I feel like a took a downer. Though I've finally been clean for almost a month and a half. (It kinda sucks) Though I get to drink. ^.^ (Not alot I don't need it.)
I've been writting alot. Which is a good thing. (EVERY GOOD) Now maybe I can start getting my books published.
I'm trying to distance myself from Troy (HAHAHA ..I made a funny. He fricken lives in Arizona, Like I need anymore distance.)
It's been hard I miss him! I haven't seen him since June. D :
I whine to much If I whine anymore People will call me a Emo.
I want to go swimming. The only day of the summer that I have ever want to go swimming. I can't. Damnit!
I <3 LSG (Not LSD)
"My c**k is much bigger than yours, my c**k can walk right through the door with a feeling so pure"
Cigaro such a nice song.
I might be going to a SOAD Concert *Hopes*
I feel so depressed, I'm not whining I'm stating a fact. It seems whenever I take my Prozac I get depressed and when I don't take it I'm fine. Damn doctors.
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Mikio-chan's Tainted thoughts
This is pretty much about my days and my thoughts and what not i guess im very agruementive so i should have a lot to say about things i guess
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Don't you want somebody to love?

You better find somebody to love.
-Jefferson Airplane &