There was once a stupid kid who's name was Jingle.Jingle was a mean kid,who played practical jokes on Gaians and insulted every one and bullies every one.
He was also mean to his pets,
put his kaya in the washing machine and flushed his
grunny down the toilet.
one day,his parents went to a party.They said "Jingle,be good,and don't suck up kiki with a vacuum cleaner again,or else the midnight wolf will get you!"
"LOL!"Said Jingle,after his parents had left."What bull crap!"
He rushed to the phone.
"Hay,Roneon,guess what"
"My parents said the 'midnight wolf' will come if I'm bad,what a joke!"
"It's no joke,Jingle."
"Your stupid!"
So Jingle hanged up and went to fry his coco.Then,suddenly,a erie
"HOLWWOOOOOOO" filled the room.He dropped his coco and hid under the kitchen table.THUD...THUD...THUD...THUD......SNIFF SNIFF....GRRRRR.....!
Jingle was to scared to open his eyes,but he didn't need to to know who that was.
When his parents came back,there was blood everywhere,human blood.His Mum spoke in a shivering voice "The Midnight Wolf...

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