The Sound That Sand makes. (A Kabuto and Gaara love story.) *4*
By XiaraRose or XiaraXRose
Your footsteps started to feel heavy with each step you took to get to Orochimaru's room. Kabuto would occasionally look at you and whip his head back when you would catch him in the act. "When I leave, will you miss me?" You asked while crossing your arms in front of you. Kabuto put his hands behind his head and looked at you, "Of course I would."
You kind of giggled from the fact of how he said it, "Is this Kabuto saying that or his other personality?" Kabuto gave you a sarcastic head shaking of no and looked forward again. That what was so funny about him. One moment he'll be the heartless and cold Kabuto and the next moment he'll be Mr.Nice Guy.
You guys finally reached the entrance to the door and Kabuto knocked on it firmly. "Lord Orochimaru, we are about to leave. Is there any last requests?" You felt your body shiver from that word, the word 'last'. "Yes Kabuto, both of you come in." The doors swung open from the ninjas inside as both of you entered. You guys bowed and Orochimaru signaled you to rise again. "Kabuto I want you to bring her to the Kazekage alive. If you fail to do this task, I'll kill you." You felt your stomach twist but Kabuto remamined emotionless, "Yes my lord." Orochimaru then eyed both of you one more time before he said in a slithering voice, "You may go."
You both nodded again and exited the room to the outside of the lair. Then in a blink of an eye, both of you lept into the trees. You guys traveled for hours without speaking once to eachother until you reached the edge of the forest to the desert. "We'll stop and eat here." Kabuto said as he sat down on a rock and started to pull out a box of rice balls and food. "Here." Said Kabuto abruptly as he passed you the box so you could pull out a rice ball. You guys ate for a while and shared the water until you broke the silence, "Kabuto."
It was the only word that came into your head. "Yes?" Kabuto asked questionally while wiping some rice away from his face. You opened your mouth softly, "Are you ever going to visit me in Suna?" It took him a moment for an answer but it eventually came out, "Yes, when I'm able to." You nodded and continued to eat.
You guys eventually finished and packed away the supplys before you decided to head again. The sand was soft and hot on your feet just like how you remembered. At this rate you guys would probably take an hour from what you knew from past experiences. You fell behind a little until you felt your body go forward from Kabuto yanking on your arm, "______, I can't keep slowing down because of you. I need to be back at the Sound Village before tommorow morning." You were surprised from his desperate attempt to go forward but you obeyed.
"Kabuto." It was the second time you had a idea come towards you on the whole trip. Kabuto looked towards you with a smile, "What?" You looked up towards the sand hills coming closer to you, "Why do you think the Kazekage is so desperate in finding me?" Kabuto looked at you annoyed again, "Maybe he misses you, I don't KNOW!!!" You lurched backwords from his reaction. "Okay, sorry."
Finally after a few minutes the gates were coming closer to both of you. Standing guard were two Sand Ninja looking stern. "State your business." Said one of the taller ones gruffly. "We'r-" You were about to talk but Kabuto put his hand over your mouth and smiled cheesily, "We're from the Sound Village and I have come here to give the Kazekage _____ ______ like he requested."
The men's eyes started to angry until you saw a guy dresssed in black open the huge door with an irritated look on his face. He had purple all over his face and had a puppet on his back. The face dissapeared into a surprised one when he saw you. Then it hit you who it was also, "Kankuro is that you?!" You removed from Kabuto's grasp and ran up to Kankuro happily. "You know it! So your still _______ right?" You nodded and smiled. "So the Sound village didn't kill you after all. By the looks of it they actually made you one of them." You looked at him wierdly until you noticed he was pointing your head protector on your arm. "Uh yeah, but I'm also from Suna!" Kankuro smiled and ruffled your hair up, "That's my girl!"
That what was the funny thing with Kankuro. He was always like a brother to you. No matter how much of a perv he is. The guy who didn't dissapear in the fire. "Well enough talking and let's get walking. We can't keep the Kazekage waiting. Kabuto and you nodded as you both walked through the doors into the village that you missed dearly.
The funny thing was that nothing had changed. The building were still sand in matierial and the people still circled around to for shops and tourists. Kabuto looked around amazed as you guys kept walking. Finally you reached the gate to the main tower for the Kazekage. It was surrounded by a gate with scatter girls everywhere. "Who are these women?" You asked while trying to barge through them all dragging Kabuto behind by his hand. "Fangirls of the Kazekage's." Kankuro grumbled as he started to walk up the sand wall. Kabuto and you shrugged as both of you followed him up the sand wall also. When you reached the other side there were small amount of sand ninja guarding the entrance. They opened the doors for all of you and you guys entered witout hesitation.
You remembered a time when you had to go in the tower to find Temari to hang out with her. You guys climbed through the sand made staircases and hallways until you guys reached 2 big doors. "This way." Kankuro motioned he opened the door and Kabuto walked in ahead of you as you followed after.
Inside was a big room with a huge round table in the middle of it. Around it was a whole bunch of ninja leaders and at the head you saw a man dressed in robes with a blue hat. Unfortuantely you couldn't see his face because it was veiled. Kabuto put a arm around you and lead you towards the Kazekage. "Here is who you requested, _______ ________."
The Kazekage looked you over and he motioned Kankuro off. One of the elders stood up from his chair and pointed to Kabuto, "You may leave now you man. Your sacrifices is outside. Now please we wish to speak to _______ about our terms." Kabuto had an angry look on his face and walked up to you and pulled out a kunai to your throat and held your arms behind you. Everyone gasped while you felt your throat get heavy. 'Doesn't he realize that if I die he does,' you asked yourself as you stared into his eyes.
His eyes showed no emotion. You hated those eyes, ecspecially feeling helpless with a kunai to your throat. Kabuto smled deviously, "Let me listen, if not then _____ ______ will die by my hand." You looked at the Kazekage helplessly waiting for what he was going to do. You saw a massive amount of sand coming throught the window slowly so Kabuto didn't notice. "Well, what is your answer?" Kabuto asked again as the kunai came closer to your throat.
Then the sand shot up and knocked the kunai out of his hands. Then it slammed him against the wall. You looked around the table for who's jutsu it was but you saw the Kazekage's hand slowly rise up above his head along with Kabuto and the sand. You spoke up, but you never realized what came out of your mouth, "Gaara don't!"