In the beginning, There was nothing. From nothing there birthed the six. All born from factors of thought which called from the nothingness and in those thoughts birthed ideas and from those ideas sprung powers which could not be of comprehension. The six came and saw only nothing for there was nothing to see. They all wanted a universe, but for all different reasons and thus they started putting their powers together into the nothingness and then expanded a explosion from the different powers all colliding with each other and in a magnificent explosion formed the universe. As they both marveled and pondered about their creation the universe began to fade into the nothingness. They realized what was happening and wrapped in their curiosity they all combined their efforts and held the universe together so it couldnt slip away into nothingness. They held it there and in the sake of their own desires held it there that same way forever.
The six were Light, Darkness, Creation, Destruction, Time and Fate. First of all the Light was entranced at such a magnificent creation and wished to preserve it's beauty which is what motivates the light to hold the universe. Next is the Darkness, who desired the universe because he thought it was a spawn of nothingness and he thought if he can master the universe then he can rule over nothingness and so he could try and find what was beyond the nothingness. Next is Creation which saw the universe as the seventh born from them all, so Creation wanted to keep this one in place and began treating it as if it were Creations own son and started adding to it to make it grow so it may reach maturity when deemed right. Next is Destruction which was the most reluctant to give up it's power so when it saw the universe exist Destruction wanted his power back but it would unravel the universe because Destructions power was as tightly as part of the universe as everything else inside it. To start pulling the power out would send the universe straight into nothingness causing Destruction to lose the power he put in it so he held the universe to search for a way to get all his power back without losing it to nothingness. Next is Time which was amazed by the complexity of the universe and decided to hold the universe so he could study it to find out how it works.
Finally there is Fate. Fate saw the universe as a device which was born for a reason and pondered upon the function of it so he held it and began fiddling with it to see if he could get it to work in some way. When the six had the universe firmly secure they began to work on it, each of them trying to accomplish their own goals and thats when the six began to conflict with each other. The two of the six who conflicted the most were light and Darkness. Light fought against dark as did Darkness against Light. Eventually their conflicts started shaking the universe off balance and the other four had to detain their conflict for fear of the universe. Soon after both Light and Darkness were forced by the others to agree to a pact they shalt not let their conflicts escalate to direct confrontation and were forced to use the universe as sort of a chess board battle ground for them to fight over the universe on so at then they claimed their territories and begone setting their forces at each other and birthed the wars of Light versus Darkness.
As the universe developed and grew more exotic so did the war but they could not best each other and stood at a stand still during the universes growth which to the units below seemed to be a time which they deemed as the time of peace. Fate watched these wars carefully and was intrigued by the complexity which it elevates at. Soon Fate made a brash decision and decided to join in the war himself which angered all the others causing them to join sides too. Darknesses Archon was the general of the forces in the universe and was the most powerful of the forces of Darkness. The light had it's Archon as well and of equal talent and constantly the Archon of Light and the Archon of Darkness would fight, which would almost typically result in a pattern of Light then Darkness then Light and then repeated again.
The time had come for the Archon of Darkness to win so the scheme that the Archon of Darkness had was that he would plant a clone of himself inside the Lights territory and create and opening for the Archon of Darkness to attack. When this clone was made this clone was given a mortal neck so that disobedience could be punished. When the clone was planted Fate itself decided to join in and made the clone the Archon of Fate, Danger.
As soon as Fate made his Archon the others were jealous and made their own Archons. Little did they know the Darkness had gained such severe power that their Archons could not survive on their own and were forced to band together in order for survival.
Fate, Light and Creation all joined together while Time, Darkness and Destruction did the same. There was a bend in the plan though, which was the case of Danger. Danger not only was a clone of the Archon of Darkness but was also the Archon of Fate himself so the three had to discuss about him. They figured all their Archons cant survive on their own but if they all joined together to improve the Archon of Fate they thought that victory would come easier so Light, Creation and Fate shared the same Archon, Danger.
Meanwhile the other three observed this in dismay and decided that the only way they can win against such a incident as Danger is if they all joined together as well so they all shared the Archon of Darkness and thus the struggle began. Danger's fate was bound and both Danger and the Archon of Darkness were forced into a eternal conflict over the universe to fight a war which cant be won nor lost.
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random stuff for my journal
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Thanks to GenTriger, my signature is not boring.

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