Total Value: 32,943,484 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Freddy Claws (:
Demonic Pitchfork
Horns of the Demon
Demonic Anklets
Demonic Pendant
Shadow Spirit
Oculus Magica
Demonic Anklets
Demonic Anklets
Devil Tail
Nitemare Headband
Nitemare Bustier
Vampire Hunter Hat
dream avvi 9

Total Value: 31,581,209 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Oculus Mythica
Devil Tail
Horns of the Demon
Black Fishnet Stockings (:
Nitemare Bustier
Demonic Pitchfork
Demonic Anklets
Demonic Anklets
Demonic Pendant
dream avvi 10

Total Value: 34,017,640 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Heart of Gold
Morgana's Gloves (:
Striped Stockings
Nitemare Bustier
Vampire Hunter Hat
Rock Hard
Gift of the Goddess
Elemental Wings
Demonic Anklets
Chyaku Norisu Scarf
Demonic Pitchfork
Vampire Bite Marks (:
Alruna's Rose
Demonic Pendant
Horns of the Demon
Devil Tail
Chain Wallet
Oculus Mythica
dream avvi 11

Total Value: 30,473,528 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Long-Stem Red Rose
Fausto's Bottle 2nd gen.
Blushing Bride's Veil
Biancamella 4th Gen
Elemental Wings
Solar Headdress
Angelic Bracelet
Winged Anklets
Angelic Pendant
Angelic Sash
Silver Tiara (:
Devoted Pawn (:
Elegant Veil
White Stockings (:
as u can tell i have no life (:
love ya peeps 4laugh
~ xxxVampirexGeexxx ~