Total Value: 1,051,916 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Celebrity Date
Elemental Wings
Rock Hard
Magical Girl
Black Pearl Vinyl Strap Top
Gothic Veil
GO Phones
Lunar Scythe
Lunar Scythe
Neutral Punk Starter Pants
Ribbon Luv Sleeves Black
Satin Hairbow
Black Glamrock Belt
Kitty Slippers
CoCo Kitty Plushie
Dark Halo
Demonic Anklets
Deluxe Cat Ears
Cat Tail
Here's the one whith just the stuff I want and not the stuff I have. ^^

Total Value: 1,004,088 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Celebrity Date
Elemental Wings
Rock Hard
Magical Girl
Black Pearl Vinyl Strap Top
GO Phones
Lunar Scythe
Lunar Scythe
Satin Hairbow
Black Glamrock Belt
CoCo Kitty Plushie
Dark Halo
Demonic Anklets
If you can, pweez help out! I'll be forever grateful!
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