Vapor: Woah! You mean were actually doing it?
Flare: yup! Were going online!
Vapor: woot!!!!!!
Sharn: took long enough!
Flare: yup! almost a year
Vapor: were going online! were going online!
Airo: people of the interwebz i have a very important question....
Frost: *freezes him* Airo were trying to make a good impression!
Shade: sooooooo what now
Kurai: introduce ourselves?
Flare: theylle figure it out
Lust: your being lazy arent you? heart
Flare: nooooooooooooooooooooo << >>
Shadow: Alright! were taking over the internet!
~Eskudo Flare Higrushimi
Comment and i'll give you a cookie

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