note that the p-files for them are realy old and i havent as of yet made all the spelling mistakes go way yet and know how bad i am at spelling i most likely will not the same gose for grammer and all that stuff too
Name: Tekva Mieam Yeldah
Breed: Mermaid
Age: 19ish
Apperace: Shes a young about 19 her skin is bronze and faint scares line her slim figuer her tail is black and crimson she she is about 6 foot in hight dont under estmate her she keeps daggers hidden under her shirt
Story: she lived in Alamandor the under water city of the merpeople till the day her and her life changed for ever. she was still young only 4 when it happened being called 'Merhunters' attacked the kingdom. she was ill and taken out of the kingdom to a near by cave to rest by her mother the queen of her people, later that day every one was killed. though merpeople can withstand grate injury as long as most of there body is intacked yet sadly the 'Merhunters' where after the tails for on the land there is a legend saying that if two lovers eat the tail of the mermaid both of them will be together forever. thankfullly she was not the only one that survived the blood bath 7 others lived only one of the 7 was another female. in order to see there young prencess to adult hood they raised her as a kinght and trained to fight like one but sadly the others fell to illness or a merhunter all of them giveing there life to save her. in pay ment for there sacrefice when she was older she mastered the magic of her people and perfected it she evenged them and killed most of Merhunters. but they proved to strong and she uesd a spell to hide her on the land but alass she can not go fare from the water or she will be weakened and left helpless but she grew stronger and her quest to evenge her people goes on
the songs of power
Challa- song of dreems -puts people to sleep for about a hour or so depending on how strong the song is calms them
Kashe- song of laughter - makes people laught histaricly
Aushan- song of fear - makes people scream as they are forcesed to face there darkest fears
shi- song of tears- makes people relive worst pains makes them cry
Yehn- song of death - kills them - wiht less power used to 'kill' memories in the mind cauesing them to forget - in time botht the death of the mind and locked away memoried can be undone but taked years to work most bodyes that havethere mind 'killed' die in a few weaks
all songs work no mater what only the level of effect differs (songs taken from the Echorium Sequence)
she dealy with her fathers sword and any blade for that mater
She can munliulat the water (heating, frezeing, makeing wirl pools, titale waves, ect.)
She knows all about posions and how to forge them in to any blade making the slimplest cut deadly.

Name: Her name was Rose but after her 12 years of impresenment in her dark cell she forgot it
Bread:Half witch
Age: She is 18 but she looks like she is only 7-8 do to being in her cramped cell
Apperace: She is about 4 foot 5 inches tall her skin is paller then the vampiers that raised her but out of some strand of respect they never bit her to change or to feed on her. at the time she was found she was little more then a liveing sceleton but after she was nurced back to helth she was quite sunning but still nuhealthy thin her hair is bleach blond and her eyes still have that child like inosence to them
Story: Her mother was a half blooded witch like the others in her blood line she was a vampier hunter but days before she was due she became pray for her pray. she was biten but not killed she was turned and whould have killed her slef had there not been hope for her child to still live. about 4 days later she died gived new life to her child but she looked more like the vampier that bit her mother then her mother and father. as was her mothers blood lines custum she gave birth in the woods alone when she did not return they came looking for her and saw ther alli dead the child and knew that she must be eather killed or sent away not able to kill a life that had not begone to live they gave her to a retierd hunter to raise her. but about 3 years after that day her powers showed them self in a viloent explosn. her step father now fearing her put her to a dark cell where no light could get in. she lived in there for 12 years not knowing if she was awake or asleep after 4 weaks the two where the same to her in her medataton the darkness took form in side her. she lived on wateing ever day for the only sounds that came to her the soft sliding of a tray of thin soup and bread from the dubble seald door. in what seamed to her as an eturnity ther came a day when her step father snaped he came in to the cell and beat her almost killing her but her power showed it self again this time she had little more control then last time but now they where new transformed from the darkness she sent a dark arc that cut him in two the power relesed to do that caught the attenson of two vampiers twins Kalos and Thanos. they found her and took her in seeing her potencal. potencal to turn the tide on the vampier hunters by haveing a hunter of the hunters. in time she chould stand to see some light but she still need sunglass to go out in to the day light under full sunlight. but in time Kalos and Thanos became just a crule and hurtfull as her former steap father but she was trusting of them and didnt know till she was older. now shes on her own trying to tame her powers. she is sitll weak and ill but she can fight and will if she has to.
She has the power to form shadows changeing what is there.
She can turn the shaows in to solid objets mostly barryres swords and contaners.
*powers can not be controled*

(i know the hair color is wrong but its a close as i can find with google)
Name: Kara
Age: 24
Parents: Her father is the first Singer Kherron and her mother is Gilly a birthing house nany on the Echorium
Bread: Human Singer
Apperace: she is a fair woman about 6 foot tall rolled by the sea her skin is bronze in coloer like all singers her hair is died blue to help chanale the blue stones power her eyes are gray and look to shift with her mood
Story: she was born on the Isle of Echoes on the Echorium and being the child of the youngest 2nd and 1st singer they knew she would be just a good with the songs of power. as she gurew she like her father could hear half creaturs but un like her father she never lost that ablity and still uses that power along with the songs of power to enforce treatys and punush thoes who brake them like her father she has a short temper and is a strong fighter with or with out the songs of power
the songs of power
Challa- song of dreems
Kashe- song of laughter
Shi- song of tears
Aushan- song of fear
Yehn- song of death
all songs work no mater what only the time that they take effect chages
(see Tekva to see what the songs do)
the gift of half speach (she can talk to animals and half creaturs half human and half animal beings) works best with quetlzas (half human half bird)

Name: Raven.
Bread: Human
Apperance: She a tipical 19 yr old girl in her looks the only thing that sets her appart is her black eyes and raven hair
Parents: Her mother and father where animle experts her mother a forest ranger and her father a wild life vet
Story: Her fathers family had set up the Dragondor wild life perserve and ever since she was young she was around animals. her mother would make a joke about how well she could handel any animla tame or wild saying that she could 'talk' to them. when she was about 9 her parents saved a mt. lion cub but lost there lives to the pochers that wanted to have the cub. ever since then she lived on the perserve with her granmother and the mt lion kitty in time another animal joined there family a wolf named stormshadow. when she was in school the kids picked on her for liveing in the woods. her mother and father belived the teachers wthere inferior and home schooled her far beond her grade level caues of that she hardly stays in the class more then a few minues. when shes home she works at the perserve giveing toures helping the animals and all that jazz. and also like her wepons simth grandfather has resantley started to leran now to make sharp but beautful daggers and swords
she can talk to animals
good wiht daggers

Name: Shatora Goldstein
Race: witch
Age: 11
Appearance: she as a typical Israelite girl lightly tanned skin her hair is a blackish brown her eyes also a dark hazel she is about 5 foot 7 - 5 foot 8 around her neck you would find 2 neckless one of a Jewish star with 6 different colored gem stones on the points a white onyx pendent in the shape of either a dragons face or a demon depending on what way you look at it she is most often seen in an ankle length skirt of any color mostly light green light blue or dark red with any light weight mid length sleeved top
Story: Shatora was born and raised in Israel in Jerusalem she was from a pure blood wizarding family when she turned 5 she started going to the IHMA(isrealy hebrew magical accadimy ) unlike most wizarding schools they start at the IHMA at about 5 and have 12 yrs of magical education in stead of only 7 starting at the age of 11 her family sent her off to Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizasdry to start as a first year there after some disagreaments with what IHMA was telling and teaching the atending students

Name: Gaia
Age: forever 17
Appearance: she stands about 5 foot 5 with short angel wings comeing out of her sholder blades her brown hair just falls pasts her sholders most offent seen in the two peace blue dress she was killed in
Race: gardean angel (in training)
Story(befor she died): she was born in to an upper class family and was one of the most sout after girl for the mascrade ball but that night she was muredded by a strange man in the wood she was shot in the back with a psioned arrow and was un able to get back to the town befor it took her life
Story(after she died): after 20 years of being dead she was called to protect a young mage this was her first 'assinement' she sadly failed her task after the same group that killed her took her 'charges' life she knew that there was little she could have done to help save his life or stop his life from being taken but still felt she wasnt ready to help the liveing yet

Name:Luna Crest
Age:12 (not realy sure how fast they age so that may be young or late teens in human years)
Apperance: she stands about 5'6 with black feathers over her body with a small white cresten moon scar over her forhead where new coloerless white feathers grew in long 12' wings protude from her sholdder her entier body is covered in that black down her feet are like most birds talons and her hand though human like are clawed like her toes deep dark black eye look out from her bird like face tho the size and shape of a humans her nose and mouth are a beak
Story: most Queztal come from a rainbow colerd egg and have beautfuly coloerd feathers but not Luna Crest she was born in a gray and coloerless egg witch due to a legond that grate that distruction would come from the birth of the dark qeuztal born from a gray egg her egg was roled out of the nest in hope it would smash on the way down out of the tree but out of some dumb luck most likely it didnt brake and her flock left thinking she was dead now she was left to grow up on her own she is unable to talk at all (by talking i mean speaking what ever she wants) she can only mimic every thing she hears in the same voice she hears it only talking telepathicly in wild speach but few humans can hear her
the gift of the mimicing from the Memoryplace- Ancestral meomry of the queztal verey accrate and secret behind the queztals ability to mimic and there gift to perfect recall

Name: Sora
Race: Human/physic
Apperance: she is about 6' even with dark black hair and black eyes commonly mistaken for a goth
Story: she was born in to a well off family not poor not ritch just right to rase a child she had a normal child hood till she turned 9 she got lost and wonderd in to an forgoten grave yard where she hurd things and saw things that would make most run for there lives she saw beings from hell and heaven in that same instant she found her slef hovering above the ground and relised that she had awoken part of her dorment mind the part many never learn to harnse and was able to not only feel the persents of ghost but see then and talk to then as well from that day on she devoeted her self to meditation so never to lose her gift witch her partnets believed she did have and encouraged her to tap more and more in to her gitfts and master them fully
bond with ghosts and let then use her body to talk to and comunicat with there lost family or use there power to fight battles or what not
she as also learnd how to tap in to the liveings mind to contorl them this can some times hurt both her and the person she is takeing over so its rarely done