Age: 17
Species: Succubus;Demonic Seductress, female demon believed to have sexual intercourse with sleeping men
Looks: Lilith is a beautiful creature. Her natural form is both breathtaking and demonic. She stands at a height of 5'4" and her skin has an alabaster quality that literally radiates when she enters a room. Her hair is as black as the midnight sky and snakes down her body all the way down to her naval. She has dangerous curves, and impressive features (facial and otherwise). Her eyes are round lotus blooms of the purest silver with hints of the most unearthly blue. Lilith also bears four distinct marks that betray her true nature. The first noticeable mark is her black, bat-like wings. Her second distinct mark is a pair of thin, yet sharp horns that curve out and away from her forehead. They seem almost like ram's horns except for their smooth structure, and a radiant black sheen. Her least obvious mark is her exceptional fangs. Her favorite of these four distinctions is her tail which resembles a whip. Like that of most Succubi her teeth are razor sharp but, no larger than a typical humans. Lilith can change these features at will and may appear in virtually any form taking on any characteristics she desires. However, she is not capable of changing gender.
Personality: Lilith is an enigma to all who encounter her. She tends to have violent mood swings and can be frightfully dangerous. It will become clear over time, that Lilith is more calculating and manipulative than she lets on. She is deceptively charming and will not hesitate to use her charm on anybody. Lilith prefers not to destroy mortals outright as she enjoys bending them to her will and uses any method to do so. For her it is not the act of killing the "prey" that is most rewarding, but the act of breaking them. She enjoys tempting men, and woman of virtue with her wiles. Her sole purpose for being is to seek pleasure, and at times pain in all forms. She enjoys the company of humans so long as they keep her entertained. Her idea of entertainment can be provocative, or perverse acts of pleasure, or the simple act of breaking a person's spirit and turning them to evil. She is notoriously fickle. Power to her is an aphrodisiac and the rarest from of power is that which is wrested from another. Humans fear her and most other creatures hate her because of what she is. to undergo the transition that will transform her into the ultimate demon queen... perhaps even then she will not be satisfied until she achieves the ultimate title of power and respect.
Likes: Her tail, bending the will of others and being evil.
Fighting Skills/Abilities: Offending the first born daughter of the Queen of Darkness is no laughing matter. In any encounter if she is attacked or threatened she will usually walk away, although; there are times when she will attack... depending on her mood. Lilith is able to see into the minds of her potential victims and determine their deepest fantasies and desires and determine any traits or mannerisms that will attract her victim to her. She is as equally skilled at hand to hand combat as she is with magic.
Sisters:Kira & Risika
Towards her father Lilith is very respectful, her father is a God of sorts in their family. Though like every other teenage, she does and will often get into it a bit with her father. As far as her sisters go, Lilith seems to find them annoying mostly. Though she gets pissy when others make fun of, or bother her sisters in anyway. Lilith believes that's her job, and shes the only one who has the right to do so. Even though most of the time she doesn't get along with them, she does care about and love her sisters very much.
Not many people get to see Lilith in her natural form, in fact it is rare for even her sisters or father to see her in her natural state. Most will see her in the forms below:

Lilith's favorite form, most people will see her in this form.

One of her many form that she takes when she wants to change things up for a bit.