Username: BloodDragon15
RP Name: Rinshe
Gender: Female
Class: White magician/warrior

Race: Snow demon
Bio: Before the death of their parents, Rinshe returned home after learning of her little brother's birth. However, due to the loose relationship she had with them Rinshe decided that it would only make matters worse if she returned. Now Rinshe wanders from place to place, looking for her brother who has no idea he has a older sister.
Personality: Kind and stright forward, she has no problem talking to anyone or anything. Honesty is often mistaken for being rude and blunt, but this doesn't seem to bother her. She enjoys helping others with her white magic and yerns for the day she sees Xeon.
Good/Evil/Neutral: Good
Crush: N/A
Weapon(s): White magic, and a staff made of marble. The top has a blue orb with white spirals coming from the midpoint, holding it in place.
Username: BloodDragon15
RP Name: Kira
Gender: Female
Class: Warrior

Race: Panther Demon
Bio: After Deymn and Akira moved out, Diaga had found a lost demoness who was a panther demon....Needless to say Kira was the out come. Afraid Arela would find out about her, he killed her after she had given birth. A short while later he returned to the house and with the help of Akira killed his wife. Raised by Diaga until she was 18 she lived with him, not knowing that she had two brothers in the outside world. Kira became irratated at Diaga and fleed from the cold hearted demon.
Personality: Distant and quiet, she hardly says anything. While not being too fond of people, she enjoys the company of other creatures.
Good/Evil/Neutral: Neutral
Crush: N/A
Weapon(s): A long japanese sword. It's hilt is a pure black color and is made of leather, while the blade of the sword is a vibrent blood red color.
Username: BloodDragon15
RP Name: Korana
Gender: Female
Class: Warrior

Race: Fox Demon
Bio: Korana grew up in a small town, away from humans and other demons. At the age of 14 she lost control of her demonic blood and ended up killing her family. She has no memory of the event...Only the after math of what she had done. The images of the bloody slaughter still haunt her and brings tears to her eyes. Now, trying to leave her past behind her and live a normale life as a waitress at the local inn where she lives. No one in the small town knows she's a demon, or what she done when she was young.
Personality: Kind and loving, she also has a darker side. She hopes that with time she will learn to control it better.
Good/Evil/Neutral: Neutral
Crush: Akira
Weapon(s): Fire magic and a medium sized sword.
Username: BloodDragon15
RP Name: Orin
Gender: Male
Class: Warrior

Race: White Wolf Demon
Bio: Orin grew up on his own and after meeting Kitsune found that he didn't care too much for her.
Peraonality: Laid back and somewhat lazy. He sees life as a bother and while he's a good fighter seems to think that its too much work. Finds almost everything bothersome or annoying and thinks Kitsune is too up tight tense.
Good/Evil/Neutral: Neutral
Crush: N/A
Weapon(s): Water and Ice magic. Has two long knives that are made of the bones of demons. They are redish color due to the fact that he never cleans them.
Username: BloodDragon15
RP Name: Kovou
Gender: Male
Class: Warrior/Tracker

Race: Lion Demon
Bio: Lived with his father until he died of a fatel wound to the heart. Kovou, at the age of 15 joined a band of demons who track nobels and kill them. At the age of 19 he left the demon band and travels, looking for something he can't understand.
Peraonality: Laid back and hard headed. He's alot like Kitsune and finds himself in hot water alot.
Good/Evil/Neutral: Neutral
Crush: N/A
Weapon(s): Dark and holy magic. Also has a large sword with a lion engraved on the blade.