more conflict with you. I went way too far with that attack."

"I should say so." Blue muttered.

"So, Yamato..." Red laughed nervously, blushing a little.

"I'm not talking to you." He turned away, embarrassed as well.

"Aw, come on! I thought we were gonna die!"

"You there." Climax said to Green. "The one in the green."

"Me?" Green blinked.

"Yes. I have something for you." Climax walked over.

"What is it?"

"When you purged Satarage from Supreme's body, he was locked in the Gems again. I guess nobody retrieved the Gems from the wreckage of the ship, because they were floating in Cyberspace for a while; then fell down onto the ground. On my way here, I found those Gems." Climax reached underneath his arm and leg drapes, and pulled out each Gem. "Satarage wanted to thank you for getting him out of that 'unworthy body', so I'm going to give them to you."

"Thanks." Green took them, surprised. "But, what exactly did he give me?"

"He wants to lend you his power. Personally, I'd wait until the right moment, because he has a tendency to take control over the body he inhabits. Do whatever you wish with them."

"Um, Climax?" Yellow trotted over, nervously.

"Oh, hello." Climax smiled. "What can I do for you?"

"I was wondering something. As a fellow Electric user, I was quite intrigued by your power."

"Well, thank you." Climax blushed a little.

"I was wondering, what exactly is it?"

"Oh, it's Gravity Chaos. Gravity, combined with Electric." His blush faded. "Or, Attract Gravity and Repel Gravity combined with Electric."

"It's three Elements in one!" Yellow was shocked. "Tell me, how did you learn such an... amazing power?"

"I was born with it. And, I'm afraid I can't teach it to you, if that's what you are asking. This... power is exclusive to the Polyclops."

"Well, that's a shame." She smiled faintly. "Thanks, anyway."

"No problem. Now, I gotta rest... that battle really did a number on me."

Climax glew, then sunk into the ground.

"Well, how do you like that?" Green laughed. "I guess that's that."

"Not so fast." Daisaku interrupted. "We're not done, yet. Supreme!"

"Yes, Admiral?" Supreme looked at him.

"Start plan B."

"Right now?" Supreme frowned.

"No, how about you do it tomorrow? Of course I mean right now!"

"Very well." Supreme raised his arms. "Julius Forte! Arise!!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Red stared. "He did not just call out Julius!"

"Who's Julius?" Green asked.

"Julius Forte is the Guardian of Power." Usagi told him. "If that man really has control over him, then we're in trouble."

But, that's insane. Red thought. The only person Julius ever worked for was the Guardian of Restoration.

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  • User Comments: [1]
    Renton Noah
    Community Member

    Wed Dec 19, 2007 @ 03:53am

    Is nice you explained wht Climax energy was at the very end. I thought that Green was going to die once more or sort of like it eek However it reminded of evil spirit bomb which was cool, revange death ball! And Climax turned out to be quite the nice guy oppositive of the personality he was showing in the beggening when fighting the Lights. Which from what I read were once a single being, more likely a Guardian yet Mention, the Guardian of Light? And is Daisaku ever going to quite?! Gosh man you lost give up, you can't win

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