No sooner had they taken off from the earth's soil, then the ship it's self started to break up...particles were ripped off, as if in the presence of exstrem suction. Their bodies were no exception, Gochii and Pleego looked at each other with bewildered amazment, to see them selvs being distorted as the alien technology took apart their DNA from the inside out, they were unconcious in a matter of momments, their souls the only intact thing, as the entire ship, passengers and all warped through billions of miles in a matter of secconds. Time passed, although no one knew how much, a day, a week? A month or a year even... But eventually they felt themselvs beginning to peice back togeather, peice by aggonising peice. There the lay, panting in the hull of the rustic metal ship, and as they gathered the strength to stand they looked out the ancent panneled window, their breath cought and held. The immage of this new world, was one of tragic loss. It was apparent that a lush blueish purple feild of grass had once grown there giving homes for hundreds of trees, animuls, and houses. But almost all of this had been scorched, leaving only the faintes of scragly clumps, and a few burned tree stubbs, and the remnents of wooden frames stood there now. It was a desolate and morbid place, and it was there home.
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