Been a long time since I put a new dream in. Had a few good ones. Here's last nights bizzare one:
I was driving with- for some reason- Sandra Bullock and Ashton Kutcher. There was the insanely horrible accident that went through but they wouldn't stop to help any of the half dozen cars in it. In the back of my little dream head, I knew mom was in the crash.
So then we get to ... heck... somewhere. A parking lot in front of a church like the one around my old school. And things get weird. XD
Everyone is eating a coughdrop. I don't want one. They reaaaally want me to eat it for it is THE COUGHDROP OF CONFORMITY!!! O_O Must've been because I watched the Invasion recently.
So... some running away... a cousin of mine shows up (he's a kid for some reason) and tries to convince me to eat it.
More running. Run through a school but now there's a super threating man in black striding all imposingly after me and I just can't get away from him.
I think I eventually ate the eeebil coughdrop. It was cherry. o_O
If you want to have bizzare dreams take Welbutrin. It'll mess you up!
With coughdrops of conformity! O_O
Bye now.
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Dreams of Eternity
Random babbling and descriptions of my often vivid and bizzare dreams.
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